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Everything posted by VANANTWERPEN

  1. Thank you for your time... and the promptness of your responses. say hello to Pete. Gilles from Bordeaux.
  2. Yes i use it (they are set on the FMGSA320 System and work fine) work only with engine run with little power or reverser on... but with pushback no. today, I use a coolie hat 4 switches with 0X31F4 offset UP for stop (3) DOWN for right pusback (0) and RIGHT and LEFT to go to the sides (1 or 2). it works but I am dependent on the delay before the turn. also I cannot change the angle (in radians in the offset 0X334 PB angle) to maneuver as I wish right on the yellow line... sorry to bother you with this little whim.... I was thinking that you might have a solution to adjust the turn rate of the pushback to make it more aesthetic (perfect is perfect) Still thanks John Gilles
  3. i have tested... this work only with the reverses engines.... not good for credibility!! lol with shift P or 3,1,2,in pushback offset no change. and not find events /controls which relates to it gilles
  4. Thanks John for this quick response! i use P3D V4.5, FSUIPC6 WIDEFS7 and the plane is the one used by JEEHELLWARE FMGSA320, it is the one from projectairbus you gave me the idea to check out their forum.... no I have never tested what you are proposing, I have doubts that it will not work in reverse (pushback) but you never know...! I will test this right away and let you know. all the best Gilles
  5. hello peter and john, I have done quite a bit of research on the subject but without success. I would like to drive the pushback at an angle using the tillers on my homemade A320 cockpit. All variables founded, offset, lvar etc... are not writable. Do you have any tips or information for my project? best regards Gilles
  6. Hi John, in video , first way don't work at home.(had allready testing before..) Second way at 6.10mn.... Working perfectly! Why make it simple when you can make it complicated ! 🙂 Still thanks and have a good day. Gilles
  7. Thank you John, I had done a lot of research on google but did not see this video which I understood. "Elementary, my dear Watson" Sherlock Homes would have said!! I'll test it rapidly. thanks a lot Gilles
  8. merci John, the problem is indeed WINDOWS, which seems to trigger UAC and therefore prohibits the automatic start of wideclient in administrator mode. I tested this on 3 pc win 10 and the result is the same, wideclient does not launch or tries to launch but cannot. can you testing and place the wideclient shortcut in your start folder of your windows start menu with the run in admin mode option? my path to this menu is "C:\Users\gilles7700k\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" I have put UAC (print screen attached, sorry it's in froggy ! ) to max low and it's the same..... it's annoying, but the common point .... is me! if you have an idea? thanks to you.
  9. Sorry, the Sim is P3D v4.5 and Wideclient is V6
  10. Hi all, here FSUIPC and WIDEclient has no problem. I want to run wideclent automatically when my Windows 10 PC starts up in administrator mode. If I do it without admin mode it's ok. On the other hand, nothing happens if I check the option as admin. I need this option because in the wideclient.ini I launch different things (runready) such as FMGSA320 from JEEHELL which claims to be launched as admin. if I don't run Wideclient as admin, wideclient gives me an error. I did a search in this forum and found the solution given by peter "run wideclient as admin." If I launch wideclient manually with the mouse, everything is ok... thank you for your feedback and your enlightened ideas best regards Gilles
  11. sorry, in my question to John, instead of reading Events, read Controls. the events are the consequence of the controls ... Gilles
  12. Hi John, pete and doon1 I was just asking myself the same question as doon1. after unplugging all my USB devices I noticed the same thing, so it's noise as John rightly says. there are planes without noise ... and others with ... Events are not always the same function of planes. I will therefore use the function proposed by john. little question for him: can we launch an event on the action of a Button through an OFFSET? as with WIDECLIENT / IOCARD / SIOC language on another pc without having to use the virtual joystick (3340) and declaration in button & switch assignments? Thank for your job and this forum. Gilles near Bordeaux hips!
