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Everything posted by Grendel

  1. That's wonderful, it worked straight away. Thank you very much indeed. Gary
  2. Blake, could I trouble you with one more question? With the gear in transit I get flashing green gear lights which extinguish or turn solid as appropriate when the movement is completed. Ideally though the lights would be solid red whilst the gear in transit. I've tried making alterations to the section copied below but nothing I've tried results in solid green (down) solid red (transit) and lights off (up). Do you have any suggestions? Thanks. if self._is_failed then set_gear_led(self._led,GEARIND_RED,(not (self:isDown() and GearHandleIsDown:isTrue()))) else if self:isUp() and GearHandleIsDown:isFalse() then set_gear_led(self._led,GEARIND_OFF) elseif SimIsOnGround:isFalse() or GearHandleIsDown:isTrue() then set_gear_led(self._led,GEARIND_GREEN,self:isInTrans()) else -- why is the gear handle up when the sim is on the ground? set_gear_led(self._led,GEARIND_RED,true) end end else set_gear_led(self._led,GEARIND_OFF)
  3. Thank you very much Blake, that's solved it for me. Gary
  4. Thank you both. The gear control offset shows a value of 255 but I don't know whether this is correct or not. Blake, could you kindly clarify... Line 254 reads "...and GearHandleIsDown:isFalse() and GearIsRetractable:isTrue()))". Should that be altered to read "and GearHandleIsDown:isFalse() and true()"? Also should I retain the two extra closed brackets at the end of the line? Similarly lines 304 and 305? Sorry to keep troubling you both, it feels as if I'm very close so your help continues to be much appreciated.
  5. Thanks John, 060C shows 0 rather than 1. Is there a way I can correct this?
  6. Thank you Blake, downloading it from the new link got it going and I now have the parking brake light and the master caution light working. However I still can't get the gear lights to illuminate. John, I've been trying to use your solution (above) but this hasn't cracked it for me yet. The line I've tried changing is GearIsRetractable = SimVar(0x060C,"UB",true) which is shown in the file as line 237 rather than 211. Are you able to suggest what I might be doing wrong? Thanks, Gary
  7. My thanks again. The file is listed in the auto section but when it loads I see the following (or a variation, it's not always 341) in the FSUIPC log; 1402766 *** LUA Error: ...ram Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\Bravoleds.lua:341: unexpected symbol near 'Â' 1402984 *** LUA Error: ...ram Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\Bravoleds.lua:341: unexpected symbol near 'Â' Presumably this refers to line 341 in the lua file but there's nothing on that line that seems to correspond to the 'unexpected symbol' message. Any suggestions would be welcomed, thank you.
  8. Thanks to you both but I'm still unable to get any lights to illuminate on my Bravo so I assume I've done something wrong. I've copied Blake's coding into a file named bravoleds.lua and placed this in the modules folder. FSUIPC recognises this and offers me the option of assigning a button or keypress to activate it but nothing happens when I do this. Is there anything either of you can suggest? As I say, I'm using FS2004 and FSUIPC 3.999z9b. Many thanks.
  9. Thank you Blake, unfortunately the whole Lua thing is way over my head and I can't understand at all what I need to do to get the LEDs going. It's not a big problem as the throttle works well enough without them although the landing gear lights would have appealed had I cracked it! Thanks again, Gary
  10. Thanks Pete, I did take a look and tried to follow the instructions but in truth I think it's all a bit beyond me. Gary
  11. I'm just trying to get to grips with this and am assuming I'll need the hidBravoButtons.lua file to have a chance of getting it to work. I see there is a link to this file in the forum dated 9th January but the file itself is shown as unavailable. Is there anywhere else I might be able to get hold of it? Thanks, Gary
  12. Hi Cool Dan Luke, would you know if your solution would work with FS2004? I must be one of very few users who is set up that way and whilst my Bravo is functioning in almost all respects using FSUIPC 3.999z9 I can't get the LEDs to operate. Thanks, Gary
  13. Thank you John, much appreciated. Gary
  14. I'm wondering FSV1142 if you managed also to get the Bravo's LED lights to work. I'm also using it with FS2004 and it's running fine in all other respects via FSUIPC 3.999z9. The lights though continue to elude me.
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