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No worries. I configured all my presets in the myevents.txt and renamed the events.txt to events.txt.bak. But in the in stalling process, FSUIPC (of course) noticed that the events.txt is missing and added it again. And because the events.txt gets scanned first, the control numbers did not work any more. Just took me a few worried seconds to find the problem and now that I know it, I will remeber it next update 🙂
You were right as always. I did not yet look deeper in to the presets. So i went through the whole myevents.txt and adjusted all the ones that were lock-in but worked as momentary. First tests looked promising. Further on to adress the LEDs I could not think of an other way than to write these in to the free offsets and configure the board software to listen and display the LED values according to the defined custom offsets. Only downside is, that it took 137 U8 offset slots of a total of 157 i managed to find according the offset status document. But then again, as long as it works 🙂 Thank you so much for you expertise, John! Helpful as always. PS: I also updated the version but was confused at first because i renamed my events.txt and the update created a new one, nothing worked at first. After some hairs lost, I found the new events.txt file 😉
Hi John. I did some further testing but with the same results. For this example I used the ENG1 anti ice button: FNX320_Icing_Engine_1_Button_Press#(L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE) ! (>L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE) FNX320_Icing_Engine_1_Button_Release#(L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE) 0 == if{ 0 (>L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE_Anim) } (L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE) 1 == if{ 2 (>L:S_OH_PNEUMATIC_ENG1_ANTI_ICE_Anim) } Offset A000 is listeing for the ON led on the korry which correspons to the korry in MSFS being on and off in normal ops. I also monitored offset 3110 and the commands correspond to the line in the myevents.txt file. What is weird is, that the korry in MSFS goes off after I push it in for the second time and then stays off when I push it back out, as you can see in the log. I attached the FSUIPC.ini and the log. Cheers! scheffchoch FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
scheffchoch started following Tekworx Board on FSUIPC
Thank you John, this works relatively convenient with a myevents.txt! And i can use the free offsets for the lights. Only issue i have is, when I switch a (lock in) korry on, everything works. But when I switch it back off, nothing arrives in the simulator even tough I see the correct control number being sent to 0x3110. Then I have to switch it back on and off again, then the corresponding off control gets executed correctly (in the offset monitor I then see once again the correct commands for on and off). I have seperate controls and according presets for switch on and off. In order to see whats getting sent to MSFS I tried to get the log options to display the LVAR commands and changes, but did not succeed. Which options could help me to Identify? And with the event option on, my log is getting spammed with the same 3 events continiously. Might that be contributing to my korry events not getting executed? With the correct log options I can then submit a log file.
Hi again! I mounted the overhead panel in the meantime and tried various different approaches, unfortunatley none of them worked until now. The board software does somehow not support sending strings to FSUIPC, so sending the preset names to 0x7C50 does not work... Then i tried the approach to use the custom offsets. In FSUIPC7.ini I added the following three test offsets at the end: [LvarOffsets] 1=L:S_OH_ELEC_EXT_PWR=UB0xA000 2=L:S_OH_ELEC_BAT1=UB0xA008 3=L:S_OH_EXT_LT_WING=UB0xA010 I always save and reload the config over Addons->WASM -> Reload These LVARs can be observed in the MSFS behaviour debug changing, then the corresponding switch in the virtual cockpit is manipulated. (EXT_PWR has a weird pattern that with every time it is switched on, it adds +2 to the LVAR.) Now I see in the board software the value triggered by the hardware switch is getting sent to the offsets. I also see them change when I monitor said offsets in FSUIPC. But none of the three functions work in MSFS. Not the virtual cockpit switch nor the LVAR value in the behaviour debug list... I tried to follow the part with custom offsets as good as possible (Advanced User Guide, page 46ff), but up until now I did not get it working. What am I missing? Thank you for your help!
Thank you John, that seems to me like a feasonable approach. I have read in another post, that 66C0 - 66FF and 4200-42FF (if ESOUND is not used) would be available as spare. Can you point me in to the direction, where I can find, how I assign lvars to these offsets? I only found something for axis but with the same concept on page 34 in the User Guide. Other option would be to stay with offsets whenever possible. Is there a similar document like for the PMDG 737 in the Documents folder but for the Fenix A320?