  13. hello -the slave visual must be with Y command (slew mode) i don't know the soft WANFS? also normaly wide client can't work with an fs ou p3d running on same pc (it there one possibility but not good for your need). if you know LUA you have sample with masterclient.lua and slaveserver.lua . this tow scrips allows to transmet the 6 vars needed to the slave (y mode) longitude, latitude, pitch,bank,hdg and altitude. so the slave visual follow the master. (you must givethe good ip address on each scripts) best regard gilles
  14. hello peter, here nothing important, I know you have other cat to whip (French expression, sorry, I love cats anyway). Offset 3340 ..... you say 4x9=36 Bytes.. ok and so 9 virtual joy.. so it 's not numbered 64 to 73 but 72 may be? still thank's for your Job and especially the support you want to give us. all the best for you Gilles
  15. Hello Pete, as I promised, I'm reporting back to you on my tests over a longer period of time. everything seems to be working, we have no more mistakes. thanks again. gilles.
  16. hello Pete, I went to the simulator yesterday late afternoon. (I didn't have much time. ) I changed all clients on 6 PCs, used the TCP protocol and master's fixed IP address on ini file . Everything seems to work, no errors as indicated in object reported in logs file. so I'll be doing tests on Friday night on a longer usage time. Thank you a thousand times for your reactivity and the efficiency of your work. If you wish to have specific files, please let me know. best regards Gilles from bordeaux
  17. pete i must leave my home now... i mail you back tomorrow thanks gilles
  18. pete for information. pc Master have 2 network card. one for internet, one for local fsnetwork 6 clients 1 pc instrum also 2 pc spare also 3-4-5-6 pc (efis 1-2-3 and instrum) only one network card. may be bad acces but ok with old client (witch have master adr write in ini file) my config network joined sorry too big, so in my google drive https://drive.google.com/open?id=1H6D7eF6An87P6oKaKsts1-kPgcZtUdy gilles
  19. pete thanks, -yes all clients have same issues, ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! plenty of lines just these lines after the firsts lines of connexion and launch pm apply. i'm happy to have the backup 0.log !! send i 'm not near my cockpit (40 km) my wife don't want a cockpit in the living room! gilles WideServer0.log
  20. Hi peter, it's very difficult to explain my issues. so i begin.. i have decided to change my visual computer (MASTER) to have P3D V4.1, buy fsuipc5 and use my fsx wideserver licence. my cockpit have 7 computers: one big (before fs2004) and 6 with full Project Magenta software. (before all work normally) with fsuipc3 and wideclient 6.999xx. after make change on 6 clients computer with wideclient 7.14, the system seem to run normaly. But after 4 hours to test and set différents parameters (no in wideclient) the PM software run slowly and finish to not working. after plenty of seach and test we have see that all wideclient log execed 1 or 2 Giga octets!! after autostarting each pm soft we have ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! on rest of log file. we have tested with just one client power on and just one apply (pmsound , then pminstructor, then fsinterrogate2std) always the same (gust of ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! ). in despair of out I tested my old client wideclient for fs2004 all seems ok we have no more error. strange !????? also we have had some stranges impossibility to have fsuipc screen on P3D. i am able to give you all file you want, some are joined here. best regards gilles ********* WideClient Log [version 7.14] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 11/03/18, Time 16:40:04.838: Client name is INSTRUCTEUR-PC 46 LUA: "D:\wideclient\Initial.LUA": not found 124 Attempting to connect now 124 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast 124 Failed to connect: waiting to try again 1185 Attempting to connect now 23462 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast 74381 Server = MASTER 74396 Trying TCP/IP host "MASTER" port 8002 ... 74396 ... Okay, IP Address = 74396 Connection made okay! 74911 d:\pmsystems 74911 D:\pmSystems\pmSystems.exe 75223 d:\pmgetweather 75223 D:\pmgetweather\pmGetWeather.exe 77329 New Client Application: "pmGetWeather" (Id=3956) 83585 New Client Application: "pmsystems" (Id=168) 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! 116345 ###### ERROR: Data Requests Overflow! WideClient.ini FSUIPC5.log WideServer.log
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