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Hi Peter, Thanks for your help. I did not realize that PA was the same as A, as that is what I was looking for. Also I do not know how to search for button assignments. Do I do that in notepad or with the menu in Modules with FS open? Thanks Rob
Hi Peter, I have looked at the ini file and cannot find any reference in any line to the button press A, 0; or A anything. I had the Saitek joystick numbered as 1 and alpha as A. The button I am looking for is A,2. There are alpha numeric lines with UA, PD etc but none with either an A or a 1. Below is my ini file. Hope you can help here. Thanks Rob [General] History=QB2I44ORCMSEUB6WQRK4E WindSmoothing=Yes AutoTaxiWind=No PropTaxiWind=No TimeSetMode=Partial WhiteMessages=No ThrottleSyncAll=No GraduatedVisibility=No LowerVisAltitude=0 UpperVisAltitude=25000 UpperVisibility=6000 GenerateCirrus=Yes WindShearSharp=No UpperWindGusts=No ExtendMetarMaxVis=Yes CorrectVSsign=Yes MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 AxisInterceptIfDirect=No DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No AutoClearWeather=Yes ExtendTopWind=Yes WindSmoothness=5 SmoothPressure=No PressureSmoothness=5 SmoothVisibility=Yes VisibilitySmoothness=2 MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MinimumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No CloudThinness=1000 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No KeepFS98CloudCover=No ShowPMcontrols=No MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No StopAutoFuel=No TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=No SmoothIAS=Yes SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=6000 MaxIce=3 MinIce=-1 WindSmoothingDelay=0 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No LimitWindVariance=No VisSmoothingDelay=0 VisSmoothAirborneOnly=No TrafficControlDirect=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SpoilerIncrement=512 ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 TrafficScanPerFrame=10 AxisCalibration=No CentredDialogue=Yes ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No ClearWeatherDynamics=Yes OwnWeatherChanges=No FixWindows=No FixControlAccel=No WeatherReadInterval=4 MoveBGLvariables=Yes TimeForSelect=4 WeatherReadsFast=No MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... LogButtonsKeys=Yes UseProfiles=No [JoystickCalibration] ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 [MacroFiles] 1=737 OHD 2=737ADDONS [Keys] 2=190,10,65752,0 4=69,8,M1:40,0 28=70,8,M1:64,0 30=72,8,M1:260,0 32=73,8,M1:261,0 35=74,8,M1:262,0 38=75,8,M1:263,0 40=49,9,M1:120,0 42=82,8,M1:121,0 44=50,9,M1:300,0 46=84,8,M1:301,0 48=88,8,M1:302,0 50=65,9,M1:280,0 52=66,9,M1:283,0 54=67,9,M1:282,0 56=68,9,M1:281,0 58=69,9,M1:362,0 62=72,9,M1:189,0 64=73,9,M1:194,0 66=74,9,M1:200,0 68=75,9,M1:201,0 71=79,9,M1:190,0 73=84,9,M1:196,0 75=85,9,M1:202,0 79=86,9,M1:198,0 81=79,8,M1:15,0 83=88,9,M1:17,0 85=89,9,66379,0 87=65,10,66239,0 89=66,10,66240,0 91=76,10,65751,0 93=67,10,66495,0 95=68,10,66494,0 96=82,9,65860,0 98=69,10,M1:197,0 100=51,9,M1:2,0 102=71,10,M1:3,0 104=73,10,M1:42,0 106=74,10,M1:41,0 108=77,10,M1:361,0 111=78,10,M1:360,0 113=52,10,M1:193,0 115=53,10,M1:195,0 117=88,10,M1:240,0 119=74,11,M2:8,0 123=191,11,M2:19,0 125=49,11,M2:20,0 126=66,11,M2:21,0 [Monitor] Display=4 [buttons] 15=PA,6,CM1:60,0 17=PA,7,CM1:168,0 23=PA,1,C65567,0 24=UA,6,CM1:61,0 29=P174,15,K85,8 30=P174,14,K85,8 31=P174,12,K86,8 32=P174,13,K86,8 34=P174,1,CM1:12,0 35=P174,10,C65615,0 45=UA,7,CM1:168,0 53=P170,0,K122,15 54=P170,6,K113,13 57=P101,0,K55,9 58=P101,7,K54,15 59=P101,6,K55,15 60=P101,1,K56,9 61=PA,6,K13,9 62=PA,2,K90,8 63=P175,0,CM2:16,0 65=P175,2,K83,10 74=PA,19,CM1:361,0 75=PA,21,CM1:41,0 76=PA,20,CM1:42,0 77=P174,9,C65607,0 78=P174,11,C65615,0 79=P174,8,C65607,0 80=P101,5,K83,10 85=UA,21,CM1:42,0 86=PA,22,CM2:21,0 87=UA,22,CM2:19,0 88=PA,23,CM2:20,0 90=UA,23,CM2:22,0 91=P109,0,CM1:240,0 93=U109,0,CM1:240,0 94=P174,23,CM2:4,0 95=P174,22,CM2:4,0 96=P109,1,CM2:14,0 97=P174,21,CM2:27,0 ButtonRepeat=20,10 98=PA,2,K90,8 99=PD,7,CM1:168,0 100=PD,8,CM1:241,0 101=PD,9,CM1:242,0 102=PD,10,CM1:243,0 103=PD,11,CM1:244,0 104=PD,12,CM1:245,0 105=PD,13,CM1:246,0 107=PD,17,CM1:20,0 108=UD,7,CM1:168,0 109=UD,8,CM1:241,0 110=UD,9,CM1:242,0 111=UD,10,CM1:243,0 112=UD,11,CM1:244,0 113=UD,12,CM1:245,0 114=UD,13,CM1:246,0 116=UD,17,CM1:20,0 117=PD,4,CM1:22,0 118=UD,4,CM1:21,0 119=PD,0,CM1:5,0 120=UD,0,CM1:4,0 121=PD,1,CM1:7,0 122=UD,1,CM1:6,0 123=PD,2,CM1:9,0 124=UD,2,CM1:8,0 125=PD,3,CM1:11,0 126=UD,3,CM1:10,0 127=PD,16,CM1:40,0 128=UD,16,CM1:40,0 129=PD,20,CM1:42,0 131=PD,21,CM1:41,0 132=UD,21,CM1:42,0 133=PD,19,CM1:361,0 134=PD,18,CM1:360,0 135=UD,18,CM1:361,0 138=PA,15,C65615,0 139=PA,17,C65607,0 140=PD,23,CM2:3,0 142=PD,22,CM2:5,0 144=P174,18,CM2:13,0 145=P174,19,CM2:13,0 146=P174,17,CM2:12,0 147=P175,3,CM2:10,0 148=P174,16,CM2:12,0 149=U109,1,CM2:15,0 150=UD,22,CM2:17,0 151=UD,23,CM2:4,0 152=P109,2,CM2:18,0 153=PD,6,CM1:60,0 154=UD,6,CM1:61,0 155=PD,5,CM1:65,0 156=UD,5,CM1:66,0 157=PA,9,K121,8 158=P175,5,CM2:22,0 159=P109,3,C66064,0 160=U109,3,C66065,0 161=P109,4,C65853,0 162=U109,4,C66068,0 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes A=Saitek X52 Flight Stick (USB) B=GoFlight GF-RC Rudder Controls C=GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle System D=BU0836X Interface 2=GoFlight GF-RC Rudder Controls 3=GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle System 4=BU0836X Interface 1=Saitek X52 Flight Stick (USB)
