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guenseli last won the day on October 22 2015

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About guenseli

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. many thanks for the fast reply!
  2. Hello John, I searched, but can't find any flags or entries to remove the splash screen. Could you just give a little hint how I can disable it easily? thanks!
  3. Hello, since several versions I have the problem, that FSUIPC is still running, beside I have the option checked "Exit with FS". What is strange is, that the icon in the task bar vanishes, but I have a running instance in the task manager That leads to an error when I startup the sim again, saying that another instance is already running. But it happens not every time, but I haven't figured out how to reproduce it and waht leads to this error. This is with Win10, Pro version, all updates Any ideas what happens there? many thanks Günter
  4. Hello, I see you changed it in the release version and I can report it is working! thx!
  5. Hello John and Peter, I have renamed my FSUIPC folder to get my addons better sorted. In my case it is now "0AA - FSUIPC7" The result is now, that the new FSUIPC and MSFS shortcut does not work, because the path in your MSFSwithFSUIPC7.bat is now: start "" F:\MSFS2020\Community\0AA - FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe where start F:\MSFS2020\Community\"0AA - FSUIPC7"\FSUIPC7.exe would be right. I know, simplest way would be in my case to rename my FSUIPC folder (or edit yout bat), but maybe you could take care of this to avoid confusion for other users?! And could the starting animation with the dots be skipped? Why do we need it? many thanks Günter
  6. For my logic, you set the values for the climb or descent, not enabling VS hold itself? Here it is working as it should: I enable VS hold and after that I make the input to change the value how many feet ... Or do I misunderstand sth.?
  7. VNAV/NAV is working here with AP_NAV1_HOLD or AP_NAV1_HOLD_ON AP_NAV1_HOLD_OFF
  8. YES!!! All the above is working! So, if you could implement FLC also, we have covered the most important AP functions! I seek also for Map Range/Zoom for the Garmins, but as it isn't also implemented in the default assignments, I do not think theres a possibility?! Many thx!!!
  9. I tried all the above controls and offsets you suggested and some more ... (AP_Panel_VS_on/off etc). Nothing works. I tested it with the TBM and the Cessna Caravan. Haven't tested other so can't say if its tied to these two only. Don't think so. If I send the control I get the following error: 816485 LUA.5: LINDA:: [F] FSX control: 65890 param: 1 816485 Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 3678, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=0, id=65890 (????), data=1
  10. many thx!
  11. thank you for your answer. The last topic you linked for me is exactly my problem, FLC and VS are the same which are not accessible currently it seems. So, we have to wait. So, with the list provided in the MSFS SDK --> Dokumentation (EventIds or Simulation Variables) we could also not work currently? (hope that is not a dumb question - but I have no clue) thx!
  12. Hello, first thanks for your great work! I still trying to interface MSFS with LUA. Most simple controls do work, many for the AP fortunately. But I can't get to have VS (hold) working. (up and down works) Is there any possibility to make VS working with FSUIPC? many thanks
  13. Just want to add, that I get the same issue 538812 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=-256, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538812 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=-674, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538828 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=-511, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538828 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=-512, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538843 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=-256, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538859 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=-63, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538875 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=-256, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538875 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538890 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 538953 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=115, nGroup=0, fSame=0 539000 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65763, Param=0, nGroup=0, fSame=0 539578 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66387, Param=-14581, nGroup=0, fSame=0 539703 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=66387, Param=-16384, nGroup=0, fSame=0 These are just some of hundreds as I was moving my axes a while, what is shown here as parameters, but no movement in the VC. I had this twice relative shortly and in both cases I made a steep turn (with my saitek pedals) while rolling on ground. Coincidence or not. Note: I haven't installed the provided exe from above. Just the original current FSUIPC thx for having a look into it!
  14. Doesn't sound good 😪 thx for answering
  15. Is there any information if LUA scripts do work (or in other word if LINDA will work)? thx!
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