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Everything posted by Psistorm

  1. Thanks a lot! I'll be messing around with this when I get the chance, this helps me a great deal!
  2. I'm in the process of setting up a VRInsight panel for my msfs needs, and my plan is as follows. There are two rotary knobs I want to bind to MFD/PFD map zoom, since the knobs have a limited range as does the map zoom, and since most encoders are already spoken for. To that end I've found this thread in which Pete Downson posted an example lua file I mean to support for my ends, eventually figure out a way to create "steps" within the range rather than update map zoom on every little rotary change. My question though is, using an external .evt file (also from these forums), how do I need to call them in ipc.control()? I've found the documentation for the function, but it basically just says to call the numerical event ID. Does that mean that if say, I want to call event #8 in the .evt file, I'll simply go ipc.control(8)? I read up on the lua documentation but havent noticed information specific on how to call event IDs from evt files. Some help would be greatly appreciated, I should be able to figure the rest out from there, I've got some scripting experience in another - relatively specific - language for years, lua should be straightforward enough to pick up.
  3. Ah, looks like there's my facepalm moment. I definitely missed that requirement, I will conduct a test right away! And yes, that did fix it. Apologies for missing out on that, I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere, and thank you for your help, I'm now able to configure everything accordingly!
  4. I've set it up to show extensions, here's the screenshot with it https://gyazo.com/e231dd4070549f787260fa8090a02eb1
  5. Thanks for the input. I've tried adding the following: [EventFiles] 0=G1000Events But sadly to no avail. It's also one of the mobiflight evt files just renamed, since I plan on eventually culling unused commands, though for the time being it's the file as downloaded from this thread. Also just to cover all bases, my process is to open the buttons and switches menu, press a button on the panel I'm trying to configure. I check "select for FS control" and open the "control sent when button pressed" dropdown, though the mobiflight events do not list as expected. Also here's a screenshot of my FSUIPC folder: https://gyazo.com/283c5eeae11df376255e2e611cd0e51e
  6. Here are the requested files, the .evt file lives in the install folder, so the same one the .exe file is located in. Not sure what I might be missing, I'm assuming it's something mundane that'll make me smack my forehead though FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini G1000Events.evt
  7. Hi, thanks for the reply. I thought I saw someone else with the issue earlier in the topic, but might have been resolved. The .ini file indeed does not list the file, nor have the [EventFiles] section in it. I tried adding it, though I don't seem to quite get the syntax right. Assuming a file called "G1000Events.evt" - what should the line for it look like? Edit: And yes, FSUIPC was not running when I pasted the file, but seems to refuse picking it up
  8. Hiya - I'm also suffering from the issue that the .evt file does not appear to be recognized by FSUIPC. I'm using version 7.0.5 atm, and have pasted one of the evt files (containing the g1000/g3000 commands) to the installation folder, however when trying to assign a button function, the custom events do not show up. Am I missing any steps?
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