Hi, I am having trouble identifying the ini file. Is this the file in notepad that lists all the button presses? I am getting a message when I am trying to change a button on my Saitek joystick. It says that is has other assignments and I need to go into the Ini file and edit it. When I look at the file in notepad with all the button presses I cannot recognize the button that FSUIPC has identified. In the menu it shows as A 0, and there is no such number in the notepad file, they are 5 or 6 digits or 2 numbers such as 70=30 and another set of numbers for example. Am I in the right file as the only other one is the dll file and I can't open that. Can you help me? Thanks Rob
Peter, My apologies if I sounded somewhat frustrated. I was. OK I have upgraded to the 3.868 version and am now wondering how I get into changing the joystick numbers. Where and how do I do this? The documentation doesn't indicate how to do this. It would help if you gave me a step by step process. Thanks Rob
Peter, I am using FSUIPC version 3.85 which is the latest version for FS 9 according to the Schirrati website. As for switches not being assigned, I assigned all of my switches in FSUIPC to the 737 macro's and all has been working accurately since you bought out the 737 macro's and mousetrapping. This problem has only occured since I changed from the PFC USB Yoke to the Saitek. And yes at one time I had the Saitek connected some time ago. As for taking your advice, I have. However, I cannot find anything in either windows or fsuipc that allows me to designate the joystick number. The BU0836x was assigned as joystick 1 when I installed it and started assigning switches in FSUIPC. So I don't know whether or not FSUIPC assigns joystick numbers or windows does. All I know is what is happening now. Unfortunately I don't happen to be a computer expert such as yourself and maybe be a little slow on the uptake. All I'm looking for is a way to solve this problem and so far you have made assumptions about assigning switches which have been incorrect. So you haven't been any help to me at this time. Rob
Well, I tried using another USB port and this has made things worse. My BU0836X card is now showing as joystick number 4, and the Saitek as number 1. Unplugged the Saitek and the card still shows as number 4 and no assignments are showing. It's as if all has been wiped out. I do not know how to changes or manage joystick numbers in Windows so that the right number for the BU0863x will show up as the correct number with assignments. The correct joystick number for the BU0836x is number 1. Can You help? Thanks Rob
Hi Pete, I am using the latest FSUIPC version for FS9.1, and as I said before the assigned joystick numbers are different for the BU0836X and the Saitek, so I don't know why the Saitek would show 737 macro selections that are already assigned to the BU0836X. When I press a button on the Saitek it shows joystick number 0 then switch number and, for example - Gen 1. When I press the switch on the BU0836X it shows joystick number as 1 and a switch number. However it does not show what that switch is assigned to. If I press the switch for Gen 1, nothing shows up in the assignment box, only the joystick number and switch number. That's why I said transposed as if for some reason it's misreading the assignments and joystick numbers. I will try plugging the Saitek in at the same time the PFC is connected and see if that makes any difference. There are no switch assignments on the PFC other than views, kneeboard, and A/P disconnect. The PFC is a USB connection. Thanks Rob
Hi, I have been using FSUIPC 737 macros and mousetrapping. My set up includes using a PFC jetliner yoke and all has been going well. Today I substituted the PFC yoke with a Saitek X52 yoke. When I went in to FSUIPC to program the yokes buttons they already showed up as buttons that were already allocated in the 737 macros. Also the majority of switches for my overhead stopped working. When I changed back to the PFC yoke, all was well except for 1 switch. The switches showed as joystick 0 for the Saitek and joystick 1 for the overhead switches (BU0836X). So I am wondering what is happening. It's as if FSUIPC has transposed the switches and buttons. Can you help please? Many Thanks Rob
