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About DEN19

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    N. Yorkshire, England

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  1. Thanks John, have a good holiday.
  2. John, thanks for the rapid response. I noticed that you had put an L: in front of the C310 so I pasted your text in and it stopped the error msg, but it still did not work. I guess the L; was missed because I copied it from the list of Lvars I obtained from the log file after using the "List Lvars" instruction and it wasn't shown there. I didn't put it in because the Lua Library pdf said it wasn't necessary. However changing the Lvar to C310_SW_FUEL_PUMP_LEFT did! I don't follow your comment re the " signs, could you explain for me please?
  3. I am trying to allocate a lua script to a button. The script is a one-liner :- ipc.writeLvar [“C310_LEFT_FUEL_PUMP”, 0] end I keep getting the following error message "*** LUA Error: C:\FSUIPC7\C310 Lpump high.lua:1: unexpected symbol near 'â' which I do not understand. It is probably something simple but I cannot see it. Despite several hours of searching here and on tinternet I cannot get rid of the error, can anyone help me please?
  4. I'm surprised Pete hasn't written a Lua plug-in for that as well! :idea:
  5. Have you added the client pc name to the list in the FSUIPC.ini file? Here is mine as an example [ClientNames] 1=Q9450 2=HPLAPTOP 3=I7 4=denlaptop
  6. OK thanks for your help. I will continue with w version, I've just done a flight using it and it did not go wrong so far.
  7. I updated from 6.950 at your suggestion since I wanted to use the wnd.bitmap function and it wasn't supported in that version. Perhaps you could let me try a copy of the first one which did support that- 6.99g IIRC? I never DL that one since 6.965 was working satisfactorily. If we cannot resolve it I can get by with the last one you gave me, 6.999v, it opens OK every time so far and only goes wrong when I try to resize it. However once resized if I close it down and re-open it, it remembers the new size and opens up OK.
  8. I have it on a 19" monitor at 1440x900 and it has always filled the screen OK. The large black area is deliberate, my instrument program covers the black area when in use, and there are no active buttons in that area anyway. So, no, this is not my "rest is black" It is not easy to explain the problem, so, remembering that 1 picture is worth 1000 words, I have uploaded a couple of screenshots to my dropbox account showing how it should look and how it looks when it goes wrong, and the links are : - https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbcdjftdydx5lcr/Button%20screen%20OK.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vgjv9oq46vk86qp/Button%20screen%20wrong.jpg?dl=0 No I don't think it is down to this. On the older versions it will sometimes do this if it is too small. Grabbing the edge and resizing always cured it if it did. Grabbing the edges on these later versions do not do anything except make the window bigger or smaller, it does not return it to the correct layout. 6.999w Mixed report on this. First the good news, I have tried starting it about 30 times and it always starts in the correct format. Now the bad news, every time I grab the edge it goes wrong again and will not return to the correct layout at all. All the previous versions never had any of these problems. When I put them back in to replace the newer version every thing is OK again. I have also tried running it on my W8 laptop, and the behaviour is exactly the same, so I think this eliminates a problem with my slave pc in my simpit.
  9. It runs on a 19" touch screen and has never been a problem before. It sometimes gets out of shape a bit but resizing has always solved it before. When I drop a previous version of the exe file into the folder it works OK as it always did. It's only the 6.999m and v that cause the trouble. As to 3G- it's all we can get in the village I live in! 4G is a pipe-dream to us.
