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Everything posted by DLuis

  1. Hi Pete, What a great news, really very happy to see this effort. I already compiled my software with the new source code (can't use the lib because I'm using Code Blocks with GCC x64 compiler) and WOW, my 64-bit now connects like a charm and read/write offsets with the provided WideClient 7110. With this change, I believe that more people will start to program native 64-bit software. Now I believe that a have a code problem. I'm calling FSUIPC_Read 12 times (total of 20 bytes) before calling the FSUIPC_Process. In the "server side", everything works great, but in the "client side", not really. How many calls of FSUIPC_Read or total of bytes (DWORD size) can I make before the FSUIPC_Process in the 32-bit WideFS?
  2. Wow, what a quick response. I don't have any kind of hurry, besides, just to know that within days the WideFS maybe is compatible with 64-bit software is amazing. I could program in 32-bit, but since I'm going to start from scratch, why not in 64-bit, since in these days most of the software are. Once again, thank you for the quick response.
  3. Hello, I want to make a 64-bit software (from scratch), so I tried the connection with WideFS that I've downloaded the from schiratti.com and I made this simple test: Opened the WideClient.exe, then UIPChello.exe and I get the message "Maybe running on WideClient, but FS not running on Server, or wrong FSUIPC". Since FSUIPC was not running, I believe that UIPChello.exe connected correctly to the WideFS. But when I made the same test with UIPChello64.exe, I get the message "Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient". Well, since WideFS is a 32-bit, i believe that is not possible to connect 64-bit compiled software to WideFS. If so, can someone tell me how? If not, is there a 64-bit WideFS or will be?
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