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  1. good days. I need help, I'm a beginner in these things, I understand very little, I needed someone to tell me how I should do it step by step if necessary and with patience, my problem is that in flight simulator 2020 I bought the Fênix A320 and I wanted to put shortcut keys for some functions, it happens that I enter FSUIPC7 and in the keys assignements I choose the key and choose its function but in the game it doesn't work. What will I have to do more? I already tried using the calculator but nothing works, some works like wing lights and beacon lights but the rest nothing. I don't know if I have to add something in some FSUIPC7.ini file? FSUIPC7.log ? I really don't know what to do. I used the LINDA program and managed to find out what the functions are for each of the buttons but I can't introduce them into the game to make them work, I don't know if you can also do it through LINDA or if you have to use FSUIPC7 or some other. Can anyone help me? Please. Thanks My FSUIPC.INI [Keys] 8=79,8,66053,0,66053,0 -{O: Press=STROBES_OFF, Release=STROBES_OFF }- 10=73,8,65560,1,65560,0 -{I: Press=STROBES_TOGGLE, Release=STROBES_TOGGLE }- 12=80,8,66240,1,66240,0 -{P: Press=TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS, Release=TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS }- 14=112,8,66718,0,66718,0 -{F1: Press=CABIN_NO_SMOKING_ALERT_SWITCH_TOGGLE, Release=CABIN_NO_SMOKING_ALERT_SWITCH_TOGGLE }- 16=32,8,66740,2 -{Space: Press=MANUAL_FUEL_PRESSURE_PUMP }- 20=68,8,66378,0 -{D: Press=TOGGLE_WING_LIGHTS }- >>>> these works 22=70,8,66379,0 -{F: Press=TOGGLE_NAV_LIGHTS }- 24=90,8,66485,0 -{Z: Press=ANTI_ICE_TOGGLE_ENG2 }- 26=88,8,65751,2 -{X: Press=LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE }- 28=67,8,65751,3 -{C: Press=LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE }- 30=86,8,65751,1 -{V: Press=LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE }- 32=81,8,67090,1,67090,0 -{Q: Press=TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER, Release=TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER }- 34=87,8,66484,0 -{W: Press=ANTI_ICE_TOGGLE_ENG1 }- 36=69,8,66485,0 -{E: Press=ANTI_ICE_TOGGLE_ENG2 }- 38=84,8,66706,0 -{T: Press=APU_GENERATOR_SWITCH_TOGGLE }- 42=33,8,67090,0 -{PgUp: Press=TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER }- 44=82,8,66363,0 -{R: Press=TOGGLE_ALTERNATOR1 }- 46=89,8,66364,0 -{Y: Press=TOGGLE_ALTERNATOR2 }- 50=66,8,66719,0 -{B: Press=CABIN_SEATBELTS_ALERT_SWITCH_TOGGLE }- 54=34,8,66889,0 -{PgDn: Press=ANNUNCIATOR_SWITCH_ON }- 56=192,8,67090,1,67090,0 -{'@key: Press=TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER, Release=TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER }- 58=65,8,66240,2 -{A: Press=TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS }- 60=83,8,67172,0 -{S: Press=MASTER_BATTERY_OFF }- FSUIPC7.ini
  2. Boa noite, já fiz o download da versão beta, já comprei o programa mas continua sempre igual ou seja anteriormente com a versão beta conseguia correr o programa self loading control e aparecia a dizer que o FSUIPC estava conectado de repente deixei de conseguir tudo isso, não compreendo porquê, no simMarket aparece no programa várias janelas diferentes e quando eu carrego no programa abre directamente o flight simulator e nem sei como abrir as definições , alguém me pode ajudar , obrigado. Porquê não consigo que o FSUIPC fique activado ?
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