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About Porthos

  • Birthday 04/05/1952

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  1. Hi John and thanks for the response. Appreciated. I have tried the methods using the P3D v5 advanced controls and without that selected as you suggested. The behaviour is indeed strange. And its something which is putting me off using P3DV5 until its fixed as it affects all my aircraft. I still have V4 to play with (P3Dv4) so will keep using that until a fix is found so the mouse look works the same as in P3Dv4. Thanks again for the reply.
  2. Hello John et al Is there any further news on this issue please? I am having the same issue trying to use the centre wheel for Mouse Look with really weird results. The view just pans and cannot be reset easily. Any help appreciated. Rob
  3. Hi Peter. I recently rebuilt my computer. Installing FSUIPC 5 i have a new serial for version 5 from when I purchased the module. I had previously purchased Wide FS with v4 of FSUIPC. From my reading I can then use that serial to register Wide FS with version 5 FSUIPC? The FSUIPC registration is fine however I cannot register WideFS as I get a message the 12 digit key is invalid. Can you assist please? Regards Robert
  4. Peter thanks for the info re the throttles. Are there any other axes we should not calibrate through FSUIPC?
  5. Jamil one thing I did when I had a similar problem Made sure the delta for each axis was a small as possible.
  6. Interesting are you certain you have disabled the axes on ALL of your TQ yolks etc in FSX?? I have the yolk, 2xTQ , rudder pedals and a 3D extreme. you will be surprised that all of these have all the same assignments for axes etc by and large so check to ensure that each controller has that function disabled in FSX. good luck..
  7. Well I use the Saitek yoke. I don't use the axis side of things to calibrate the trim wheel. IN FSUIPC I merely use Buttons and Keys and assign elev trim up and down. Works a treat and I have never had an issue with the trim wheel using that method.
  8. Kevin you might also go through all the joystick assignments via the P3Dv2 menu options controls and make sure all the joystick assignments are deemed or that you don't have any conflicting ones of you have left the joystick enabled in P3Dv2 just did all that myself
  9. no responses?? interesting dont bother I worked it out for myself from reading myriad forum entries. Why is it so difficult for 'experts" to help beginners?? One of my little life sayings' " all experts were once beginners" I have to say that it is not always easy to follow what the experts write as you write from a platform of assumed knowledge which leaves out the "little and necessary" details to successfully complete a task. Flitedeck is now working with GPSout a treat and I am very happy using it. Rob
  10. Hi Nephi Being new to this I am trying nut out how to use the exact same scenario as you describe above. Any chance you can post your setting with a step by step instruction sequence. I don't have much hair left - I would like to keep what little I possess :mrgreen: Regards Rob
  11. Peter I can assure you this does happen LAst night flying from YBBN to YSSY the flight restarted severl times beciause of violent wind shist...yes 180 degrees etc. This made the fligth restart from where the frame stress got the aircraft. Damned annoying that when you run 2 monitors with undocked panels etc etc.. can yo utell me where I would find the saved files for the flight?? regards
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