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Everything posted by DakotaPilot

  1. What a mess Asobo made of something that worked well! It is what it is and we are stuck with it. With the deve menu turned on under Windows -> Behaviours is a LocalVariable tab and in the upper right a drop down from which you can choose xml files. I was working with the Redwing L1049G and found some of the variables that seem to belong to this plane there. If I pick the L1049.xml file it's using the file from the Redwing files. I will take a look at that link you referenced. Thanks.
  2. Sounds good. I'll give it a try. The LVARS should list without an LVAR file - correct? Where do I find the HVARs for an aircraft? Would the developer supply a file or is there a way to get them from a dev tool in MSFS. I found the LVAR list tool in the dev tools. Hmm. I just downloaded it and when I open the changes.txt I find v7.3.5 changes listed twice with the most recetn on 30 May 2022. Is that really 7.3.6? Yes. About shows 7.3.6. I'll get 7.3.7 when it's released.
  3. FSUIPC v7.3.5 the websocket server is running and WASM is enabled and I have show FSUIPC selected. If I select List LVARS or HVARS from the Add-ons -> WASM menu I get binary characters in the FSUIPC7 window. However, in the FSUIPC_WASM.log file it says 1752 LVARS found, no HVARS. The FSUIPC log file shows 000 lvars, doesn't mention HVARS. Is the list supposed to show up in the FSUIPC window? If I run the Websocket server and tell it to log LVARS, same result, zero LVARS. HVARS produce no messages. I assume I do not understand how this is supposed to work but thought that the LVARS should show up in the log or in the FSUIPC window. I'm used to FSX, P3D and am trying to get a handle on what Asobo did to this sim. Thanks.
  4. Yes, I started using letters some time ago so things didn't change when IDs did. I have a yoke, throttle quadrants, (4), pedals, as well as HOTAS with throttle and stick, all routed via Joystick Gremlin to vJoy devices. so I end up with a lot of entries. In the past I only assigned letters to vJoy devices since all the physical devices ended up there. That gave me only three devices, three letters. When I saw FSUIPC7 had assigned everything letters I wasn't sure if it was a bug since the docs (which you are now fixing) said they shouldn't be there. I think forcing letters is a good idea and eliminates user issues and now I know it's intentional I'll just ignore the ones I don't want.
  5. I see. It isn't really a problem but since it didn't work the same way I thought something was broken. It's more of a convienence not having letters assigned to controls I don't need letters for and adds more clutter to the file. I assign mine manually anyway and put the ones I want with the letters I want. I'll ignore the rest until I use them. Thanks. And again, FSUIPC7 makes the controls usable!!!
  6. Yes. I do.
  7. I'm using 7.3.5 and have AutoAssign set to No as I do for FSX and P3D. I assigned letters to three of my devices and not to the rest. However, if I remove the unwanted letter assignments the next time I start FSUIPC it has assigned letters to the devices again. Maybe I'm missing something here about autoassign? Thanks for a utility that makes MSFS controls actually usable.
  8. Works great. Thank you.
  9. Thank you. That was a quick response and I appreciate it.
  10. I added LuaPath to my FSUIPC6.ini [LuaFiles] section but no matter what I enter I get this in the FSUIPC6.log file and none of the Lua scripts show up in FSUIPC. The folder for scripts is in my FSUIPC6 add-ons directory for P3Dv5 and is in a folder called LuaScripts so I have Blah\Documents|Prepar3D v5 Addons\FSUIPC6\LuaScripts for the directory. This is the entry in FSUIPC6.log and it appears to add the FSUIPC6.ini. I could work around it with an absolute path but A) would prefer relative and B) am curious as to what is happening. [code] LuaFiles from: "C:\Users\Brett\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\FSUIPC6.ini.\LuaScripts\" [code] I've tried LuaPath= any of the following and nothing works LuaPath=LuaScripts LuaPath=.\LuaScripts LuaPath=\LuaScripts Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.
  11. I normally use the letters in my profiles instead of numbers as it helps me remember what controller it is. I've been not worrying about it until I got a new yoke and throttle setup and had to deal with both numbers and letters which I did not remember doing before. I'll not worry about it then. Thanks.
  12. I've noticed that if I assign letters and delete the numbered entries for controllers in fsuipc6.ini that the numbers come back the next time I start the simulator. 1. Is there anyway to prevent that. I thought if I had letters assigned it should not put the numbers back in. 2. If I understand correctly, if I just let it do whatever it wants in the main fsuipc6.ini but put the letter assignments in the aircraft profile then the numbers will NOT show up for the aircraft - is that correct?1
  13. Okay. I haven't kept up with FSUIPC for quite a while and I just reinstalled FSX for various reasons (along with P3D and MSFS) and couldn't live without FSUIPC in it so I just got it.
  14. Oh. I also use FSUIPC4 so will that be updated, too?
  15. Wow. I'm surprised, too. Thanks for fixing it.
  16. I had some free time and whatever you did fixed it. I gave it this line in the Programs section. RUN2=READY,CLOSE,"C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe" "C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\303df744-c367-4681-a409-4ac2f187b39e.json" Out of curiousity what did you fix?
  17. I will test it later today when I can get back to my desk. Thanks.
  18. I did some more testing and I can run the program if I do this. Run2=READY,CLOSE,C:\Users\Brett\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe As soon as I add an argument it fails saying it can't find the directory but it works from the command line window or a Powershell script. At this point I'll start them manually or do something else. I did try running the above but with <PathtoPowershell>powershell.exe which works but as soon as I add a paramater such as "-command <pathtoprog>\script.ps1" I get the 267 error.
  19. Nope. I replaced my name with NAME. In the ini file it's correct. I copied the string from the application's shortcut that it created. It's weird. The same line works fine in a command window or from a Powershell script no matter what directory the script or command window is in.
  20. Yup. and I do that with another program but for some reason when I do as above (and any of the combinations discussed) the FSUIPC log shows a error about the directory and file yet the application will run from any directory when it's done from a command window or Powershell script. Strange.
  21. I did some more testing and contacted the author. The program is supposed to run and if the json file has a full path it uses it. I tested it in cmd and with a Powershell script where I did not change to the application's home directory and the program ran and started the proper window. However if I use the above command in FSUIPC I get the 267, invalid directory error. I also tried this command Run2=READY,CLOSE,Powershell "-command C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\303df744-c367-4681-a409-4ac2f187b39e.json" I'm not sure what is going on but a workaround is to finish something I was going to do a while back until I found the FSUIPC Run section. I'll create a script and have it run what I need. I assume that to run a Powershell command I can use the syntax Run2=powershell "-command Mycommandhere" From the command line this would be powershell -command Mycommandhere where Mycommand here is a Powershell command file.
  22. You are welcome. FSUIPC is fantastic and I've made good use of it!
  23. I found the issue. I wrote a Powershell script to start the exe and run one of the JSON files. Despite the fact that the full path to the JSON file is include it is ignored by the program. If I have the Powershell script cd to the apps home directory and then run the program with it's argument all is well. If I comment out the CD it whines. I'll let the author know as he may be making the assumption it always runs from a shortcut he creates which has the working directory so in effect it's cd'ing to the proper place and runs.
  24. I tried quoting it all. No luck there. I've had quotes on both the program and argument separately, and with none on the program but on the argument. Same result. The 267 error shows up in the FSUIPC log file. The program log files do not show anything but if it never started then that makes sense. The program never starts at all, no window that comes up and disappears, nothing.
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