  10. Thanks Pete, I should've known you would know a workaround. WRT 6.999v I have tried this this afternoon and the very first time I opened it it came up in the funny state. I closed it down and it opened in the correct state but grabbing the side of the window to resize and it immediately went into the funny state. When it does I cannot get it to revert to good except by closing and reopening it. INI file below : - ===; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Protocol=TCP Port=8002 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=2000,1000 PollInterval=200 Port2=9002 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=1000 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ServerName=I7 Window=-2880,-6,1450,904 ; ----------------------------------------------- [User] Log=Errors+ UseSendInput=Yes --Run1=C:\Users\den\Documents\ExternalIP\ExternalIP.exe KeySend1=RunKey1 KeySend2=RunKey2 KeySend3=RunKey3 KeySend4=RunKey4 KeySend5=RunKey5 KeySend6=CloseKey1 KeySend7=CloseKey2 KeySend8=CloseKey3 KeySend9=CloseKey4 KeySend10=CloseKey5 KeySend11=187,9,ThunderRT6FormDC,"FlightSim Commander 8.6" KeySend12=189,ThunderRT6FormDC,"FlightSim Commander 8.6" KeySend13=RunKey6 KeySend14=CloseKey6 KeySend15=32,16 KeySend16=32,24 KeySend17=RunKey7 KeySend18=CloseKey7 KeySend19=RunKey8 KeySend20=CloseKey8 KeySend21=RunKey9 KeySend22=CloseKey9 KeySend23=77,20 RunReady1="F:\Documents\CIXVFRClub_FlightLogger (2)\CIX_Logger.exe" RunReady2=F:\Documents\ExternalIP\ExternalIP.exe AllowShutdown=No RunKey1="C:\Program Files (x86)\GAPanel\GAPanel.exe" RunKey2=""C:\Program Files (x86)\vasfmc-2.0a9\vasfmc.exe"" RunKey3=""C:\Users\den\Documents\StandByV3.3\Airbus STBY.exe"3" RunKey4="C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.1.1\Plan-G3.exe" RunKey5=C:\Program Files\Aerosoft\FDC\FDC.exe RunKey6="C:\Program Files (x86)\vasfmc-2.1\vasfmc.exe" RunKey7="C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamspeak2_RC2\TeamSpeak.exe" RunKey8="C:\Program Files (x86)\FSFDT\Control Panel\FSFDTCP.exe" RunKey9="C:\Program Files (x86)\FSFDT\FSInn UI\FSInnUI.exe" RunKey10="C:\Users\den\Documents\Shutdown pc.exe" CloseKey1=Yes CloseKey2=Last CloseKey3=Last CloseKey4=Yes CloseKey5=Kill,"Flightdeck_Companion.exe" CloseKey6=Yes CloseKey7=Kill,"TeamSpeak.exe" CloseKey8=Yes CloseKey9=Yes ButtonScreen=Yes ; ----------------------------------------------- [ButtonScreen] Size=17,17 Colour2=241,87,65 Colour3=0,193,0 Colour4=221,250,182 Colour5=235,250,160 Colour6=238,183,172 Colour8=180,44,2 Colour7=26,122,144 Colour9=231,155,17 Title1="SYSTEMS MENU" Title2="NAVCOM MENU" Title3="A2A" ===========PAGE 1 SYSTEMS=============================== 0=7G0bl"SYSTEMS" 1=4G289b"NAV/COM" 2=4G579br"A2A" 3=1B"Vox\rATC" 4=5B"CSTR" 5=5T"TERR" 6=5B"VOR" 7=5B"NDB" 8=5B"ARPT" 9=5B"TCAS" 10=5Br" " 11=9B"APU\rON" 12=9Br"APU\rOFF" 13=B"Anti-ice\rON" 14=Br"Anti-ice\rOFF" 15=6B"Spoilers\rARM" 16=Tl"No\rSmoking" 17=T"Battery\rMaster"--14 