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  1. I´m using EDGE and no, I´ve cleaned all cache and still can´t get 7.4.14
  2. The link provided on the page Will try the cache clearing thing,... will let you know
  3. Hi John, somehow I´m having the same issue, following the link provided it downloads the Installer, but when starting the installation it shows 7.4.13. Regards Paul
  4. .... continuing.... 4. Yes I do see the PFC and have access to the driver window. 5. Yes the Log all decoded received data is checked. 6. FSUIPC Loaded everything 7. All logs have today´s date. I´m desperately hoping that this is right this time..... Thank you Paul FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log PFCcom64.log PFChid64.log
  5. Hi John As much as I can, I´ve followed your instructions: 1.Yes I´m on the latest FSUIPC Version 7.13.11 2. I´ve never started as a New Log and I do exit FSUIPC before attaching any log files. 3. The Normal log file is checked ..... more to come...!
  6. John Hopefully I got it right this time.... Thank you Paul FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.1.log FSUIPC7.1_prev.log
  7. No need to correct it.. I get it... Will be done in a bit, as soon as I get home....... maybe an hour. Thank you PS: Also, the "0x" disappears on the offsets log window. And then I got this:: .... and the logs. FSUIPC7.1.log FSUIPC7.1_prev.log
  8. John, So sorry for thanking so long, a bunch of "little" things got in the way. As you requested I´ve been trying to follow the steps you´ve asked to add those offsets, but it turns out that I either can´t or don´t know what I´m doing. I found this, please advise. What do I do?? Thank you so much for keeping the "hope" alive Paul
  9. I´ve mentioned this a few times, but don´t know what I´m saying that is confusing. I need a BUTTON/SWTICH that can turn that PFC AVIONICS RADIO STACK "ON"...... not "in" the aircraft. Yes I do.... I´ve mentioned that to. On my Ignition setup I have 2 switches that turn on the Airplane batteries ON. and. this is the log FSUIPC7.log thank you guys FSUIPC7.log
  10. Never I said it does not work with the FBW, I said that I needed to bind a SWITCH(BUTTON to make it work, but it works. And yes, I maintain... the only plane that is not recognizing the bind to turn on the FPC Avionics is the FENIX.
  11. John Both of these are true.... When flying the FBW, I turn on the Airplane and nothing happens on the PFC. Repeating myself, On EVERY other plane, I have Battery and Avionics bind to Buttons and Switches and as soon as I turn the Battery and Avionics switches ON, EVRYTHING lights up, the plane and the AVIONICS STACK. Together and sometimes separately. I´m sorry if this is getting out of control, but I can´t find a better way to explain it. Paul
  12. NO... but on the FBW Plane is on and then I turn the PFC ON NO YES
  13. I´m not sure if this is what you looking for. lvars.txt events.txt
  14. Hi Daniel No sir...... on the FBW for exemple when I turn the Batt ON and the Ext Power on all the Avionics on the plane Turn ON. I had to bind a button (on the PFC Avionics Stack) to turn the Stack ON. Every other plane all I have to do is tell FSUIPC to turn the Avionics ON (PFC and Plane) by binding a button/stitch to the AVIONICS_ON/SET. 99.9% of the time YES.... except the Fenix A320.
  15. Hi John On my post `ve explained that all I´m trying to get is my Avionics Radio Stack (there´s a picture of it on the post) to turn on. There´s no physical Power ON/OFF on the PFC box itself, it needs to be bind with FSUIPC for example. What I do with EVERY other plane within MSFS2020 is tell FSUIPC to turn ON/OFF the Avionics Radio Stack with a assigned Button/Switch, either from the Stack itself or (in my case) I like to use my Ignition setup that has an Avionics switch for that. Yes they are, and FSUIPC has been my companion for quite a few years now and I would like to stay that way. AVIONICS_SET or AVIONCS1 ON/OFF there´s quite a few of them that work for every plane with on MSFS2020. FENIX does not recognize any of them. Tried a few dozen of them. Don´t know if I´m not explaining this correctly, but the fact is..... I´m still not been able to turn my Avionics Stack ON. Thank you John Paul´s out.
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