Thanks Pete will try your idea. Rob
Hi Pete, I had set up a pushbutton switch for testing the firewarning bell using your mousetrapping. However to get it to work whenever I load FS, the first time I have to bring up the TQ on the screen. After that it will wok without the TQ being on screen. Any thoughts about this? Thanks Rob
Joystick Recognition by FSUIPC
mounty replied to mounty's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Peter, Thanks, didn't realize it would work that way so now deleting FS assignments. Rob -
Hi, I am having the following problem when allocating buttons to the BU0836X. I am using the PMDG software and using a PFC yoke which is recognized by FSUIPC as Joystick #0. The change views switch on the yoke is identified as Joystick #0 and Button #1. I have installed a BU0836x Card from Leo Bodnar and it is recognized by FSUIPC as Joystick #1. When I assigned a switch from the 737 Macro in FSUIPC to activate the APU Gen 1 control, FSUIPC saw it as Joystick #1 and Button #1. The switch worked OK but the FS view changed as if I had used the switch on the yoke. Also when activating joystick #1 button #1, it activates the brakes as well as the Gen 1 switch. The other switch that is acting in a "dual capacity" is the Joystick #1 and button #8 - it also actions the view change on the yoke. Any help/assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Rob
Hi Peter, I have checked FSUIPC and then loaded version 3.82. Deleted the INI file and started over. I programmed a Go Flight switch which was done in the Button Press and seen as a joystick button. Both the On and Off on the APU Generator worked and when I exited and restarted FS, both selections showed up. It looks like the problem might be with the Hagstrom Keyboard Emulator. I have ordered the BU0836X boards from Leo Bodnar so when I wire all the switches, they will show up as joystick buttons. Problem solved!!! Many Thanks Rob
Hi Peter, Thanks for your quick response. When I program FSUIPC I do it from a real keyboard. The Hagstrom Emulator is something like Leo Bodnars BU0836X card, it is just the interface, between the hardware switch and FSUIPC - it converts the switch signal to a set of programmed keypresses. For example the Gen 1 switch is programmed with A as the keypress both in the Hagstrom Emulator and FSUIPC. When I press the switch on, the Hagstrom sends the appropriate A keypress. I am not sure how to find the INI file as there are only files such as FSUIPC.DLL, FSUIPC x 2 files (Config Settings and a text doc), FSUIPC 1. I have set the APU and Eng Gens to both an ON and OFF setting in FSUIPC. However as I said before it doesn't appear to hold the OFF settings aven after I have confirmed the settings it omits them whenever I shut down FS and I have to re-enter them. The Hagstrom doesn't have any time or safety limits. Before I used 3.81, I was using the Key2Mouse for the overhead and never had the problems I'm having now. I have used the previous FSUIPC version using the Hagstrom without any problems that I can recall. I have tried to attach the above files but it won't allow me to do so. Is there another address that I can send these files to? I do not understand any of the file content so I cannot help you and I cannot open the INI file as it is an application. I am thinking of uninstalling FSUIPC and reinstalling it to see if that makes a difference - what's your opinion on trying that? Many Thanks Rob
Hi Peter, I am having a couple of problems with using the PMDG 737 macros. I am using a Hagstrom Keyboard Emulator so program FSUIPC with macro keypresses. What is happening is that for example with the APU Gen 1 & 2 and Eng. Gen 1 & 2 I am using a three position switch - ON/OFF/ON (and only using the center - OFF and one ON pole), and I programme FSUIPC with the Gen ON when pressed and Gen Off when released. This works in that when I use the switch, the on position works the mom switch in PMDG and if I leave the hardware switch in the on position for more than a minute or so, when I switch it off, the PMDG switch does not go to off. If I use the switch within a minute or so, the PMDG switch works correctly. Also when programming the same switches, FSUIPC does not hold the release part of the macro after exiting FS. I have to reprogram the release side of the macro everytime I reload FS. I am using a single line code for programming the Hagstrom so that only the press is commanded. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks Rob
Hi Pete, I have been trying to assign GF module button presses using FSUIPC 3.75 and after about 3-6 seconds the selected button changes in the selection boxes to Joy #157 & 6. This happens no matter how fast I press the select key. I had this problem some time ago, but not as bad as it is currently. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks Rob