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Everything posted by bertranda

  1. That's ok now, it works like before. attached the log. thanks for support BR FSUIPC7.log
  2. Hello, same behavior with 7.3.24 log attached on the console i can see that 90109 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 90109 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 90109 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66523, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 90218 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 90218 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 happen immediately after closing or during closing of msfs, difficult to say it is fast. FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  3. OK. I did that here are the log and ini, but the value of TrafficStallTime=-5 changed by itself to another value after running FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  4. Hello John, thanks for your answer. yes "exit with FS" is check you can find in attachment my ini file. I notice also, once the sim is closed, overing the FSUIPC icon on the task bar mention "sim connected" but actually it is completely shut down. thanks for your support Best regards. FSUIPC7.ini
  5. Hello, I update my FSUIPC 7.3.19 to 7.3.23. after that when MSFS shut down FSUPC keep running (while it was shutting down before with all the programs launch with FSUIPC ini), it is not possible to shut FSUIPC down except going to the task manager and kill the process. And then I have to shut down manually all the programs that I lauch within the ini file. here are the log exctract for both versions 7.3.19 (this one was ok for me) 1899703 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 1902781 C:\Flight Simulator 2020\Community\pmdg-aircraft-738\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800\aircraft.CFG 1909203 Stopping WAPI (as MSFS in main menu)... 1909641 [INFO]: SimConnect_Close done 1916297 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1916297 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1916297 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66523, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1916406 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1916406 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1916406 **** Too many TransmitClientEvent errors received! Re-connecting now ... **** 1916625 **** PMDGThread finished ***** 1920172 MSFS no longer running - exiting 1920172 === Hot key unregistered 1920172 === Stop called ... 1920203 === Closing external processes we started ... 1923109 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 1923250 === Closing global Lua thread 1924016 === About to kill my timers ... 1924219 === Restoring window procs ... 1924219 === Unloading libraries ... 1924219 === stopping other threads ... 1924219 === ... Button scanning ... 1924313 === ... Axis scanning ... 1924422 === Releasing joystick devices ... 1924422 === Freeing macro memory 1924422 === Removing any offset overrides 1924422 === Clearing any displays left 1924422 === AI slots deleted! 1924422 === Freeing button memory ... 1924422 === Closing my Windows ... 1924422 === Freeing FS libraries ... 1925422 === Closing devices ... 1925422 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 1925422 System time = 27/09/2023 18:55:35 1925422 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 19.7 fps, Maximum was 27.1 fps Average frame rate for running time of 1891 secs = 24.4 fps Maximum AI traffic for session was 163 aircraft Traffic deletions 0 aircraft Memory managed: 11 Allocs, 9 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** 7.3.23 (never shut down) . 535640 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 541390 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 544265 C:\Flight Simulator 2020\Community\pmdg-aircraft-738\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800\aircraft.CFG 550984 Stopping WAPI (as MSFS in main menu)... 551469 [INFO]: SimConnect_Close done 574703 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 24 secs = 25.8 fps 574703 Max AI traffic was 1 aircraft 574703 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 575328 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 575328 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 575328 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66523, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 575437 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66068, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 575437 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65962, Param=3, nGroup=0, fSame=0 575437 Too many TransmitClientEvent errors received - 0xDEADBEEF timer killed, posting WM_RESIMCONNECT... 575437 **** Too many TransmitClientEvent errors received! Re-connecting now ... **** 575656 **** PMDGThread finished ***** 576140 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 576140 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 576547 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 576547 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 576953 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 576953 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 577359 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 577359 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 577765 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 577765 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 578172 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 578172 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 578578 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 578578 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 578984 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 578984 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 579375 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 579375 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 579781 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 579781 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 580187 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 580187 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 580594 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... 580594 **** SimConnect Data Stalled! Re-connecting now ... **** 581000 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005L trying again... this forever untill I kill the process. thanks for help. Best Regards.
  6. OK John, thanks, I'm under MSFS update process. I will try after that, hoping this update will not break too much things. thanks again for your great support.
  7. thanks John, I saw that in the user manual, I already try the double quote, but the result was the same. you can find in attachment my iniFSUIPC7.ini
  8. Hello, since version 7.2.3 (maybe 7.2.2, I didn't use it), my programs section in the ini file doesn't work. the lines are shown in the log as "error = 267". it was working ok with 7.2.1 any idea? log part below 656 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 3156 Simulator detected 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\ProSimMCP\ProsimMCP.exe" [Error=267] 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\IOCards\SIOC\sioc.exe" [Error=267] 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\ProSimAudio\ProsimAudio.exe" [Error=267] 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\ProSimAudio_2\ProsimAudio_2.exe" [Error=267] 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\Simulator Control Program\GSControl MS-FS V10.1.4.exe" [Error=267] 3156 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\ProSim737\ProSim737.exe" [Error=267] 8219 SimConnect_Open succeeded 8219 Running in "KittyHawk", Version: 11.0.282174.999 (SimConnect: 11.0.62651.3) 8219 MSFS version = 11.0.282174.999 thanks in advance for any help. Best Regards.