I contacted the board provider if he has an idea. The approach over the offsets would theoretically work I guess. Other option would be to rewire the whole overhead to an Arduiono or Leobodnar hardware... To go the FSUIPC offset approach: How do I get all the offsets for the Fenix A320? For example I noticed an offset for the landing lights but not individual offsets for landing lights left and right and no offsets for on/off/retract as they are used in the airbus. Will it be possible to get all the offsets for a complete working OVHD panel?
I had no specific drivers installed besides the software. With the InterfaceIT software not running, there are no presses even recognized bei FSUIPC. The software itself has the availability to configure FSUIPC offsets which apparently seem to work. But I would rather work with the MSFS events over FSUIPC than with the offsets. Screenshot of the software (not from me, but shows the options, source: https://www.tekworx.com/products.php?section=interface-mcs). It seems to only detect anything when the InterfaceIT software is running for now. The data read seems to come from the test configuration of the software and maybe not from the Lua script detecting virtual buttons. But then again I would not now how a proper button press recognition should look like. One way or another I am not able to make a button asignement because no button press is recognized....
Thank you I did not know that. So here is what I tried: Started MSFS over the FSUIPC Shortcut on the desktop Chose an Airplane and Location and launched a Flight Pressed ready to fly Opened the FSUIPC7 GUI and tried to make a button assignement with my overhead panel The panel was running and I could see the switch movement in the in the InterfaceIT software from Tekworx but it was not recognized "Button&Switches Assignement" window when it said "PRESS BUTTON". After that i closed the Sim back down. I attached the log but hat to cut some repetitive parts out since it exceeded the maximum allowed file size of 18.59 kb. Do you have any hints on what I am missing? Thank you! Edit: With Lua logging disabled I can see a data read, whenever i press a button on the overhead. But it is not recognized in the button assignement window. 308516 Lvars received: 2296 L:vars & 220 H:vars now available 308516 Lvars/Hvars received - checking aircraft autos.... 308578 Requesting Input Events... 308609 Aircraft="FenixA320_SWRHBIJS_4K" 308953 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 310641 Lvars received: 2297 L:vars & 220 H:vars now available 330000 LUA.1: Data Read= 1B 00 88 00 03 00 00 00 330047 LUA.1: Data Read= 19 94 85 01 20 00 00 00 330844 LUA.1: Data Read= 1A 83 80 00 00 00 00 00 330891 LUA.1: Data Read= 19 94 85 01 20 00 00 00 331500 LUA.1: Data Read= 1C 01 10 98 80 00 00 00 331547 LUA.1: Data Read= 1A 83 80 00 00 00 00 00 331594 LUA.1: Data Read= 19 94 85 01 20 00 00 00 332250 LUA.1: Data Read= 1B 00 88 00 03 00 00 00 332297 LUA.1: Data Read= 19 94 85 01 20 00 00 00 363172 MSFS no longer running - exiting 363187 === Hot key unregistered 363187 === Stop called ... 363187 === Closing external processes we started ... 363703 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 363859 Lua threads being terminated: 363859 1 = "G:\MSFS\HomeCockpit\FSUIPC\HidDemo.lua" 364047 LUA: "G:\MSFS\HomeCockpit\FSUIPC\HidDemo.lua": killed FSUIPC7.log.rar
I added the [Auto] section and put the lua in there, still the Techworx board does not show up in the joystick scan and is not available for a button assignement. Log: ********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.4.2 (2nd January 2024) by John Dowson ********* MS Store installation detected: Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt' FS path found = G:\MSFS\ WebSocket server found: G:\MSFS\HomeCockpit\FSUIPC\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit reported as Build 19045, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0) Reading options from "G:\MSFS\HomeCockpit\FSUIPC\FSUIPC7.ini" Checking the Registrations now ... User Name="XXXXXX" User Addr="XXXXXX" FSUIPC7 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 47 System time = 11/01/2024 20:31:19 47 FLT path = "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\" 47 Allowing calibration when not assigned with 'Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration' 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 Preset file 'G:\MSFS\HomeCockpit\FSUIPC\myevents.txt' not found [info only] 109 12465 Calculator Code presets have been loaded and are available for use 156 Registered HotKey 'InvokeFSUIPCOptionsKey' (key=0x46, modifier=0x1) 