18=T"Alt\rMaster"--15 19=T"Avionics\rMaster"--16 20=5T"ADF\r1" 21=5T"VOR\r1" 22=5B"EFIS mode\rDec " 23=5B"EFIS mode\rInc" 24=5B"EFIS range\rDec" 25=5B"EFIS range\rInc" 26=5T"ADF\r2" 27=5Tr"VOR\r2" 28=Tt"Jetway" 29=Tt"Pushback" 30=2Bt"PB\rLeft" 31=2Btr"PB\rRight" 32=6B"Spoliers\rOFF" 33=Tl"Seat belts" " 34=T"Pitot\rHeat"--31 35=T"Fuel\r Cut Off"--32 36=6T"Toggle\rLabels" 37=U 38=U 39=U 40=U 41=U 42=U 43=U 44=U 45=U 46=U 47=U 48=U 49=U 50=U 51=T"Fuel\rPump"--34 52=B"Spot plane\r-" 53=B"Spot plane\r+ " 54=U 55=U 56=U 57=U 58=U 59=U 60=U 61=U 62=U" 63=U 64=U 65=U 66=U 67=U 68=TN"Door" 69=9B"Xpdr\r7000" 70=9B"Xpdr\r1200" 71=u 72=u 73=u 74=u 75=u 76=u 77=u 78=u 79=u 80=u 81=u 82=u 83=u 84=u 85=TN"Slew\rmode" 86=T"aa" 87=B"" 88=u 89=u 90=u 91=u 92=u 93=u 94=u 95=u 96=u 97=u 98=u 99=u 100=u 101=u 102=6Bt"Magnetos\rOFF" 103=6Bt"Magneto\rLeft 104=6Btr"Magneto\rRight" 105=U 106=U 107=U 108=U 109=U 110=U 111=U 112=U 113=U 114=U 115=U 116=U 117=U 118=U 119=2Btb"Shift\rT" 120=6Blb"Both" 121=6Bbr"Engine\rstart" 122=U 123=U 124=U 125=U 126=U 127=U 128=U 129=U 130=U 131=U 132=U 133=U 134=U 135=U 136=7B"Reset\rDI" 137=1Bl"Vox\rATC" 138=B" " 139=U 140=U 141=U 142=U 143=U 144=U 145=U 146=U 147=U 148=U 149=U 150=U 151=U 152=U 153=Tbt"Water\rRudder" 154=Tbt"Prop\rsync" 155=Bbt" " 156=U 157=U 158=U 159=U 160=U 161=U 162=U 163=U 164=U 165=U 166=U 167=U 168=U 169=U 170=9B"Request\rtow\rplane" 171=9B"Release\rline" 172=9B"Request\rfuel\rtruck" 173=U 174=U 175=U 176=U 177=U 178=U 179=U 180=U 181=U 182=U 183=U 184=U 185=U 186=U 187=9Bb"Cowl flaps\rOpen" 188=9Bb"Cowl flaps\rClose 189=9Bb"Prop\rDe-ice" 190=U 191=U 192=U 193=U 194=U 195=U 196=U 197=U 198=U 199=U 200=U 201=U 202=U 203=U 204=Bb"DME\r1" 205=Bbr"DME\r2 " 206=Bb" " 207=U 208=U 209=U 210=U 211=U 212=U 213=U 214=U 215=U 216=U 217=U 218=U 219=U 220=U 221=2B"Left\rfuel tank" 222=2B"Both\r fuel tanks" 223=2B"Right\rfuel tank" 224=U 225=U 226=U 227=U 228=U 229=U 230=U 231=U 232=U 233=U 234=U 235=U 236=U 237=U 238=1Bbt"Zoom\rOut" 239=1Bbt"Zoom\rIn" 240=TNbtr"Pause" 241=4B"Autostart\r1" 242=4B"Autostart\r2" 243=4B"Autostart\r3" 244=4B"Autostart\r4" 245=3Br"Engine\rAuto\rShutdown" 246=B" " 247=T"Auto\rThrottle" 248=B"TOGA" 249=T"Speed\rHold" 250=B"Speed\rInc" 251=B"Speed\rDec" 252=B"Vertical\rspeed\rInc" 253=B"Vertical\rspeed\rDec 254=B" " 255=7Br"Resize\rWindows" 256=5B" " 257=5Br"Barometer\rStandard\rSetting" 258=U 259=U 260=U 261=U 262=U 263=U 264=U 265=U 266=U 267=U 268=U 269=U 270=U 271=U 272=6Bt"FSC\rZoom Out" 273=6Bt"FSC\rZoom In" 274=Ttr"Park\rBrake"--89 275=T"Panel\rlight"--90 276=T"Beacon\rlight"--91 277=T"Landing\rlights"--92 278=T"Taxi\rlight"--93 279=T"Nav\rlight"--94 280=Tr"Strobe\rlight"--95 281=Tl"A/P\rMaster" 282=T"Heading\rhold" 283=T"Nav\rhold" 284=T"Apr" 285=T"Back\rcourse" 286=T"Alt\rhold" 287=T"Loc" 288=2B"Nav/GPS" ===================PAGE 2 NAVCOM====================== 289=4G0b"SYSTEMS" 290=7G289b"NAV/COM" 291=4G579br"A2A" 292=9B" " 293=9B"VasFMC\r2.09" 