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Everything posted by Aircom

  1. Found the time to fly more. As a summary I can tell that: - My P3D+FSUIPC+PFCdll works very well 100% of the time - FS2020 latest version + FSUIPC usually works, but from time to time, my serial quadrant will stop working. I have to reboot the PC to solve the issue. The PFC detection window says that it can open the port but it detects no equipment when this happens.
  2. Used your new 7.0.3 for a short flight this morning and all was fine this time. But I have to leave, so will try a longer flight later.
  3. Back on the thread (morning in Canada). Here fsuipc/pfc does not crash. It just behaves as I explained. I will later today check your new version and report.
  4. After downloading the latest FS2020 version, I have an issue with my PFC serial quadrant. After the sim is started and the PFC driver activates, detecting my quadrant, it initially works well. I can move the throttle to set full power and takeoff for instance. Then, at a random moment later, nothing works on my serial quadrant. If I restart fsuipc, the PFC driver does not detect anything anymore. If I restart the sim, it does not work better. I have to restart windows to make it work again. Note that on the same machine, I also have P3D installed. I have zero issue there, meaning that the quadrant and the windows COM driver work well on this PC. I had also no issue with the previous FS2020 version. If my quadrant fails in FS2020, it will also fail in P3D if I try just after the failure. It's as if the COM driver was impacted. I have to restart windows to fix it.
  5. Thomas will confirm, but I think that the PFC driver sends the axis movements to the sim and that it's all I need. I don't need to bother with FSUIPC assignements / calibration. To prove it, if I set "ignore axis" in fsuipc for all my PFC axis, it continues to work well. So in conclusion, my only concern is about the throttle and prop axis latency and this will be in Asobo's hands.
  6. Sorry, no contradiction. Just discovering how it works from message to message. So the first message said "which ever action I choose" and then in the second, I had discovered that I had to assign an axis to make it work in calibration.
  7. 2. How could it be assigned in the sim? The sim does not see my PFC serial quadrant... And the proof is, if I exit fsuipc, then the axis don't work anymore in the sim. 3. Well, now I know that it's detected in calbration only if I select an axis in the previous tab (like Axis Mixture1 Set).
  8. I now understand that it's detected in the calibration tab only if I assign an axis in the axis assignments tab (one of the dropdown boxes). But since I select nothing to remove jerkiness, that's why I don't see anything in calibration. I typically use the C172 but this is the same behaviour in other planes.
  9. Thank you. 1. To your mind, is this latency some kind of bug to report to Asobo? To my mind, it should be direct with no latency. And you're right Thomas: full throttle with the keyboard has some latency. Mixture rich with the keyboard is however instantaneous. 2. I have more details about the jerkiness. Yes it disappears if I set the action to "send to calibration", but more importantly it disappears also if I set it to "send to fs" AND if I don't select an axis to sent to (i.e. the 4 dropdown boxes show nothing). So, sending it to "Axis Mixture1 Set" is what makes it jerky I think. Conclusion: I removed all assignments to throttle1, prop1 and mixture1 and it works very well. 3. And just curious. What about my 3 axes vs the fsuipc calbration window. I retried today and I don't know why, but contrarily to yesterday, whatever the action I choose (send to fs or send to calibration), I see nothing move in the calibration window. I don't need it but reporting it, so is this normal?
  10. Update: I was able to fix the jerky mixture by clicking "Send direct to FSUIPC calibration". However in the calibration window, moving the mixture is not detected. But anyway, issue is fixed for mixture. This technique does not help solving the delay on throttle and prop. So, was it the correct way to do it for mixture or is it a workaround? And do you see some way to fix throttle and prop?
  11. Retried my throttle quadrant + single engine axes, with the new update. When I move the throttle instantly to max, the throttle in the plane takes one second to go to full. Exact same behaviour for the prop RPM. When I move the mixture, it goes much faster but there is some jerkiness which makes it unusable because of the risk to cut the mixture while moving. Something interesting: when I open the Joystick calibration window, moving the mixture creates (usually, but sometimes yes) no jerkiness at all this time. As soon as I close it, jerkiness comes back when I move it. Note that throttle is connected to Axis Throttle 1 Set, prop to Axis Propeller 1 Set and mixture to Axis Mixture 1 Set. In the PFC window, axis sliders move flawlessly. Same in the axis assignment window. This is only in the plane that there are some issues.
  12. I thought that the simconnect library was embedded into fsuipc... So did you install an updated fsuipc?
  13. Note that tyhe PFC package is again not downloadable from http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/PFCDLL.zip. File not found. Update: Well now it is. I wonder why this happens from time to time...
  14. Just checked in P3D. I imagine this is not a priorty, but I was still finding it useful.
  15. When I use aircraft specific profiles, the current aircraft is not displayed in the axes window title bar. If I remember well, it was displayed in P3D...
  16. Sorry, you were right. I missed it.
  17. No such menu entry for me... and it was the same as in the screenshot when the sim was running.
  18. I don't understand what you mean. You were talking of USB equipment. So you don't need fsuipc at all here. You can map directly in fs.
  19. Yes, that's what I did, from the Axes menu as usual.
  20. I guess that it should be recognized by the sim without any need of fsuipc and pfcdll
  21. Some initial tests show that my throttle quadrant is correctly handled and I have nothing to complain about so far except of course the degraded FPS which makes the whole thing unflyable 😉. Note that I just tested throttle and mixture in a single prop for the moment. Will try the rudders and yoke tomorrow, as well as more from the quadrant. Update: did I say thank you? Oh no! So, thanks a ton for making my old hardware work with fs2020 !!! Nick
  22. While fs2020 is downloading, I shall ask how I will get access to the PFC panel for configuration. Under P3D, there are 2 entries in the modules menu, one for fsuipc and one for pfc. In this new version 7 will we get access to the PFC setup directly from fsuipc?
  23. You can count on me to test this. I have PFC yoke + quadrant + rudders. I only use the quadrant with other sims since I have new other non serial equipments but I will get back the old ones from the cellar to help you test them.
  24. Seems like you can access dev mode only if you have been tagged by MS as a 3rd party developer (https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-enable-developer-mode/25933/34). So @John Dowson, not sure we can help beta test this if we can't access simconnect...
  25. You can already download fsuipc 7 beta + the updated PFC dll. When you install fs2020, you will then be able to find simconnect.dll to be added to your fsuipc7 installation folder. Let's keep fingers crossed.
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