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Pat Dotson

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About Pat Dotson

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. From the reading I've done it sounds like this is the solution - dictate that the program runs as a 32-bit app. This apparently means that Vista 64 will run the program in an compatibility environment called wow64. I've tried to figure out how to make this happen, but I'm a mechanical engineer and not a programmer, so no joy yet :)
  2. Should the VB .NET FSUIPC Client executable run in a 64-bit environment? I'm having trouble running the program in Vista 64.
  3. I have a new computer, and want to transfer FSUIPC over to it. What do I need to do? Do you have to pay additional fees to run on more than one computer? I'm sure this has been addressed before, but I've looked through some of the support docs and tried to search for the answer. Thanks in advance, Pat
  4. I was able to do what I needed using FSUIPC and the FSUIPC VB .NET library created by Paul Henty. Coding using the VB .NET library and example is a piece of cake. You can even download an "Express" version of Visual Studio VB from Microsoft for free! I was able to get FS9 talking to my motion control hardware within an hour or two. After about six hours of work total I had everything working satisfactorily. Thanks Paul and Pete for all your work! Pat Dotson
  5. Working in VB .NET... After calling a read function and a process function in FSUIPC Shell, where is the read offset value stored? I worked with the VB .NET example in the FSUIPC SDK last night. The app seemed to be talking properly with FSUIPC, but I couldn't figure out how to retreive the offset value after doing the read. Also, what's the proper method for passing the offset variables to the read function? Example code is appreciated! Thanks, Pat Dotson
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