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Everything posted by Nikolaj.Delaney

  1. Hello John, I will try the included ini and reinstalling the drivers. I had an issue recently where for some reason the system did not pick up the joystick and I had to plug it out and back in while MSFS and FSUIPC were active, which prompted a window in MSFS "new control device recognized". I think that that is when the issue started because before it was working correctly. Meanwhile, I did some more troubleshooting and found out that if I run FSUIPC before running the simulator, it reads the name of the device correctly and everything works as normal. But if I run MSFS (not by the .bat from FSUIPC but normal desktop shortcut) and wait until FSUIPC starts automatically, it doesn't read the device name and the issue appears. Then it can be fixed by pressing "reload assignments" in FSUIPC Axes page, closing FSUIPC and starting it manually. I also switched to MSFS SU10 Beta but I don't think that is the culprit. Thank you for your time, will keep this updated. Vojta
  2. FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csvFSUIPC7.ini Hello, I have a strange issue where the JoyName of my TCA Airbus stick keeps changing because it is "missing". I didn't do anything to the joystick and don't know how to solve it. The joystick GUID just keeps multiplying in the config - ini and log attached. The "Autoassignletters=no" does nothing, it always shows up with a different ID. It is extremely frustrating because it started when I meticulously set up my PMDG controls for the buttons on the joystick. Any help on how to make this issue go away would be appreciated. Best, Vojta FSUIPC7.log
  3. I shall see if that does it. Thanks!
  4. Hi John, this could actually make sense. I'm also using REX Skyforce cloud textures and the "in sync engine", but not the weather engine. Most tests so far have been okay but without the IVAO client running, which also draws from Simconnect. It could be that that just pushes it over the threshold. Thanks! Did you uninstall Skyforce completely or just stopped running the application?
  5. No, I was doing long hauls frequently before, often over 12 hours. I got a new joystick - the TCA sidestick from Thrustmaster. There also might have been a windows update. But no changes to the sim that I know of and it seems strange that a new joystick would cause this. Also to clarify: The issue happens after the sim runs for more than 7 hours. Doesn't happen if it's during a long haul flight, a series of shorter flights, standing on the ground not doing anything... passing 7 hours it locks up. I'll add the list of add-on installed addons and antivirus exclusions tomorrow, as that is rather extensive. Also I have the Prepar3D v5 addons folder on a Onedrive folder. There's certainly a number of issues currently so I believe it might be worth trying a fresh install of the PC but so far I wanted to avoid this as I have a number of other important programs and uses for the PC.
  6. Hi Pete, I apologize for my tone, I don't mean to antagonize you or John and I simcerely appreciate the support. I've simply been so frustrated with the issue. The worst thing is that I cannot identify the culprit, I tried rolling back and removing addons installed around the time it started happening but to no avail. I am now trying unregistered FSUIPC. I am not aware of any Lua plug-in. Addons: EXE: Chaseplane 1.2.44 ActiveSky Couatl SODE DLL: RAASPRO Carenado Navigraph PMDG Interface IVAO Pilot Client
  7. there are no events, and the VCs regularly do more bad than good, but I'll try. I have tried it before but I'll try again. No offense John, but for the last 3 months this issue has been happening, and the only time it doesn't happen is when FSUIPC isn't installed.
  8. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajwir6sTKzZQ8vRV314v3rlruf1u_A?e=HGIxKe
  9. Negative. First of all it's FSUIPC6 for P3Dv5HF2. When it's first installed it often works as intended throughtout a flight. When I set up controls via FSUIPC, it will start creating an issue where after 7 hours of the sim running it will freeze. My most often used way of finding out if it happened already is by pressing a hotkey for Chaseplane that's supposed to swich to external view. When the freeze already occured, nothing will happen. This only happens with FSUIPC installed. I tried fresh install of FSUIPC and setting up controls directly there but the result is still the same. No issue with autosave on my part. Link to relevant files soon (too big)
  10. Hello there John, I'm also experiencing this freeze after 7 hours of running the simulator. Usually right when I install FSUIPC everything works, but the moment I set up any controls in FSUIPC (even a push-to-talk button on the trigger button on my joystick) it starts to happen. I will do a test with freshly installed FSUIPC and send you the appropriate logs. On this link you can also find my test log regarding this issue. I believe you will find it quite robust: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ajwir6sTKzZQ08gmZpyhaRSh5Gf7zQ?e=OZ3T60 Overall, me and a few other people having this issue managed to isolate the cause to FSUIPC. I don't know how, or why, but when FSUIPC is not selected as an active addon, everything works fine. If it's on, after 7 hours the sim will stop responding to control and keyboard inputs, the plane will go off course and slightly (or signifficantly in the case of QW787) change it's altitude. Vojta
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