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  1. Hello Roman, You are saving my home cockpit, thank you x1000! Will send via PM thread 👍
  2. Hello all, I'm about to finish my home cockpit, but I'm still missing some of the codes to make the momentary switches work. I understand some of the switches Carenado is using have their own code. Has anyone here had success using L:Var Macro for the momentary buttons/switches like the test button for Engine Fire or INV1/2 START both in the overhead panel? By momentary switches I mean those that when pushed, return to the initial position. I have tried with Inc, Dec, Set, Toggle, etc, but it didn't work. Is it possible to make them work with L:Var Macro only?Another example is for the APU start, where I can move to position OFF and ON but can't move to the start position because it is only momentary. Is it possible make the momentary switches work with L:Var Macro only? Will post some of the L:Var Macros, -Engine Fire Test: 1=L:ASD_BTN_TEST_FIRE_ENG1_850XP -INV1 START 1=L:ASD_SWITCH_AC_INV1_850XP -APU Start L:ASD_SWITCH_APU_MASTERSTART_DIR Thank you all in advance, Gustavo D R.
  3. *** Moved from FAQ sub-forum - please post in the correct forum *** Hello all, I'm about to finish my home cockpit, but I'm still missing some of the codes to make the momentary switches work. I understand some of the switches Carenado is using have their own code. Has anyone here had success using L:Var Macro for the momentary buttons/switches like the test button for Engine Fire or INV1/2 START both in the overhead panel? By momentary switches I mean those that when pushed, return to the initial position. I have tried with Inc, Dec, Set, Toggle, etc, but it didn't work. Is it possible to make them work with L:Var Macro only?Another example is for the APU start, wherein I can move to position OFF and ON but can't move to the start position because it is only momentary. Is it possible to do the work with L:Var Macro only? Will post some of the L:Var Macros, -Engine Fire Test: 1=L:ASD_BTN_TEST_FIRE_ENG1_850XP -INV1 START 1=L:ASD_SWITCH_AC_INV1_850XP -APU Start L:ASD_SWITCH_APU_MASTERSTART_DIR Thank you all in advance, Gustavo D R.
  4. It’s too complicated! From my expertise and experience, I’m not a kind of programer guy, so are you available for a new job? I can hire you, Lol
  5. I think I could make the autopilot work but not as the real thing, when changing modes VS/FLC/FLC/VS I have to turnoff the mode in use and then select the other mode but when selecting FLC VNAV goes OFF and need to engage again. Also need to change to ON VS and FLC when loading the airplane to make functions work.
  6. Events logging: (using mouse to click on the autopilot panel VS and FLC) OBS: List of events won't stop rolling with FLC ON Thx, 1-VS OFF 2-VS ON 3-FLC ON 4-FLC OFF
  7. Sorry, I just corrected the post now. I'm using the Toggle option. you are right about it, switch works with OFF/ON once I manually first set it ON but I can’t get to the PTCH or VPTCH. I can see ON and OFF but I think modes are not correctly working. 😞 Update 1: I think it's working when sent command to the FSX Controls and FSUIPC same time. 1- FXS Settings Control: Autopilot Altitude hold (ON/OFF), Button 2 - FSUIPC = Control sent when button pressed: 1=L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON=Toggle Looks like I can get the pitch mode now and I can see the ON and OFF on the VS button. Update 2: VS and FLC looks like both working normal but if switching modes you will need to manually turn-OFF the actual mode (VS or FLC), otherwise you will visually merge the 2 modes in the mode annunciator.
  8. I got it! 😄 I'm using the 1=L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON=Toggle. Will send a picture of how I had to set the L:Var. Had to do the same with VNAV button. Forgot to mention: For the VS and VNAV when starting with the airplane give one click on the VS and VNAV button, after the first click both will work with ON and OFF push button. Thank you x1000 again!
  9. Hi John, thx once again! I tried with “Toggle” but it works same as Set for this option, switch goes to OFF and nothing happens if I push button again... I forgot to mention, when I push the option again ( VS button) it flashes the annunciator, I thin it changes from ON to OFF fast but can’t hold the command.... thank you,
  10. Hi, **(Sorry but I think I made a mistake of posting this Title in FAQ, I'm correcting now with a new post in the Forum page, Thx!) I have a second question just about to finish with my home cockpit. The Autopilot VS MODE doesn't turn ON just switch to OFF and when I push the button again it won't switch back to ON. I can't find other variable to correct the Macro command. What I'm doing wrong, anyone here had same problem? [Macros] 1=L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON=Set List of variables with VS: L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON = 0.000000, L:AP_VS_VAR_SET_ENGLISH = 0.000000, L:ASD_BTN_850XP_VS = 0.000000, L:CUSTOM_AP_VS_VAR = 0.000000, L:VS_HOLD_ALT = 0.000007,L:AIRSPEED_VS_850XP, Thank you in advance,
  11. Hi, I have a second question just about to finish with my home cockpit. The Autopilot VS MODE doesn't turn ON just switch to OFF and when I push the button again it won't switch back to ON. I can't find other variable to correct the Macro command. What I'm doing wrong, anyone here had same problem? [Macros] 1=L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON=Set List of variables with VS: L:ALT_VS_SEL_ON = 0.000000, L:AP_VS_VAR_SET_ENGLISH = 0.000000, L:ASD_BTN_850XP_VS = 0.000000, L:CUSTOM_AP_VS_VAR = 0.000000, L:VS_HOLD_ALT = 0.000007,L:AIRSPEED_VS_850XP, Thank you in advance,
  12. Thank you all you guys! It's working now with Inc and Dec added to the Macros. Have a great day!!! 🙂
  13. Hey John, Thx for the quick help response! If the line of the macros is: [Macros] 1=L:ASD_SWITCH_ISOLATE_850XP=Toggle Where in this line should I add the number to activate right click instead of the left? I’m manually typing the macros. Carenado Hawker doesn’t work with mouse macros. Thx again!
  14. Hello all, I have the aircraft Carenado Hawker 850XP for FSX. I'm trying to create macros for the overhead, and it works fine, with exception of the switches (usually 3 positions) where I have to use the mouse right click to change the switch position. How can I program the macro simulating mouse right click? Anyone here with the same issue? Thank you so much!!!
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