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Everything posted by mer

  1. I'm sorry I didn't absorb that the first time. Thanks a lot
  2. Thank you very much. I was able to understand that the base elevations (lower altitude?) are 3300ft and 32800ft. But I could not follow how the top elevations (upper altitude?) were calculated as 7300ft and 33000 ft. Could you please help?
  3. Hello, How do we obtain Upper Altitude, Lower Altitude and Deviation values for clouds from the metar string? I need these to compare against the values FSUIPC reads Sample cloud sub-strings 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N FSUIPC displays Lower cloud upper Altitude as 2987 and Lower Alt as 1768 with zero deviation. For Middle cloud, the values are 12070 and 12009. Thank you
  4. Hello, I tried to access the altitude values for aloft winds for Global weather using fsuipc offsets. But comparison with the metar string shows these values as wrong My metar string shows 2 aloft winds : 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG So the altitudes should read 2026 and 6026 m respectively But upon using offsets C10C,C11C I get values 6025 m and 6939 m I also tried offset pairs C50C-C51C and CD0C-CD1C (after setting icaoid to glob and writing signature) but i still get the same wrong values Could you guide me on how to do this correctly using C#-FSUIPC client?
  5. Hello Paul, I have another doubt. Are both depth and altitude represented by the Upper Altitude parameter (defined as UpperAlt in NewWeather.h)? I am trying to read the depth/altitude values for Global weather using fsuipc and the offset class from the FSUIPCClient made available by you. On comparison with SimConnect's Metar string for global weather, I get the correct depth values (Last set global wind upper Alt - offset C4fc). But i am getting wrong altitude values (in this case there are 2 aloft winds and I am accessing the offsets C50C and C51C)
  6. I noted that FSInterrogate has offsets for temperature/wind/cloud layer counts. Is there a dedicated offset that gives the number of visibility layers or should we determine this value based on one of the other counts? Thank you
  7. Yes I just fount NewWeather.h. Thank you very much
  8. Thank you, I got that. For wind layers, i tried the same logic. Locations for surface wind layers are 0xC4fc-0xC508. That comes to 12 bytes (0x0c) per layer. Does the second layer therefore starts at c50e?
  9. Yes, I am using C#, the code in UIPC_SDK_CSHARP Revision 1.13 packaged with FSUIPC5. The code is Scott McCrory and Bob Scott's, with improvements by you I am making use of the fsuipc.cs file in that folder
  10. How do I read the values from P3d when there is more than 1 layer of wind/cloud/temperature present? The offsets mapped in FSInterrogate and the documentation provide data only for one layer of each of these parameters. An attempt to calculate the locations of other parameters and use the resultant offsets for querying them provides incorrect values. For instance, when 2 cloud layers are present, the value of one can be accessed using locations 0xc680-0xc68e. But when i try to access the values for the 2nd layer from locations c68F-c69e i get the wrong readings. Could you please guide? Thank you
  11. How does one access the offset address B800 to retrieve the metar string ? Is it possible to do so directly through a C# application? I'm sorry if this was the wrong place to post the query. Could you guide me on where i might get help, if so?
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