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FredJohnson last won the day on March 11 2020

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    Upstate New York

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  1. Awesome. Thanks, Robbie!
  2. Hey Vic, Perhaps you misunderstand. They are included in your scenery. My static traffic is off in the sim. These are parked by the control tower at KLGA. They are shown also in your promotional screenshots for the airport.
  3. I purchased directly from you guys through BMT Micro. I've received no notification of any update. I re-downloaded again from my original e-mail and the problem remains.
  4. Is there anyway to turn off these default static aircraft at KLGA? They're a bit of an immersion breaker.
  5. Unfortunately, the same result with the stock A320
  6. This happened again last night at gate C26. Should I just have the passengers jump across? Wondering if this is the same behavior at all FeelThere MSFS airports?
  7. Good evening, I've only tried two gates so far, D5 and D10. The jetways don't extend all the way out to the aircraft. Thanks
  8. Thank you for taking the time to look into this.
  9. It did the same thing on my previous PC with a standard 1080 monitor. In fact, on some airports (KLGA comes to mind) the planes would do complete 360 degree turns in mid-air while taking off.
  10. Yes, that's it exactly, brief pauses, not unplayable, just not smooth. That's what I figured, hopefully the next version is better optimized. Thanks, Eli
  11. Scoob, Nothing in the background, the machine is brand new, I haven't even installed AV yet. My machine runs x-plane at 60fps at 3500x1440, it should be able to handle Tower I would think. Are you saying yours does not stutter? When the planes are taking off? Thanks
  12. Well, I just got the PHNL add on over the weekend. The airport looks nice, but the planes are stuttering pretty badly, even with very little active traffic. I put together a new PC recently, Ryzen 3700x, 2070 Super, 32GB RAM... I didn't expect Tower to still run like this. Anyone find a way to smooth things out, Nvidia graphics settings or something? I think it's probably just the Tower code. I found a bug in the default GA schedule 5 minutes into playing but not a big deal, I fixed that. Thanks Fred
  13. Which way to the Tiki bar? I could use a Mai Tai.
  14. Vic, I hope your team is not discouraged by the constructive criticism and commentary. Personally, I love seeing the new screenshots, whether they be old airports, new airports or what have you. The new weather looks awesome and I look forward to more photos. I really like the way that Microsoft is keeping the public in the loop with their weekly updates on MSFS2020. It really builds hype around the product. Probably not something you can do with a smaller staff but even just some bits of info are appreciated. It gives us all something to look forward to in these dark times. Thanks Fred
  15. First time. Not sure if reproducible yet. Followed instructions on screen to submit the report.
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