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Everything posted by yindengxie

  1. Hello John, I have one question to request your help. We use P3D v5 as visual scene for our simulator. Sometimes it takes off normally. Sometimes, it can not take off and only run in the runway. Are there aany problems for the following settings: if (!FSUIPC_Write(0x05DC, 2, &Slew, &dwResult)) printf("Write Error \n"); //Slew = 1 if (!FSUIPC_Write(0x0BC8, 2, &Parking, &dwResult)) printf("Write Error \n"); //Parking = 0 if (!FSUIPC_Write(0x0262, 2, &Pause, &dwResult)) printf("Write Error \n"); //Pause = 1 if (!FSUIPC_Write(0x055C, 4, &InFlight, &dwResult)) printf("Write Error \n"); //InFlight = 0; //0 in-flight, 1 on-ground =========================================================================== THANKS! Dengxie Yin
  2. Hello John, THANKS for your feedback! I have the following question to request your help. What is your purpose of FSUIPC? We have purchased your FSUIPC, what can we do with FSUIPC? Best Regards! Dengxie
  3. Hello John, Good Morning! Yesterday, you sent me the "FSUIPC Status of IPC for P3D4 and P3D5", THANKS! Our hardware devices write and read data through your above_mentioned FSUIPC to (from) P3D5, to implement A320 flight simulator. Is it possible? Best Regards! Dengxie
  4. Hello John, Does the collumn FS Read mean the P3D reads the values we input to P3D? Does the collumn FS Write mean the P3D writes the values we receive from P3D? Is it correct ? THANKS!
  5. THANKS, John! We are working A320. Are all offsets included in the FSUIPC Offsets Status document for A320 ? NICE Weekend! Best Regards!
  6. Hello John, Good Morning! Can you send me the FSUIPC Offset Document for P3D V5? THANKS and Best Regards! Dengxie
  7. Hello John, thanks for your reply ! My questions are as follows: If we use Jeehell320, FSUIPC and P3D then is the A320 flight dynamics models inside P3D? If we use ProSim320, FSUIPC and P3D then is the A320 flight dynamics models inside P3D? If we use iFly737, FSUIPC and P3D then is the B737 flight dynamics models inside P3D? If we use Jeehell320, FSUIPC and MSFS then is the A320 flight dynamics models inside MSFS? If we use ProSim320, FSUIPC and MSFS then is the A320 flight dynamics models inside MSFS? If we use iFly737, FSUIPC and MSFS then is the B737 flight dynamics models inside MSFS? Is it correct for my above-mentioned understanding? Very many thanks! Dengxie
  8. Hello Pete, I have a question to request your help: Aerodynamics (Flight dynamics) are NOT implemented inside the Jeehell or the ProSim, but Aerodynamics (Flight dynamics) are implemented inside P3D or MSFS through your FSUIPC interface with the Jeehell or the ProSim. Is it correct for my understanding? THANKS and Best Regards! Dengxie
  9. Hello John, THANKS! Can you send me the FSUIPC6a installer? I find somebody to have the same problem with me to use your FSUIPC6a installer. Best Regards! Dengxie
  10. I have the P3Dv5 Setup successful. When I install FSUIPC6 v6.0.11 Setup, I got the error message " Cannot find P3Dv4 or P3Dv5 installation ans so cannot install." What is my problem? I request your help and soupport. THANKS! Dengxie
  11. Cannot find P3Dv4 or P3Dv5 installation ans so cannot install. What is my problem? I request your help and soupport. THANKS! Dengxie
  12. Windows 10, P3D v5, FSUIPC6 v6.0.11 I create one my folder, however, It does not continue go to register dialog box and end the installtion. my folder is empty, nothing.
  13. Before, I have been installed them in C:\User\..\Document\ No problem! Today, I am first to meet the problem.
  14. Very many Thanks John! If I do not install FSUIPC under my Documents folder. How to P3D v5 to find the add_on?
  15. No error messgaes. FSUIPC6 can not be installed, P3D v5 can not do Add_0n. It does not continue go to register dialog box and end the installtion.
  16. FSUIPC6 can not be installed in C:\User\..\Document\ Nothings are be installed in the directory=> empty. Windows 10, P3D v5, FSUIPC6 v6.0.11 What is my problem? Please help me. THANKS! Dengxie
  17. Hello Pete, Several months ago, I can start MSFS 2020 with your MSFS with FSUIPC7. Today I can not start MSFS 2020 with your MSFS with FSUIPC7. Today my computer is not connected to Internet, is it the cause that the MSFS 2020 can not started? In other words, ONLY my computer is connected to the Internet, MSFS 2020 can be started and running. But my computer is connected to WIFI. THANKS! Dengxie
  18. THANKS, John!
  19. Hello John, At present, I am working on FSUIPC7 and MSFS 2020. Have you the weather data settings interface between FSUIPC7 and MSFS 2020? THANKS! Dengxie
  20. Hello Pete, Thank you very much for your detailed explanation! THANKS for your help and support! Best Regards! Dengxie
  21. It must have some good ways to set the METAR weather in your FSUIPC6. OpusFSI Flight Simulator Interface for P3D may be to use your FSUIPC to set various weather conditions for P3D. It works very well!
  22. Hello Pete, Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. It seems that MEATAR weather settings are a bit complicated in FSUIPC6. We cannot individually set rain, snow, and thunder, and we must have a combination of rain or snow or thunder to meet their corresponding weather conditions. Only in this way can P3D recognize and decode correctly, to change weather. For examples: sprintf(TxBuffer, "GLOB METAR RA"); // Rail does not work sprintf(TxBuffer, "GLOB METAR SN"); //Snow does not work sprintf(TxBuffer, "GLOB METAR 27015KT 7SM +RA HZ TS FG DZ +UP BKN055CB 30/17 A2974"); // Rain work well --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS and Best Regards! Dengxie
  23. METAR Data Format Document from www.P3D.com P3D Metar Data Format.docx
  24. Hello Pete, Thank you very much for your patient help and support. 1) "+VCTSRA means severe thunderstorm with rain in the vicinity." it is cited from METAR Data Format of P3D. 2) I do not know how to set WeatherSet2 without reference document. Can you give me a sample WeatherSet2 setting? 3) Today I do the the following test: It is not necessary to set the following two lines at initiation. uint16 TxValue = 0x0005; FSUIPC_Write(0xC800, 2, (BYTE *)&TxValue, &dwResult); FSUIPC_Process(&dwResult); I only insert the following three lines on the my loop program, no problem. The weather settings work very well on P3D. sprintf(TxBuffer, "GLOB METAR 27015KT 7SM +RA HZ TS FG DZ +UP BKN055CB 30/17 A2974"); FSUIPC_Write(0xB000, strlen(TxBuffer)+1, (void *)TxBuffer, &dwResult); FSUIPC_Process(&dwResult); 4) I feel that the METAR data format must follow certain weather sequences and combinations, so that P3D can correctly recognize and decode the METAR data format to set the weather conditions we expect. Best Regards! Dengxie
  25. Pete: I still don't think your METAR is sufficient. You aren't setting any clouds, nor QNH. Dengxie: Maybe METAR must be combined into some formats, P3D can ONLY work in the combined weather way.
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