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Everything posted by Christoph112233

  1. I admit it's not loud, thats true. But it's still there. Time it: Each 13 seconds. Tick. Tick. Tick. Between 03:00 minutes and 05:00 minutes. First time you can here it at 03:13. In this video here, between 09:00 and 10:00, you can also hear it with a shortened period of about 4 seconds (turn up the speakers please, in case you dont hear it). What could cause it? I experience the same thing...
  2. Hello Guys! I experience a weird clicking noise each few seconds. It's not loud, but pretty annoying. You can also hear it in this YouTube Video between 03:00 and 05:00, each 13 seconds, starting at time 03:13 for example. Maybe anyone is familiar with that problem and knows how to solve it?
  3. Hey guys! Problem SOLVED! 🙂 I successfully installed the v2 E-Jets (175/195) into P3Dv5. You have to use the Installer which is compatible with P3Dv4 (available via SimMarket for example): 1.) Downlaod the installer and extract it. 2.) Run the installer as administrator. 3.) Change the install folder from P3Dv4 to P3Dv5. 4.) Install it. 5.) Done! In case you want to improve the cockpit textures, especially the night lighting, I suggest you use the "EJETS_Upgrade_FSX" which can be found on avsim. In order to update the AIRAC Database, just run the Navigraph installer for the "Feelthere Embraer v2". Choose "P3Dv4" as your sim and take a note where the installer will place the new airac. Afer completion look out for the new airac file ("nd.mdb" data file) and place it into "Lockheed Martin -> P3Dv5 -> Feelthere -> Nd". Have fun! 🙂
  4. Hey! According to this video (clearly v2 when you take a look at the VC), it has to work some way 😀:
  5. Hello, I dont use any lighting Mods (like FSL-Spotlights for example). The lighting itself makes the cockpit completely unreadable, in terms of cockpit textures like A/P and Overhead Panel. Thank you for your help!
  6. Hello guys! Is there any chance to get the "Feelthere Embraer 175/195 v2" working in P3dv5? Yes, I mean the v2 version, it's not a typo! 🙂 Many thanks in advance and greetings!
  7. Hello guys! Is there any fix for the night Lighting in the Virtual Cockpit or any tweak in order to improve the visual appearance? It's really really hard to fly the aircraft properly at night in my opinion. Best regards!
  8. Hey guys! Thanks for your great work which has be done so far with all the requests! Here I got another one: Feelthere Ejet v3, Belavia, E175 Long Wing.
  9. Hey guys, here are my answers to the questions: 1.) When and where did you purchase the EjetV3? I purchased the EjetV3 in December, 2019 (but I haven't used it till February, 2021. Note: The current installer which I used is: "EMB_V3_175-195_new_customer_sp2.exe"). I purchased it at the feelthere.com website (downloading the installer via BMT.micro). 2.) P3DV4 or P3DV5? I run P3Dv5.1 3.) Is this for the E170/190 or E175/195? It's the E175/195 Package. 4.) Are your Ejets updated to SP2? The installer is named by default as "EMB_V3_175-195_new_customer_sp2.exe". Please note: A.) All the Lighting/Textures in the VC are fine during daylight, in the E175 as well as the E195. B.) No Shader-Tool is used. C.) Night textures in the VC work fine in all my other Aircraft (FSLabs, PMDG, Majestic). Many thanks for your help, very appreciated! Greetings! :)
  10. Hey guys! Is anyone else suffering from extreme blurry cockpit textures in the VC at night? If yes, is there any fix for that? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey guys! Another quick question concerning the Feelthere Embraer v3 175/195:How do you guys find out the Center of Gracity (CG) in order to set Stab. Trim accordingly before Take Off? Many thanks in advance and kind regards! :)
  12. Thanks for the quick help, best greetings! :)
  13. You mean within the P3Dv5 Menu?
  14. Hey everyone! Is there any way to load fuel into the Embraer manually? - Instead of using the "Fuel Cheat". I'd really like to use the amount of Fuel which I got on my Flight Plan. Many thanks in advnace and kind regards!
  15. Thank you for the quick support, always appreciated! 🙂 Greetings!
  16. Hello Everyone! I got Active Sky installed as well as Activate in the Sim (v5) but it doesnt work. The Weather Radar shows up fine in all other aircraft, so Active Sky is working properly. However, in the Feelthere Ejetv3 I dont even have the option to select "Weather" on the Nav Display (see Screenshot). It's the same for both E175/195 aircraft. I got "Enable WXR" ticked in the Airplane Configurator. It also doesnt change when I switch to Map mode or after the IRS has aligned. I also checked in the Config. file if WXR is enabled, it says =1. Any ideas on how to get the weather radar to work? Thanks in advance, greetings!
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