294=9B"Standby\rinstruments" 295=9B"FSC" 296=9B"FDC Live\rCockpit" 297=9Br"VasFMC\r2.1" 298=6B"1" 299=6B"2" 300=6B"3" 301=6B"4" 302=6Br"5" 303=B" " 304=B" " 305=B" " 306=6B"1" 307=6B"2" 308=6Br"3" 309=9B" " 310=9B"Close" 311=9B"Close" 312=9B"Close" 313=9B"Close" 314=9Br"Close" 315=6B"6" 316=6B"7" 317=6B"8" 318=6B"9" 319=6Br"0" 320=B" " 321=B" " 322=B" " 323=6B"4" 324=6B"5" 325=6Br"6" 326=U 327=U 328=U 329=U 330=U 331=U 332=U 333=U 334=U 335=U 336=U 337=U 338=U 339=U 340=6B"7" 341=6B"8" 342=6Br"9" 343=U 344=U 345=U 346=U 347=U 348=U 349=U 350=U 351=U 352=U 353=U 354=U 355=U 356=U 357=B" " 358=6B"0" 359=B" " 360=U 361=U 362=U 363=U 364=U 365=U 366=U 367=U 368=U 369=U 370=U 371=U 372=U 373=U 374=9Bt"GA\rPanel" 375=9Btr"Close" 376=B" " 377=U 378=U 379=U 380=U 381=U 382=U 383=U 384=U 385=U 386=U 387=U 388=U 389=U 390=U 391=9B" " 392=9Br" " 393=B" " 394=U 395=U 396=U 397=U 398=U 399=U 400=U 401=U 402=U 403=U 404=U 405=U 406=U 407=U 408=9B" " 409=9Br" " 410=B" " 411=U 412=U 413=U 414=U 415=U 416=U 417=U 418=U 419=U 420=U 421=U 422=U 423=U 424=U 425=9B"Plan G" 426=9Br"Close" 427=B" " 428=U 429=U 430=U 431=U 432=U 433=U 434=U 435=U 436=U 437=U 438=U 439=U 440=U 441=U 442=9Bb"FDC\rLive cockpit" 443=9Brb"Close" 444=B" " 445=U 446=U 447=U 448=U 449=U 450=U 451=U 452=U 453=U 454=U 455=U 456=U 457=U 458=U 459=9B"Teamspeak 2" 460=9Br"Close" 461=B" " 462=U 463=U 464=U 465=U 466=U 467=U 468=U 469=U 470=U 471=U 472=U 473=U 474=U 475=U 476=9B"FSIN\rControl Panel" 477=9Br"Close" 478=B" " 479=U 480=U 481=U 482=U 483=U 484=U 485=U 486=U 487=U 488=U 489=U 490=U 491=U 492=U 493=9Bb"FSINN\rUI" 494=9Brb"Close" 495=B" " 496=U 497=U 498=U 499=U 500=U 501=U 502=U 503=U 504=U 505=U 506=U 507=U 508=U 509=U 510=B" " 511=B" " 512=B" " 513= 514= 515= 516= 517= 518= 519= 520= 521= 522= 523= 524= 525= 526= 527=5Bbt"XPDR\rStandby" 528=5Bbt"XPDR\rMode Charlie" 529=5Bbtr"XPDR\rIdent" 530=B" " 531=B" " 532=B" " 533=B" " 534=B" " 535=B" " 536=B" " 537=B" " 538=B" " 539=B" " 540=B" " 541=B" " 542=B" " 543=B" " 544=5B" " 545=5B" " 546=5Br" " 547= 548= 549= 550= 551= 552= 553= 554= 555= 556= 557= 558= 559= 560= 561=6Bt"FSC\rZoom Out" 562=6Btr"FSC\rZoom In" 563=B" " 564=2Bl"Com 1" 565=2B"Com 2" 566=T"Both" 567=T"Nav 1" 568=T"Nav 2" 569=T"MKR" 570=T"DME" 571=Tr"ADF" 572=TNl"Door\r1" 573=TN"Door\r2" 574=TN"Door\r3" 575=TNr"Door\r4" 576=B" " 577=B" " ===================PAGE 3 MISC====================== 578=4G0r"SYSTEMS" 579=4G289"NAV/COM" 580=7G579"A2A" 581=B" " 582=B" " 583=B" " 584=B" " 585=B" " 586=B" " 587=B" " 588=B" " 589=B" " 590=B" " 591=B" " 592=U 593=U 594=U 595=T"Battery\rMaster"--14 596=T"Alt\rMaster"--15 597=T"Avionics\rMaster"--16 598=B" " 599=B" " 600=B" " 601=B" " 602=B" " 603=B" " 604=B" " 605=B" " 606=B" " 607=B" " 608=B" " 609=B" " 610=B" " 611=B" " 612=Ttrl"Pitot\rHeat"--31 613=T"Fuel\r Cut Off"--32 614=T"Fuel\rPump"--34 615=U 616=U 617=U 618=U 619=U 620=U 621=U 622=U 623=U 624=U 625=U 626=U 627=U 628=U 629=6Bt"Magnetos\rOFF" 