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  1. I use a combo of FSUIPC and Axis & Ohs and Streamdeck profiles .... hence the A & Ohs... loads of presets. Could someone explain why I can watch sim variables as they occur but only L vars ... not B vars. Why can't I see B vars occur ? The Black Square Caravan has a 3 position condition lever and I can switch between Cutoff and Low/Ground idle easily... but the High Idle is a B Var and I can only get it to show its activated (I e after manually changing it using the mouse) but cannot "initiate" the change using a button. Why are things so complicated ? Sad face x5..... Thnx
  2. Thanks John. I don't know a Lvar from a Bvar to a Simvar or Offset. But I'm going to learn !
  3. For anyone interested I've tried Oncourse PF3 and it's not bad at all. A bit more complex than RC4 but it works almost identically. It also supports SIDS and STARS, and VFR. If you're pining for RC4, try it. I've finally managed to tear myself away from P3D. Of course I would still like to see RC4. But heh ... for now it ain't happening.
  4. Hello. Do you have any idea how to toggle the GPS/NAV switch found in many GAs that often syncs with the CDi softkey in the Garmin GNS OR GTNs ? I'm using a Mk2 and an XL Streamdeck and have Axis and Ohs AND FSUIPC. Can't find anything close in the list of simvars. Thnx
  5. John has stated he will periodically check to see if he get the necessary stuff working. I didn't say JD would develop RC... just suggesting that the possibility... in theory... of taking it over would then exist. It is pretty much abandonware given its free. I'm sure for the right price it could be acquired. Or just use it "as is" ... still better than any other alternative. That's a fact.
  6. Hi Ray, my convos with JD on this and other threads have established that John is indeed keeping an eye on how MSFS progresses with view to getting it working. (Hopefully one day it will be doable.) However, FYi... In the meantime I'm using "Proflight 3" (PF3) from OnCourse software. Now... here's the thing... their text boxes DO work in the sim... and/or can be displayed on a client PC. The number press responses are again made on the client PC, even if networked. The "client display" is done using their 'own software' ... not WideFS. They do allude to the fact that it is based on the same principles as 'ShowText' which we all use with WideFS and Radar Contact. On the server side I'm not sure what it uses... but it does rely on JD's Makerways.exe to create the runways.txt file. PF3 is just... 'OK.' ....BUT despite its limitations RC4 is 11.5 x better. Yes... eleven point five. 😁 I was suggesting that if JD (probably the only person capable of doing it) could get it working, the possibility of someone taking over the development of RC4 would become at least a "possibility." After all, a great set of voices is already there so it just needs expanding and maybe SiDs and Stars developing. However, he knows we are keen, and I dare not keep banging on about it... ! So I will continue to use PF3 and just keep an eye out for any announcements...👍😎
  7. What I'm saying is PF3 has a similar system to WideFS and Show Text, working in MSFS. ERGO... it should be possible.. with some knowledge... which I don't possess ... to get Radar Contact working. A text box appears and keypresses can be made that talk to the PF3 ATC program. Moreover... it can be sent to a networked version of PF3. Sounds spookily close to the principle of Radar Contact, WideFS and Show Text... even though this 'principle' is meant to be "deprecated." Given RC4 is basically, abandonware, if it can be made to work in MSFS... maybe someone: ie: YOU... could get permission to continue its development. Do you have any idea how many people are sticking with P3D... purely because they want to use RC4 ? Hell, if you make another million, you could just donate it to local foodbanks. I don't need it... I'm as rich as Cresus !
  8. So it appears that PF3 does work in MSFS and text is shown in sim. It needs FSUIPC and it can be used networked although it's reliance in WideFS is somewhat uncertain. They have developed their own version of Show Text apparently. This suggests it should be possible to get Radar Contact wworking i.e. a text box requiring keypresses is needed. If it was... maybe someone (you ?) could take over / delegate it's further development. Seems such a waste to leave it floundering.
  9. I'll give it a quick try... but I have no clue really. I'm struggling with the new Honeycomb stuff in P3D ... don't know whether to use Axis and Ohs (as it also does Streamdeck profiles and Saitek panels) or FSUIPC with Vjoy/Authentikit for an analogue Honeycomb trim wheel. Seriously... who makes a trim wheel that's digital ?!? Gives me an absolute headache !
  10. BTW... the AdvText/ShowText plugin seems to inabsentia from your "main" website. I found 1 link to it and it still works great in P3D v5. Good to be back ! I'm sure many more will be retro-P3Ding ...
  11. So how does ShowText on the client PC work... where RC is installed on the client ? I note that the keypress responses do need to be made on the sim PC... so is ShowText merely reflecting the text box (that is there in FS9/X and P3D ?) Therefore, "no text" on the server in MSFS means there is no info to be passed to ShowText, or RC on the client ?
  12. OK. Thnx. For what it's worth, I can run RC4 from my client PC and have either the text Window on the sim PC and/or the text in Showtext on the client PC. If MSFS issue is text not showing up, surely it could just be used with Showtext on the client... or is Showtext only displaying the text relayed from the server ? That's what I'm guessing ... and apologies for calling you Shirley. 🤣
  13. Cheers. BTW... have you any idea if RC can be made to work in MSFS ?
  14. Hi all. Long time since I ran P3D. I've installed WideFS and Radar Contact on a client PC... but have forgotten how to get the little text window on my server/sim PC showing the Options such as 1 for Make Contact, / for Repeat etc. Please advise.
  15. Can we assume therefore that any aircraft beginning with "Cessna Grand Caravan" imported thereafter, will be auto-assigned the same settings ? ....Or does each new livery imported need to be edited to remove the livery description element ?
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