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About IamKangy

  • Birthday January 7

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  1. Found thanks to a friend, but if anyone else is looking for it, its https://eligrim.de/
  2. I used to have a file so I could use advanced voice controls, example: Jet Blue 234 pushback approved expect runway 17 via Victor. But I had to reformat my PC due to using an insider preview and lost all my files, does anyone know where i can get this file again I so can not remember for the life of me, thanks in advance.
  3. Yes I gave full taxiway instructions right to taxiway D - which is the final taxiway to the terminal. Echo Seria Delta was given after Romeo.
  4. See screenshot attached that would explain. As over 20KB has to add IMG to my website. The taxiway it is supposed to go was correct to my instructions. But you will see how the plane is when it gets to taxiway Romeo.
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