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  1. That's so strange, I ALWAYS get an air collision penalty. My game simply insists that an aircraft on downwind is laterally too close in proximity to an aircraft on final it seems. Also, I've rarely had them turn from downwind to base, they'll do all kinds of weird stuff... but rarely turn base. Thanks for the responses though, it's interesting that I'm getting such strangely different results.
  2. So just to clarify, 3 questions: 1) When you put them in the pattern your experience has been that they will turn final on their own? 2) If they are on a downwind do you not get loss of separation penalties with other inbound traffic on final? 3) If you give the instruction to ENTER FINAL RUNWAY xx do they not go way out as far as the radar goes and climb back to 3000'? It's definitely not an instruction issue, I get how to issue the circuit pattern instructions, it's just that I've had them do unexpected things after having given circuit instructions (which have been read back correctly) Thanks for the help!
  3. Hi Folks, I did a few searches and didn't really find any that dealt specifically with this, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Does anyone understand how aircraft fly the circuit when given that instruction? When I give them the command, they'll do the circuit at 1500 (unlike the standard 1000) and I have had wildly different results from aircraft to aircraft, with no discernible pattern that I can find. I've had them turn onto the downwind and just fly forever. I've had them do a turn in the wrong direction and just do circles (i.e. left circuit they will enter a right had orbit) I have had a couple turn onto a very long final, we're talking like 5 miles or so which for the circuit is nuts. Also, inbound traffic on final will often come too close and you get a penalty for loss of separation even though this scenario happens regularly at airports all over the world. So, what I'm trying to figure out is: Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is the circuit in tower3d Pro basically broken? Thanks folks! Happy controlling!
  4. oh that's great! thanks!
  5. Hi Jim, Not sure if you ever got the answer to your question. I just started playing about with making a YVR sector when I stumbled on your work here. There any chance of sharing? It looks great! Cheers! Andrew
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