630=6Bt"Magneto\rLeft 631=6Btr"Magneto\rRight 632=U 633=U 634=U 635=U 636=U 637=U 638=U 639=U 640=U 641=U 642=U 643=U 644=U 645=U 646=1Btb"Shift\rT" 647=6Blb"Both" 648=6Bbr"Engine\rstart" 649=U 650=U 651=U 652=U 653=U 654=U 655=U 656=U 657=U 658=U 659=U 660=U 661=U 662=U 663=B" " 664=B" " 665=B" " 666=U 667=U 668=U 669=U 670=U 671=U 672=U 673=U 674=U 675=U 676=U 677=U 678=U 679=U 680=2B"Left\rfuel tank" 681=2B"Both\r fuel tanks" 682=2B"Right\rfuel tank" 683=U 684=U 685=U 686=U 687=U 688=U 689=U 690=U 691=U 692=U 693=U 694=U 695=U 696=U 697=B" " 698=B" " 699=B" " 700=U 701=U 702=U 703=U 704=U 705=U 706=U 707=U 708=U 709=U 710=U 711=U 712=U 713=U 714=T"Com1\rOnOff" 715=T"Com2\rOnOff" 716=T"ADF\rOnOff" 717=U 718=U 719=U 720=U 721=U 722=U 723=U 724=U 725=U 726=U 727=U 728=U 729=U 730=U 731=T"DME\rOnOff" 732=9Blrtb"DME\rFunction" 733=B" " 734=U 735=U 736=U 737=U 738=U 739=U 740=U 741=U 742=U 743=U 744=U 745=U 746=U 747=U 748=6B"COM\r1" 749=6B"COM\r2" 750=B" " 751=U 752=U 753=U 754=U 755=U 756=U 757=U 758=U 759=U 760=U 761=U 762=U 763=U 764=U 765=B" " 766=B" " 767=B" " 768=U 769=U 770=U 771=U 772=U 773=U 774=U 775=U 776=U 777=U 778=U 779=U 780=U 781=U 782=B"Zoom\rOut" 783=B"Zoom\rIn" 784=B" " 785=U 786=U 787=U 788=U 789=U 790=U 791=U 792=U 793=U 794=U 795=U 796=U 797=U 798=U 799=Bb" " 800=Bb" " 801=Bb" " 802=U 803=U 804=U 805=U 806=U 807=U 808=U 809=U 810=U 811=U 812=U 813=U 814=U 815=U 816=6Bt"Crew brief\rStart c/list" 817=6Bt"Pause\r c/l" 818=6Bt"Bypass\ritem" 819=U 820=U 821=U 822=U 823=U 824=U 825=U 826=U 827=U 828=U 829=U 830=U 831=U 832=U 833=6B"Display\rlast msg" 834=6B"Restart\rlast c/l" 835=6B"Next\rc/l" 836=U 837=U 838=U 839=U 840=U 841=U 842=U 843=U 844=U 845=U 846=U 847=U 848=U 849=U 850=6B"First\rcabin anc" 851=6B"Turbulence\rannounce" 852=6B"Previous\rc/l" 853=Ttr"Park\rBrake"--89 854=T"Panel\rlight" 855=T"Beacon\rlight" 856=T"Landing\rlights" 857=T"Taxi\rlight" 858=T"Nav\rlight" 859=Tr"Strobe\rlight" 860=B" " 861=B" " 862=B" " 863=B" " 864=B" " 865=B" " 866=B" " ===================PAGE 4 MISC====================== 867= 868= 869= 870= 871= 872= 873= 874= 875= 876= 877= 878= 879= 880= [Sounds] Path=C:\Documents and Settings\default\My Documents \WideClient6822\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Creative Sound Blaster PCI Device3=Modem #0 Line Playback (emulated) Device4=Modem #0 Handset Playback (emulated) Device5=SoundMAX Digital Audio [ExtWindow] Paused=[-663,197,193,76] Alt1=[-821,9,238,168] Alt2=[-569,28,276,165]
  11. :oops: I really must try to RTFM sometimes! But why break the habit of a lifetime? :cool: It didn't suit me I must admit. I use a couple of buttons with no text on them for things not related to the flying, so I leave them blank deliberately so they don't look out of place in my simpit. I will try the new version and report back. Trouble is, as I reported above, it is an intermittent problem so only the lack of the problem over time will tell. Thanks again Pete..