172 FS path = "G:\MSFS\" 172 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 234 Product= T.A320 Pilot 234 Manufacturer= Thrustmaster 234 Serial Number= 1 234 Vendor=044F, Product=0405 (Version 2.0) 250 GUIDs returned for product: VID_044F&PID_0405: 250 GUID= {2A3229B0-DF24-11EC-8002-444553540000} 250 Details: Btns=17, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R255,U0,V0,X16383,Y16383,Z255 250 Product= CH Pro Pedals USB Rudder Pedals 250 Vendor=068E, Product=0501 (Version 1.8) 250 GUIDs returned for product: VID_068E&PID_0501: 250 GUID= {55612F00-0824-11EC-8001-444553540000} 250 Details: Btns=1, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X255,Y255,Z255 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 Device acquired for use: 266 Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay) 266 2=T.A320 Pilot 266 2.GUID={2A3229B0-DF24-11EC-8002-444553540000} 266 Device acquired for use: 266 Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay) 266 1=CH Pro Pedals USB Rudder Pedals 266 1.GUID={55612F00-0824-11EC-8001-444553540000} 266 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 219 LogOptions=40000000 00000001 8422 === Hot key unregistered 8422 === Stop called ... 8422 === Closing external processes we started ... 8922 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 9844 === About to kill my timers ... 10047 === Restoring window procs ... 10047 === Unloading libraries ... 10047 === stopping other threads ... 10047 === ... Button scanning ... 10047 === ... Axis scanning ... 10047 === Releasing joystick devices ... 10047 === Freeing macro memory 10047 === Removing any offset overrides 10047 === Clearing any displays left 10047 === AI slots deleted! 10047 === Freeing button memory ... 10047 === Closing my Windows ... 10047 === Freeing FS libraries ... 11047 === Closing devices ... 11047 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 11047 System time = 11/01/2024 20:44:30 11047 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 32768.0 fps, Maximum was 0.0 fps Maximum AI traffic for session was 0 aircraft Traffic deletions 0 aircraft Memory managed: 6 Allocs, 5 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** And I attached the JoyScan csv. Somehow I am not seeing any sign of the hiddemo lua running and no sign of the Tekworx board being recognized. What else might I be missing? FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv
Hi John Thank you, it tried that with the following steps: 1. copied the HidDemo.lua into the main FSUIPC folder 2. looked at hidscanner, what the board properties are: Device at "\\?\hid#vid_1fd1&pid_03ea&mi_00#8&25bbf48&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1FD1, Product=03EA (Version 16.51) Manufacturer= TEKWorx Limited Product= Plain I/O Serial Number= 00000477 Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 5 Output Report Byte Length: 5 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 32 Number of Output Button Caps: 1 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 1 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 0 -> 31 3. changed the vendor and product id in the hiddemo.lua and changed the logging to true Vendor = 0x1FD1 Product = 0x03EA Device = 0 -- Multiple devices of the same name need increasing Device numbers. -- Logging on or off (to see when numbers you are getting) Logging = true 4. FSUIPC added automatically inf FSUIPC.ini: [LuaFiles] 1=HidDemo 5. enabled Lua logging in FSUIPC As far as I understood the hiddemo.lua it should automatically identify the available buttons, right? Nevertheless I cant see any sign of the board beeing recognized by FSUIPC... there is no log entry and no separate log for the hiddemo.lua. What am I doing wrong? Does the hiddemo.lua not autostart when there is said entry in FSUIPC.lua? Thank you for you help!
Hi guys I have an A320 overhead panel with a USB Tekworx IO card (128 inputs, 256 outputs). I have installed the Tekworx InterfaceIT MCS software (https://www.tekworx.com/downloads.php) and the button operations and LED activation works from there. As I read on various forums and pages, these cards are also used in FDS (Flightdeck Solution) products. The card is visible in hidscanner.exe. I plan on using the panel in MSFS with the Fenix A320. Therefore i planned to go over FSUIPC7, which i also licenced. When I try to assign a button in FSUIPC, it scans for button presses. However none of the buttons i press on the overhead panel are recognized in FSUIPC. What steps do I have to take, to make the button presses over the Tekworx card recognized by FSUIPC? Thank you for you help! Cheers