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Everything posted by SMN204

  1. Sorry 20.10 for all aircraft, 10,3 worked for MD11 for me, so I set 10.3 in general. Now I set 20.10 back to general, and for MD11 I set 10.3 like this (is this correct?) And for KingAir will try 20.5
  2. Ok, I set 20.10 in the [Buttons] menu for the test. (For the other airplane I did 10.3 as you said) Everything works OK But, with 20.10 same thing, just faster button pulsation...:-) I will try with 20.5 Am I set here correctly for a specific airplane?
  3. Black Square Analog King Air 350i v1.4 ......- Added true Pitch Sync functionality to yoke CWS buttons. Pressing and holding “L:var_PilotCws” or binding “K:SYNC_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR_PITCH” to hardware controls will now allow the aircraft to be maneuvered in pitch while temporarily disabling the autopilot pitch servo. FSUIPC7.ini 193=RA,14,CPPitch_Sync_yoke_CWS_buttons_Press,0 -{Preset Control}- With this assignment - a short press occurs, without holding it down myevents.txt 63 Pitch_Sync_yoke_CWS_buttons_Press#1 (>L:var_PilotCws) FSUIPC7.ini myevents.txt
  4. How to make the button held down continuously until the button is released. In the settings I check “Control to repeat while held” - the button vibrates. here is the video. In the ini file instead of RA I put HA... same thing. In ini file: ButtonRepeat=10,3 It was 20.10. But for other airplanes, I need 10.3. Maybe that's why the button vibrates like that? Is it possible that ButtonRepeat parameter is different for each airplane?
  5. MSFS2020 FSUIPC7 v7.5.1 Saw in FSUIPC_WASM.log: [ERROR]: Error clearing data definition with id=14 .............................................................................................=15 There were no problems in the game. And I see the same in FSUIPC_WASM_prev.log and there were no problems either! What does this mean? FSUIPC_WASM_prev.log FSUIPC_WASM.log
  6. Function - “Control to repeat while held” Is it possible to increase the pauses between repeats? For example: I have assigned an action to Turn knob. When I press the assignet button - I get one small turn of the turn knob. When I select “Control to repeat while held” and hold down the button I get a very fast rotation of my turn knob..... I want to reduce the rotation speed of my turn knob. Is it possible to do this by increasing the delay between repeats while holding the assignet button, for example? Or some other way...?
  7. Oh, that's the reason !!! 👍
  8. One more question. The “Master Cautuon” from my “myevents.txt” is assigned to button A25 Master_Caution_Press#86110 (>L:CEVENT) Master_Caution_Depress#86111 (>L:CEVENT) When assigned, everything works fine. But after a while it stops working! In the log instead of the code: 86110 (>L:CEVENT) I see this code: 2 (>L:var_masterCautionLatching). So that's why it stops working. I assign it again - it works and then “86110 (>L:CEVENT)” is replaced automatically to “2 (>L:var_masterCautionLatching)” I see this in FSUIPC7.log 2017265 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=1 (A), Btn=25, Pressed 2017265 [Buttons.TFDi Design MD-11F GE CF6-80c] 157=PA,25,CPMaster_Caution_Press,0 2017265 [DEBUG]: Calculator code sent: 2 (>L:var_masterCautionLatching) 2017468 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=1 (A), Btn=25, Released 2017468 [Buttons.TFDi Design MD-11F GE CF6-80c] 158=UA,25,CPMaster_Caution_Depress,0 2017468 [DEBUG]: Calculator code sent: 86111 (>L:CEVENT)
  9. I figured it out, I was the one with the problem. The function "Repeat while held" works fine!
  10. That's what I mean when the switch is in that position, not permanently, but temporarily, while I hold it down. When I let go, it moves out of that position.
