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Posts posted by masmaz


    it is true what you say however with 66C0 nothing happens, but using 0366 the lever moves, and always rhymes at 1 instead of returning to 0 but if it always remains at 1 the servo remains in tension so I would not be able to move the hand lever … Luckily adding 0BCC this doesn't happen, go back to 0 and free the spoiler….

    download you have to mobiflight is free as you see it is structured, since it uses your offsets ... give you an idea of how it works .. and how it is configured you who are a programmer will understand it better than me ...


  2. sorry, my mind is frying...

    You wrote it (66C0 ff).
    so I set this offset to prosim 
    FSUIPC bit 8U
    and on mobifligt. 0x66C0 2 bytes. #FF

    these are the fu mobi settings as you can see in the pictures... same thing in prosim

    however as i said before if on prosim i leave only the axis setting, nothing changes the lever moves anyway

    besides for now it moves only with 0BBC and with 0366. while with 0BD0, it doesn't move...
     but also with 66C0 it doesn't move...


  3. 57 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

    The spoiler does not automatically retract after landing.


    in reality once the lever is extended and the spoilers are raised, if you move the throttle levers forward, the spoiler lever returns to the down position, or you move it by hand ... I was also successful but if I brought back the throttle to 0 the lever would respond .. so I gave up ..


    1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

    If a value of 1 sets the lever to 40% or so, then I'm just bewildered as to how your motorised TQ works, because a position value of 1 is nonsense.

    I also still think assigning any of the Sim-set offsets in ProSim as an output is wrong. Both the Sim and ProSim will be writing to the same place. You should consider using a separate offset, such as those free for users (66C0 ff).

    On my system 0BD0 reflects the actual lever position, even with the lever only assigned in ProSim as an input axis. The position value is 0 for down, 4800 for 'armed' and up to 16384 when fully deployed after landing. And it stays that way until manually lowered by the pilot after slowing sufficiently on the runway. You seriously need to consider this. The spoiler does not automatically retract after landing.


    i guess i have to agree with you.... i have removed the offset on prosim... so there is no more connection between prosim and mobiflight but only the lever potentiometer.... well it works anyway... the lever moves anyway...


  4. 19 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

    But the offset for the lever position is 0BD0, not 0BCC or 0BC0.  The 0BCC offset is merely a flag saying whether the spoiler is armed, it doesn't give the lever position.


    if you see in the video when i move the lever, it goes from 0 to 1, when the wheels touch the ground it goes back to 0... this with the 0BCC that is also set to prosim

    yes, actually the lever moves at 50%, this is because it goes from 1 to 0 too fast... I need to find a way to make it last longer....

  5. 2 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:


    ok the solution is to use 2 offsets on mobiflight:

     on Mobiflight: Arm 0BCC Byte 4, 4800/16383
    on Prosim: FSUIPC 32 bit U 0x0BCC

    on Mobiflight: Ground 0366 Byte 2, 0/16383   

    this way, when the wheels touch, the spoilers rise and the lever moves, the servo remains free to be moved by hand... 

    to be more precise

    0BCC in arm sets to 1
    0366 in arm stays at 0

    when touching the ground. 0BCC goes to 0 0366 goes to 1


  6. while the configuration for spoilers the solution is to use 2 offsets on mobiflight:

     on Mobiflight: Arm 0BCC Byte 4, 4800/16383
    on Prosim: FSUIPC 32 bit U 0x0BCC

    on Mobiflight: Ground 0366 Byte 2, 0/16383   

    this way, when the wheels touch, the spoilers rise and the lever moves, the servo remains free to be moved by hand... 

    to be more precise

    0BCC in arm sets to 1
    0366 in arm stays at 0

    when touching the ground. 0BCC goes to 0 0366 goes to 1


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  7. 1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

    Sorry, I don't understand this part. Isn't your spoiler lever a normal joystick axis which you can assign directly, and calibrate, in ProSim?

    yes sure, if you see the image I attached there is the part of the joystick axis and under the FSUIPC configuration


    I don't know MobiFlight. But why don't you check ProSim? Version 3 or ProSim really needs all control axes assigned and calibrated directly in its configuration.

    but all the axes of the TQ are configured in prosim, but put the motors, you manage it either with SIOC or with Mobiflight + Arduino that manages the mechanical part and the movement together with prosim, I have attached the images of how it is configured .. for more last night I think I found the solution ...


  8. 43 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:


    Hi, Pete, thanks for your reply, but i can assure you that there is no way to move this damned lever with those offsets 0BCC and 0BD0

    in prosim configured with FSUIPC U32 and 4 Byte on mobiflight... on the plane they rise but the lever does not move...

    the rest of the setting is 0/16383. or 4800/16383.... nothing to do.... 

    Explain how your lever moves...?
    the throttle works perfectly with the addition of 2 relays to free the servomotors and move them in manual... but the lever nothing to do...

  9. On 8/25/2021 at 4:02 AM, Thiago Duarte said:

    So after reading your help I started doing some tests and after many tries everything is perfect. Thank you very much.

    Thiago Duarte


    yes but you didn't write the solution, also i'm struggling with the spoiler, with arduino, mobiflight, prosim and p3d.... with the offsets 0BCC and 0BD0. they don't work even if i set 4800 or 5620... nothing to do, while it moves with 0366 only ch the servomotor remains in tension and so i can't close it by hand to free it i have to take the wheels off the ground again. . those of prosim do not answer or do not know anything.... those of mobiflight worse ... but if you have succeeded please show me how you have set mobiflight.... I took 3 weeks to set the 2 throttle.... but the spoiler still no ...



  10. I gave you the log because you asked me ... sorry I explained myself wrong hp made several devoid with these 3 offsets ... not knowing, I tried them at 2 bytes and not 4 bytes ... maybe that's why I don't they worked ... prosim has many updates every day for example today there were 4 but I had to go back because they gave me problems ... unfortunately every time it is so with prosim lately they release many updates and some with problems .... current version is 3.16b24. which means 24 beta of 3.16 from January I think ... today I had some problems because my router's IP changed .. suddenly .. at a certain point nothing was working anymore .. then the prosim updates that gave problems ... in the end I closed because he was tired ... tomorrow I'll do some tests ... thanks for now ...


  11. 32 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    Try logging those offsets (using FSUIPC's logging facilities) to see how they change when you arm and/or manually activate the spoilers manually.


    so I have to open FSUIPC and then in which TAB should I enter the offset? Axis assignments?

    Sorry, what do you mean by "on-ground flag" because it's not quite right.... 

    if that's not right then what offset would make the servo controlled spoiler lever move?


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