  9. hello, no no, I don't want to inject weather in MSFS (I'm happy with the embedded one). the idea, is to have weather data coming from another source to populate offsets or Lvar, or whatever, the same way it was before (FSX P3D), some kind of legacy mode. like this I could use my older addon, like weather radar to display some return, not the one from MSFS weather (since we can't do anything with it) but from another weather addon, in this case FSrealWeather (which is FS9 or FSX mode). I know the weather will not match perfectly but at least it should be roughly the same. the idea is to see radar return on prosim ND taking the information from somewhere else than MSFS.
  10. I try FSrealWX to get the weather data. This one is interesting because it is freeware and have 3 modes. FSUIPC Simconnect FSUIPC + simconnect the positive points are - it can run at the same time as MSFS and FSUIPC without crashing itself or the other programs. - in the status window, it can recognize the position of the aircraft and download weather around (source NOAA) what i don't know is where all these weather information goes into FSUIPC? I don't understand how to simulate older method of weather injection into FSUIPC. my knowledges are too limited. I just know a little about FSUIPC and never understood anything about simconnect my goal is to make some legacy function like weather radar to work with MSFS without taking the information from MSFS itself but from a third party programme running in parallel. if someone is interested in this method and have much knowledge than me, then you are welcome. 😁 Regards.
  11. OK, thanks for prompt answer. I will have a look. I need to learn more about it first, my knowledges are limited. Best Regards.
  12. Hello, would it be possible to populate the weather offset that are not used by MSFS with some information coming from 3rd party software or metar retrieve. this may allow weather radar to work like they did before. not sure I'm clear.
  13. Hello, I use prosim with the beta flight model 737-800. this flight model is to be used only with prosim, since it has no virtual cockpit. this flight model is intended to be used with prosim V3, and provided with it's own wasm module. but I use prosim V1 and it is not supported with this flight model. it works for me, except some functions like individual lights, door system, retractable light animation... it is communicating directly with simconnect i think. that's why I thought that, with this new function of FSUIPC, I could make it work instead of using the wasm module provided, but no... that is the story. I don't expect any support from prosim because V1 is not supported anymore. Regards.
  14. Hello, it is addon aircarft. this is specific situation, so maybe don't bother too much about this. Regards.
  15. thanks for your answer, the Lvars I want to manipulate are listed under the wasm menu, but for some reason it's not working. I'm not High level IT guy, so I don't really understand your explanation. I will continue to think about it and test. anyway, thanks for the help. BR
  16. thanks Pete, it works with some Lvars from default plane. unfortunately it is not working with the flight model I want to use, so I conclude it is due to flight model. BR
  17. Hello, I try to control some Lvars via offset, but I can't make it work. here what I did while running the sim, I pull the list of available Lvars for my aircraft for example lets take the following one 269563 [INFO]: ID=003 B738_Landing_Light_Left = 0.000000 then I add it to the FSUIPC.ini like this [LvarOffsets] 0=B738_Landing_Light_Left=66C0 i didn't precise the lengths of the offset because I don't know it. after I modify my SIOC code to use joystick emulation function Var 0198, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 2, Input 42 // Light Main Fixed L On { &joystick64 = changebit 29 v0026 } the joystick emulator part works fine because I use it in other parts of the code now, I'm not sure what to assign to the virtual button, offset byte set, offset word set... i try several, and in the declaration as well but I never make it work. I think I'm missing something important but I don't know what. another thing, on this version of FSUIPC I didn't find the way to display offset in real time (in FSX it could be display on game) but I don't understand what is the method now. thanks for your help.
  18. Solved! I remove FSUIPC from the EXE.XML and run manually with the other programs launch in the FSUIPC.INI after the aircraft is ready to fly. everything works as it should.
  19. thanks, I will experiment more to see if I can find a workaround on my own. I can't ask prosim support because I still use V1 and it is not supported anymore. BR
  20. Hello John, sorry to bother you again with that, but I discover that it almost work as it should. there is a glitch that maybe you can understand and maybe solve. when I start the sim, lets say LFPG, all the AI aircrafts on ground displayed on TCAS, and I got alert on takeoff when passing by (see picture). once I leave the airport area, far enough for the TCAS to "forget" the traffic, and then come back to land at the same airport, then the AI traffic on ground disapear from the TCAS, as it should be. another information: when I start the sim at an airport, the ground traffic display as explain before. now, if I shut down FSUIPC and start again (while the plane is loaded and ready to fly) then the on ground traffic disappeared from TCAS as it should be. any work around or something you could do that the on ground traffic is not showing at first without having to shutdown and restart FSUIPC? one thing I didn't try is to fire up FSUIPC only after the plane ready to fly at the airport. I didn't do it because FSUIPC is on the msfs config file and start automatically. thanks for your time. Best Regards.
  21. I can't ask to much to prosim since I use V1 and it is not supported any more. the only think I can tell is, that it is working with P3D, so, there is something different somewhere. I think I will have to live with it. anyway, thanks for help. Regards.
  22. I use Prosim.
  23. Hello John, I have just test the V7.1.1a, unfortunately, I still can see traffic on ground on my display, including the ones on aprons. thanks.
  24. understood. waiting for your feed back later. Regards.
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