  12. I recently updated my Wideclient to 6.999m from 6.987 and now have an odd behaviour when trying to allocate button screen buttons on the slave pc with FSUIPC on the fsx machine. I have some buttons on the BS unallocated to controls in FSUIPC, but they do exist as either buttons or toggles in the buttonscreen. I have them showing a blank face by using the lines shown below as an example. 86=T" " 87=B" " I wanted to allocate something to one of them as a temporary measure so I opened the FSUIPC window in fsx, then went to the buttons and switches tab. I then pressed the button on the button screen but it was not read in fsuipc on the main pc. The fsuipc window remained blank next to joy#. I tried another blank button, again no response. I then tried one which has some writing on it, and it responded. Any button which had the code as described above with no text will not be responded to in fsuipc. Removing the space from between the "" had no effect except that the button now shows its reference e.g. Button 42 [65,10]. It sill elicits no response in fsuipc. If I then add some script, I added "aa" so the line now read ; - 86=T"aa" The button will then be responded to in the normal way. This never happened in the earlier versions of Wideclient. It did not matter if there was any script in the button or not, it would be reacted to on the main pc. I have tried replacing 6.999m with 6.987 and it then works again without any script in the button screen entry in the ini file. In fact I tried several earlier versions of Wideclient and all worked OK, it is only 6.999m which does not respond correctly. And then only with spaces or nothing in the entry in the ini file. In all these tests the same .ini file was used, I simply pasted the different .exe files into the folder. I have repeated the test several times and the result is the same every time, so it is a repeatable error. Also, sometimes 6.999m will not open up correctly in the sense that the button screen- which has a defined shape of "Size=17,17", within which the buttons are laid out in a defined grid- does not display correctly. When Wideclient opens most of the buttons are missing and what is left are in the wrong place. The rest of the Wideclient window is black. I tried to resize with the windows frame using the mouse, but nothing changes except the widow gets bigger or smaller. The only way is to close and re-open Wideclient. This error does not occur every time and sometime need 2 restarts to open it up correctly. In earlier versions something similar to this this would occasionally happen but grabbing the edge with the mouse and dragging would always resolve the problem. In fact I cannot get earlier versions to exhibit this exact problem, only 6.999m. I would appreciate your comments/help please Pete.
  13. Thank you Paul. I couldn't figure out why it was so unrepeatable, but your explanation makes it clear now! I will have another look at it later.
  14. I am trying to set an annunciator for the oil pressure so that it lights up if the pressure is below a certain value, goes off if it is above, but does not come on at all if the battery is off. The code I have is : - w7 = wnd.open("Oil", WND_FIXED, -48,160,45,50) wnd.font(w7, WND_ARIAL, 10.0, WND_BOLD) --Font, Size, Properties function oil(off,val) if val > 5000.0 then wnd.backcol(w7, 0x400) --Set off wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000) wnd.clear(w7) wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil") else if ipc.readUD(0x281C) ~= 1 then -- battery is off wnd.backcol(w7, 0xfff) --Set off wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000) wnd.clear(w7) wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil") else wnd.backcol(w7, 0xF20) --Set on wnd.textcol(w7, 0x000) wnd.clear(w7) wnd.text(w7, "\n\n\ Oil") end end end event.offset(0x08BA, "UW", "oil") It seems to work OK sometimes but not others and I cannot see why. From C & D it lights up the correct colour, switch batt on- right colour, start engine - right colour, stop engine right colour, batt off right colour sometimes, batt back on right colour sometimes only. Note colours are only for test purpose, when working the fff colour will be changed to the correct one. I set it to white for the test only. I must have something wrong in the logic, but can't see what. Can anyone point it out to me please?
  15. :oops: Doh, what an eedyot. I run 2 copies of Wideclient on the slave pc. I updated copy 1 but forgot to do copy 2, which only gets used now and then depending on what I fly. Now working, thanks Pete.
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