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Alessandro Usai

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Everything posted by Alessandro Usai

  1. Hi, excellent suggestion from both of you (I haven't no doubts about...). Fortunatly the flow is written on paper at the moment so I could easly modify it. I woul read more in deep the documentation in order to reach the best performance of the module. Many thanks, Alessandro
  2. Hi all, I want to add two offsets to FSUIPC in order to save the value of two Q400 variable. These two offsets will be read by Spad.neXt. So I wrote a LUA script that reads variables value (could be 0 or 255) and writes they to FSUIPC offset 66C0 and 66C3. I need to read both variables continuously so I thought of writing a C# program that every 50ms would write to the 0x0D70 offset, and pass the Lua command with the name of my lua script. From what I understand when the 0x0D70 offset is written FSUIPC executes the indicated script via the indicated command, so I expect to have FSUIPC offset 66C0 and 66C3 filled every 50ms with the value of Q400's variables and ready for Spad.neXt. Any comment/criticism/suggestion about this flow? Cheers, Alessandro
  3. Hi Reinhard, I'm again on this post. I successfully read a Q400 variable via a LUA script and wrote it's value in a file just to see if script is working well. The LUA script is run by FSUIPC (Buttons+Switches control). Now I'm guessing if it is possible to save this value in a new variable that FSUIPC can share externally (i.e Spad.neXt). If yes how can I achieve this? Thanks in advance, Alessandro
  4. John, thanks a lot for reminding me! Alessandro
  5. Reinhard, thank you. This point is now clear. Just another question: where are Q400's Lvars defined? Thanks, Alessandro
  6. Hi Reinhard, just one question: when you refer to ipc.readLvar("<<<variable name>>>") is "<<<variable name>>> the variable name as is called in variablesmap.xlsx spreadsheet? Example: ipc.readLvar("AFCS_->outputs.AP_engaged") Thanks, Alessandro
  7. Ciao, ci proviamo. Non potrò metterci mani e testa prima del prossimo weekend. Come già scritto ho solo bisogno di capire come funziona l'interazione del linguaggio LUA con FSUIPC e come vengono restituiti i dati dalle variabili del Q400. A presto, Alessandro
  8. Hi Toppe, what a amazing job! I'm a IT engineer so I should help you. I only need a short time to understand how LUA scripts work with FSUIPC and the Mcj Q400, then a little practice with them... I think in the next weekend I'll have registered version of FSUIPC and so I'll start to make some experiments... Let us keep in touch, Alessandro
  9. Hi John, thanks for your explanation. What I'd like to do is use FSUIPC (registered) as "bridge" between LUA scripts and SPAD.next. I think it should be possible without using LINDA. Am I right? Regards, Alessandro
  10. Hi John, I've the registered version of SPAD.neXT. I prefer to not use LINDA because I'm not sure that "hybrid" configuration with SPAD.neXT and LINDA will work well. Any suggestion is welcome... Thanks, Alessandro
  11. Reinhard, Thank you. So I'll act as this: because MP buttons mapping is almost done (only two are missing) I'll get FSUIPC registered (can always be useful) and then give a try to mouse macro. If problems remain then I'll upgrade Q400 to Pro/Training version (it depends on time of release of training version). I know that a new version of SPAD.next is on alpha release... in new version you will be able to add/edit the datarefs so it can be the solution. Alessandro
  12. Hi Reinhard, thanks for your info. I use the Pilot edition and I don't see any XML Interface documentation document inside my Q400 folder (is it something like MJC84_XML_IF_1008.zip?). May be I have to do an upgrade.... So I would ask you two things: is XML interface available only in Pro edition? Does SPAD.next use LUA scripts via FSUIPC registered version? Thanks in advance, Alessandro
  13. Hi Pete, many thanks for your reply. I'm currently using non registered FSUIPC 5 with P3D 4.5 but I'm having trouble configuring the MCJ Q400's AFCS panel on Saitek Multi Panel (MP) and SPAD.neXt. So I want to give a try to Mouse Macro feature of FSUIPC that are available only in registered version. The target is to map the macro to keyboard key and then add a keyboard event to the MP button using SPAD.neXt. I hope this will work. Thanks again, Alessandro
  14. Hi, may be this is a dummy question but I would ask if it's mandatory to have a registred copy of WideFS to use the registered version of FSUIPC. Thanks in advance, Alessandro
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