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Everything posted by FlyingCoder

  1. Ah this is confusing. How do i write the value of the offset to 0D6C ? Im doing it wrongly
  2. Hi john, this is what i came out with. I believe its wrong because im getting weird weird numbers but im trying to understand the flow. Result should be 1 to 6 respectively but getting none of the one i wanted.. Do correct me on where i should put such variable like test and the L:FSDT_GSX_CATERING_STATE. FLOAT64 test; FSUIPC_Write(0x0D6C, 4, &test, &result); FSUIPC_Write(0x0D70, 40, "L:FSDT_GSX_CATERING_STATE", &result); FSUIPC_Read(0x0D6C, 4, &test, &result); FSUIPC_Process(&result); cout << test;
  3. Oh kay this is confusing but i will try this.
  4. I read it. It says write the complete identity string. So it look like this correct me if im wrong. FSUIPC_Read(0x0D70, 40, "MyVariableNameHere", &result);
  5. Ah i understand now. SInce its a standalone program, i will try use FSUIPC SDK. Talking about the SDK, which part of the SDK says about LVars ?
  6. Hi john, thanks for the reply. Based on the code i posted, i kept getting error like Expected a member name, syntax error ( i feel i was 1 or 2 steps close but the error is just making me wonder. Cause of that, i tried looking for alternatives. I am using C++ CLR Win forms btw to do my software. Maybe like you said, as a DLL. My program is like ACARS that tracks pilot flight. With an addition to passenger announcement, meals etc similar like fspassenger. However, i am intending to let my program to run a standalone and also being able to get data from sim(which already works). Now im trying to learn to implement much more stuff like GSX boarding, deboarding etc so i can integrate them to make one full complete system. Thats what i have in mind. As to what i have explain, correct me if im wrong, STANDALONE PROGRAM -> COMMUNICATES WITH DLL TO READ VARIABLE OF GSX -> PASS BACK TO MY PROGRAM. is this the flow if i am right ?
  7. FSUIPC SDK or the P3D SDK ?
  8. Oh yes forget to mention, my software is soemthing related with passenger announcement, GSX data retrieval etc,
  9. Hi pete, thanks for the reply. REgarding LUA, is it difficult or is the process hard ? Im currently looking at the documents but i am not sure where to start. I am also wondering how do i link my software with the LUA script
  10. I did, this is what they got. - Use FSUIPC and interface with it, to get the L: variables and send them back to your application.
  11. Hi ! I would like to ask, is it possible to read variables from GSX addon manager or panel? I am making my own software to simulator passenger boarding, catering etc, however, based on the manual from GSX, it requires me to read or retrieve variables. Here is the code from GSX manual. I am using C++ winform CLR to develop the software. Hope to get some help and clarification. Thank you 🙂 Here’s a C/C++ example code to read an L: variable safely: // Panels will be filled at start by PANELS.DLL EXTERN_C PANELS *Panels = NULL; if (Panels) { int idVar = -1; FLOAT64 value = 0; // check if the variable exists idVar = Panels->check_named_variable(“FSDT_GSX_CATERING_STATE”); // read the value only if registration succeeded. if (idVar != -1) value = Panels->get_named_variable_value(idVar); }
  12. Hi, Is the sample code in the UIPC SDK or .dll net projects? I cant seem to find any of the vs projects.
  13. John, is there any documentation on how do i can test for fsuipc open or close ?
  14. Thank you so much.
  15. Where can i get the UIPC_SDK_C library ?
  16. Helloo, i am trying to make my own program using c++, i know there are c# and vb. I wonder if there is any documentation of FSUIPC for c++? I know p3d SDK has c++ but that will me the last resort. Hope to get some reply thanks!
  17. I tried the p3dv4 sdk using the dialogmode sample. But, they are all in exe. If i change the application from exe to dll, will it do it? I mean will it be the same? Then i will do the settings via DDL.xml is the way ?
  18. So meaning, i can't follow your way/style? Ah yes, talking about DLL, am i able to run DLL instead?
  19. Hi pete, i have already requested a dialog mode. But seems that my exe is running "externally" and i can see the icon on the taskbar. Your FSUIPC is not visible on my taskbar. That is what im trying to achieve as of now but have not able to.
  20. Hi pete, i managed to do it. However, i noticed that when i click on your software, the windows form will appear then the black screen will appear and the sim will be paused. How do i do that? I know this EVENT_SIM_STOP thingi but not sure how to use it. Are you able to guide me?
  21. Hi guys, first of all, nmot sure if this is the right section to ask but i would like to ask, how do i add new items under the Addon's section? Currently, i am developing a software and i would like my pilots to access it via the ADDONS button rather than having to start them externally. I have no clue how and i am currently using FSUIPC for my software. So, when my pilots press the Addons, my application name will appear. How do i do that?
  22. Hi guys, i would like to ask, does the fspassenger small panel, is a windows form or is a gauge that i have to create? I would like to know how to access it in game so players can interact with my panel similar to fspassenger
  23. Hi paul, i just realised that. Anyway, im trying what you asked to do. Search through the array but im not sure if im doing it the right way. This is how i did it but i kept getting Not in any airport. For Each item As FsAirport In airports If item.ICAO = getDeptICAO Then Noairportlbl.Text = "" arrdebuglbl.Text = "" GreenText1.Value = "You are at your departure location!" GreenText2.Value = 10 ElseIf item.ICAO = getArrivalICAO Then Noairportlbl.Text = "" deptdebuglbl.Text = "" GreenText1.Value = "You are at your destination location!" GreenText2.Value = 10 'ElseIf airports(0).ICAO = "" Then ' deptdebuglbl.Text = "" ' arrdebuglbl.Text = "" ' Noairportlbl.Text = "Not in any airport" Else deptdebuglbl.Text = "" arrdebuglbl.Text = "" Noairportlbl.Text = "Not in any airport" End If Next
  24. Ah okay thank you. Do you know if there is anyway for me to make the green message box appear and put my own customer text?
  25. Managed to sort it out! I did below to get the icao of the airport instead of WSSS: Changi. Now it works perfect airport(1).icao
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