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  1. Thank you gentlemen for your support. Have a nice day!
  2. Hi Paul Thanks for the link and advices. I've tried to set HVar "AS1000_MFD_RANGE_INC", but I have no HVars at all. VS.LVars.Count is 2516 and setting them works as I mentioned in my previous post. VS.HVars.Count is zero. WASMClient also shows no HVar. I did what you suggested and tried executing calculator code and it works. Is there something I should have done initially to get access to HVars? Thank you.
  3. Hi. I'm trying to change the range of the map in G1000 MFD using FSUIPC client, but with no success. I've set and tested changing it using button mapping in FSUIPC7. It works and part of FSUIPC.ini looks like this: 7=PB,154,CPAS1000_MFD_RANGE_INC,0 -{Preset Control}- 8=PB,153,CPAS1000_MFD_RANGE_DEC,0 -{Preset Control}- Now, I've used MSFSVariableServices to change value of AS1000_MFD_Brightness LVAR and it works. Setting the value in the 0.0-2.0 range changes brightness of MFD. But there is no AS1000_MFD_RANGE_INC LVAR and as we can see in FSUIPC it's in fact the preset. How FSUIPC does this through the preset? How can I achieve this functionality using Client DLL in my project? Thanks
  4. OK, no worries. It work and this is what really matters. If you would like to test something with my hardware and/or BAe-146, feel free to contact me. BTW: I've also scaled this air brakes axis I mentioned earlier. I've found this in the manual and it works: 0=BR,256,F,65786,0,0,0,*0.5,+8192 -{ TO SIM: SPOILERS_SET }- Thanks again!
  5. OK, first of all your tip with scaling worked flawlessly. Thank you! Sorry for this new log, I thought it would create full new log, my bad. I'm aware that those direct throttles 1 and 2 might have been invalid. As I mentioned earlier, I tried this way as well so I wanted to include these too. As for now, I've configured both axes as THROTTLEn_AXIS_SET_EX1, added scaling parameter and it works. Sim levers get to minimum slightly earlier than hardware axes, but it's irrelevant. I'm attaching the log and ini again. Password is the same. This time it is full log (I hope it is). fsuipc.zip
  6. I've checked the version and it's 7.3.21 from 9th June. I'm attaching the zip file with the log and INI file. Password to the file has been send as private message. I've unchecked NRZ checkbox, started MSFS, loaded the plane, moved throttles from idle (idle, not full minimum) to max and back. Then moved my throttles all the way to minimum. I've also checked the third axis, used to deploy air brakes, because I've noticed that it works from the middle, not in full motion range. Thanks fsuipc.zip
  7. I've tried several times to do this through calibration tab and it doesn't work at all. This is my calibration tab: https://imgur.com/QmrvMbg and this is how setting throttles to minimum looks in the sim: https://imgur.com/QIwPBCq INI sections for this plane below. I've tried to see if there is any difference if I set one axis as "Send to FS as normal axis" and the other as "Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration". There is no difference in behaviour in sim. [Axes.BAe146] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=BR,256,F,66382,0,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_SPOILER_SET }- 1=BU,1,F,67103,67110,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE1_AXIS_SET_EX1, THROTTLE2_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- 2=BV,1,D,11,12,0,0,*-1 -{ DIRECT: Throttle3, Throttle4 }- [JoystickCalibration.BAe146] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 RudderBlendLowest=1 Spoilers=-16264,-13220,16133,16264/16 Flaps=-16248,16220 Throttle1=-12594,-12490,-12364,16383/32 Throttle2=-12471,12596,12596,16383/32 Throttle3=-12593,-512,512,16383/32 Throttle4=-12594,-512,512,16383/32 Thank you.
  8. Hi I have Virpil MongoosT50-CM3 throttle. It has this feature that you can attach detentes and locks so you have to lift the special levers to move the throttle all to way to zero. It works great with airplanes with thrust reverse as I have to lift the levers to get the reverse and the idle thrust is on throttle lock. The problem is with BAe-146. It doesn't have the thrust reverse and as I found some info on this forum, the thrust axes should be configured as THROTTLEn_AXIS_SET_EX1. But with the lock attached to get idle in this plane I have to lift the levers. Is there any option to set the axis range for example: throttle move from 20% to 100%, but FSUIPC sends 0-100%? Thanks.
  9. Hi I would like to test FSUIPC7 to see if I can use it to simulate axis detents. Could you please send me a trial licence? Thank you.
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