  11. In TFDi MD11 it is “repeatedly sends the control while the button is held (i.e. from the press to the release event)”, when the switch is in this state all the time - has affect on other commands send “afterwards”, from another assignment (where “repeatedly sends” is also used, e.g. it stops working when the speed setter increase is pressed for a long time...). As soon as I cancel “Repeat while held” at the switch that is in this position permanently - other switches (with temporary “Repeat while held” - work normally
  12. Is it possible to set a fixed number of repeats in FSUIPC (e.g. 2... 3 at msec intervals) instead of “Repeat while held” (by infinite repetition...)? I need several (not infinite) “Control sent” at a fixed switch position. Since this infinite “Repeat while held” affects the other commands afterwards!
  13. Yes! In event.txt c hubhop many assignments are incorrectly specified . I did roughly like this in myevents.txt and it works! LDG_LT_L_Down#90258 (>L:CEVENT) LDG_LT_L_Up#90257 (>L:CEVENT) LDG_LT_R_Down#90260 (>L:CEVENT) LDG_LT_R_R_Up#90259 (>L:CEVENT)
  15. On this airplane (MD11) does not work simultaneous execution of multiple presets from one button...:-( For example ini file: 53=PA,27,CPLDG_LT_R_Down,0 -{Preset Control}-. 54=PA,27,CPLDG_LT_L_Down,0 -{Preset Control}-. Only the last preset works ! 54=PA,27,CPLDG_LT_L_Down,0 -{Preset Control}-- Is there any way to make a small delay between them to solve the problem? Is that possible? How to solve this problem? P.S On other airplanes works without problems, but on MD11 does not want....
  16. It's working! Thank you.
  17. Many of the control sets in FSUIPC do not work! For example, all of these don't work! Landing_Light_Switch_Left_Up#OVHD_LTS_LDG_L_SW_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN#90258 (>L:CEVENT) Landing_Light_Switch_Right_Down_#OVHD_LTS_LDG_R_SW_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN#90260 (>L:CEVENT) Landing_Light_Switch_Right_Down__#OVHD_LTS_LDG_R_SW_Right_BUTTON_DOWN#90259 (>L:CEVENT) Landing_Lights_Left_Switch_Down__#OVHD_LTS_LDG_L_SW_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN#90257 (>L:CEVENT) Left_Runway_Turnoff_Light_Button_Press_#OVHD_LTS_RWY_TURNOFF_L_BT_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN#90263 (>L:CEVENT) Left_Runway_Turnoff_Light_Button_Release#OVHD_LTS_RWY_TURNOFF_L_BT_LEFT_BUTTON_UP#90264 (>L:CEVENT) Nose_Gear_Light_Switch_Down#OVHD_LTS_NOSE_SW_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN#90262 (>L:CEVENT) Nose_Gear_Light_Switch_Up#OVHD_LTS_NOSE_SW_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN#90261 (>L:CEVENT)
  18. The “Select for FS control” assignment from the FSUIPC interface does not work! The same assignments of the native bindings in the Conrtrol options in MSFS works!
  19. Black Square King Air 350 I can't find FSUIPC events for those two autopilot buttons! "PITCH TRIM AP/YD" и " AP ENG" Please, give me a hint
  20. I checked the box here. Reload All Setting Deleted the in the general throttle calibration lines- Throttle1=.... Throttle2=.... Reload... And now here are the axis settings in the DUKE profile! Thanks for your help!
  21. I know that. Asked because the throttle calibration line (Throttle1=....Throttle2...) does not specify which profile-specific calibration this applies to. I haven't configured the axes via FSUIP yet, so I'm clarifying
  22. -24000 OK !! 👍 And this lower limit change for Throttle1 will be applied to all Throttle1 assignments (other aircraft, for example)... If yes, is it possible to apply this lower limit change only to DUKE, for example? Or is it not possible?
  23. I tried these options - same thing Check, UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No It's not possible to see anything here... 🙂 I'm not moving anything. Attached FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  24. I assign the axis of my left HOTAS WARTHOG Throttle lever to Throttle1 FSUIP This axis is NOT assigned in the MSFS settings! Here is a video of my calibration attempt.... Throttle 1.
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