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Everything posted by cellular55

  1. Hi John, thanks a lot for the fast reply. That's great! KR Joe
  2. Hi, having a program that uses several offsets (also some 'Free for general use'), I would know if the Autosave functions save the offsets values or if I have to write a routine to save them contestually when the Autosave is launched. Thanks and KR Joe
  3. Hi, I think that the problem is due to the fact that when an aircraft was originally on the ground when becomes airborne, it is not deleted from the ground table and results duplicated in both Ai tables. Same thing for the airborne when landed (it appears in both AI tables). How is it possible to reset the slots of tables?
  4. Hi, I'm using P3d 6.0.36 and FSUIPC6 6.2.1B. I will try what you suggest as log waiting when you'll have time to check the tables. Thanks and KR Joe
  5. Hi John, I'm developing an airport timeboard using the offsets of AI Traffic tables and I'm facing a strange issue: I'm not able to get the LANDED status (143). In fact when there is an aircraft LANDING (status142), after the landing (when it is on ground) I have its tail number in both tables (airborne and ground), but with status different than 143 (status for LANDED) and, by the way, I should have it only in the Ai ground table and no more as airborne. Any idea about how I could solve that or what I am eventually doing wrong? Thanks and KR Joe
  6. Hi, thanks for the reply. Another question please: i'm trying to read the tail number of Ai aircrafts at offsets F096 (for airbone) and E096 (for ground), but I always get airliner and flight number. I have tried to set 0 at offset E6A to get the tail number, but without effect. How can I solve the problem? Thanks an KR Joe
  7. HI John, thanks for the reply. For AI lat, lon and altitude should be possible to use the data in TCAS table (E080)? Fo sure I was hoping that there was something able to automatically manage the AI view in the P3D view menu where all AI aircrafts are listed with their own tail number. KR Joe
  8. Hi, is there a way to switch (for example through a button) in P3D the view on the screen of a specific AI aircraft knowing its tail number? Thanks and KR Joe
  9. Hi, thanks a lot. Have great time for your holidays! Joe
  10. Hi John, that's really strange. I confirm that in FSUIPC folder I have copied the as_connect.dll coming with ASP 6 and not the dll coming with ASP for P3D v5 (not at all in FSUIPC folder), and for sure I'm running P3D v6. Should I try to copy it on the networked PC where I have ASP6 and WIDEFS? KR Joe
  11. Hi John, attached the log. Offset 8600=1 Parked at airport with rain Offsets 8640 = 0 - 8641 = 0 Thanks and KR Joe FSUIPC6.log
  12. Hi John, unfortunately some issues with the offsets. The offsets 8600 to see if Active Sky is active is OK, but others have problems (for example 8640 and 8641 (precipitation type and rate)) are always 0 even if it is raining. Thanks and KR Joe
  13. Hi, solving an issue that I was facing for another reason on ASP 6 now the offsets are fine. Thanks a lot John, the FSUIPC.DLL provided runs perfectly KR Joe
  14. Hi, attached the log FSUIPC6.log
  15. Hi John, I did that (copied as_connect.dll into FSUIPC6 folder and the new FSUIPC.DLL) , but without success. The offsets are always at 0: With AS6 running offset 8600 = 0 Visibility (863C - FLT32) = 0 Joe
  16. John, thanks a lot. Looking at their API documentatione the name of the dll for P3D V6 is as_connect.dll Joe
  17. Hi, it seems that Active Sky offsets are no more valid with P3D V6 and AS P3D6. Do you thin k is it possible to put back them in place? Thanks and KR Joe
  18. Hi, thanks for the prompt reply... the suggested method works great! KR Joe
  19. Hi, is there an offset to understand if the avatar mode is on or off to execute different actions respect that? I have tried to read the Sim variable 'AVATAR MOSE IS ATTACHED' with a LUA script, but with no success. I'm using P3D 5.4 with FSUIPC 6.20 Thanks and KR Joe
  20. Thanks a lot for the prompt answer!!!! KR Joe
  21. Hi, is already possible to know if FSUIPC 6.1.9 is compatible with the just released P3D 5.4 or we have to wait for an update? Thanks and kind regards Joe
  22. Hi, are there offsets that provide departure and arrival time for AI aircrafts having a departure and destination airport? Thanks and KR Joe
  23. Hi, the lua is very simple: ipc.writeUW(0xBC4,2000) ipc.writeUW(0xBC6,2000) I have found a solution using the offsets through a VB program (using the Paul Hentys SDK) in this way: I write the offsets (and in the log I see the different values in the offset, always BC4 set to 1865 and BC6 to 629) Then, through a timer, I wait 500 ms and I write again the values in the offsets. At that point the values are fine in both the offsets ( in the log BC4 set to 2000 and BC6 set to 2000 and the aircraft is braking going straight forward) Very strange. Thanks Joe
  24. Hi, I have written a simple LUA to have a sort of autobrake using the offset BC4 and BC6. Problem is that even if I write the same value in both offsets the result (looking at the FSUIPC log on the screen) is different: In detail I wrote (ipc.writeUW) in both offsets 2000, but the result is that BC4 is set to 1865 e BC6 to 629. The result is that the aircraft goes to the left and does not maintain a straight direction (that is the reason for what I have written the lua). I have tried also recalibrating the pedals, but without any result. Is there a way to solve the issue and to have both values set at the same value? I'm using P3D v5.3. Thanks ank kind regards Joe
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