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Posts posted by Mugz

  1. 3 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    I don't know why this is and cannot really look into it as I don't have such a device. Could it be that it has multiple registry entries (just a thought)? Anyway, if it works with device 1, just use that.

    How i can check this? Can you give me a patch in registry to check and find Device number?

  2. 7 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    I'm not sure why this should be if you only have one of those devices....

    Yes. It's strange for me also. When i use Device = 0, i got wrf = 0, with device = 1 i have wrf = something like 192. No other device with same name or VID/PID exist.


    8 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    Maybe also try setting Report to 1 (which is the default), rather than 0, in your init section (of 0 does not work).

    I contact with device vendor, and he told me what this functionality is not implemented


    So, based on all the actions, it remains to understand how Device works

  3. I have VPC Stick MT-50CM2

    VID: 3344PID:4130

    Trying com.readfeature or com.writefeature but no luck.

    I'm trying to capture USB port data, but FSUIPC nothing to get or send to USB device.

    Vendor = 0x3344
    Product = 0x4130
    Device = 0
    Report = 0
    Pollrate = 25
    dev, rd, wrf, wr, init = com.openhid(Vendor, Product, Device, Report)
    if dev == 0 then
      ipc.log("Could not open HID")
    dev = ipc.get("dev")
    wrf = ipc.get("wrf")
    gt, n = com.readfeature(dev, wrf)
    if n ~= 0 then
      ipc.log("Error getting Features")
    str = "0265010000B900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F0"
    out = str:gsub('%x%x',function(c)return c.char(tonumber(c,16))end)
    i = com.writefeature(dev, out, wrf)


  4. On 5/29/2021 at 1:18 PM, John Dowson said:

    Do you mean the file itself, or that the icon is not in your system tray?
    If the file has gone, you must have deleted it. Just re-install.
    if the icon is not in your system tray ot task bar, FSUIPC7 isn't running.

    I mean no .ico file in program folder. Even after reinstall.


    On 5/29/2021 at 1:18 PM, John Dowson said:

    I make the FSUIPC7.exe available on its own only for beta releases.
    I don't understand why you would want to download just the exe. All releases come built into the installer as, as a minimum,  the documentation always changes between releases. However, to use FSUIPC7 you don't actually need to have it installed by the installer - you can just run the FSUIPC7.exe.

    I mean full programm in archive, i dont like reinstall every time, more simply is just unpack new version.

  5. Hello.


    I have two question.

    1. My program icon is gone, cant find FSUIPC7.ico
    2. Is it possible to additionally make a portable version (just an archive) so as not to bother with the installer?

  6. Just now, Pete Dowson said:

    When developing and testing a Lua script I always just assign a keystroke or button to it in the Assignments tab.

    If you invoke it through assignment the running version will be 'killed' and the current version loaded and started.


    Which assignment you ercomeend? LuaKill and then LuaDebug? I dont find LuaReload 

  7. Cat figure how to reload LUA.


    My LUA loaded throug [Auto] section in INI file, but when i something chage in LUA i restart FSUIPC to test how it work. It's any way to just reload LUA script?

  8. 8 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    There is also a standard control/event for the - Toggle Aircraft Exit Fast. Have you tried that?

    Yes. It work from FSUIPC interface. It's also can used from external app connected to FSUIPC?

  9. On 11/9/2020 at 4:06 PM, John Dowson said:

    Can you see the HidDemo file under [LuaFiles]?
    it should be
        1=Lua HidDemo

    i.e. a capital L, but I'm not sure that makes a difference without checking - please try it, and check log to see if its started.
    Otherwise, please attach your .ini and .log and I'll take a look.


    Tried. No luck =|

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