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Everything posted by eharvey650

  1. I'm putting the finishing touches to a KLAX week schedule. Do I physically upload the files to this forum or do I need to create a web-page to host the files?
  2. In reply to crbascott: Each day has it's own folder and set of files. So at this point it's only loading one full day of flights. To EliGrim: I will gladly share the zip file that was created. I've never worked with PM before, but I'll figure it out or I can send via email. Either will work for me.
  3. This question is probably best directed to Eli Grim creator of Custom Schedule Creator program. When compiling my schedule, it states that if the schedule meets certain parameters, snipets will be created. And although my week of KLAX schedule only have 4 full days of flights, I thought it would produce hourly or 4 hour snipets. There were none. The good news is that the sim loaded without problems the whole schedule. I can't confirm this but I suspect that there may be a few arrivals that doesn't spawn. Does anyone know how to trim a daily schedule into hourly snipets? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Are all the aircraft models that are listed in black font on the Airplane_Codes tab of Real Color Manifest Master List vs 27 available in the sim? If I'm creating a schedule and a flight is using a Cessna 560, will the sim accept C560 or CJ5?
  5. In creating my KLAX schedule, what ICAO should I be using for American Eagle, Delta Connect and United Express flights? I'm currently using (ENY) for American Eagle, (EDV) for Delta Connect and (ASH) for United Express. If any of these are incorrect please give me the correct ICAO I should be using. I tried using (RPA) for American Eagle, but Schedule Builder wouldn't accept it. I want to make this schedule as realistic as possible.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I have the latest master list and it's been very helpful. I'm creating my very first schedule and it's for the KLAX airport. It's a week long schedule using the actual schedule taken from Radar24. It will be the week of 2 - 8 July 2022. I have a renewed respect for those who have created real schedules in the past.
  7. What livery does Alaska Skywest uses? And when creating real schedule what IATA do I use OO or AS or neither?
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