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Delphi last won the day on February 15 2023

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  1. I have checked it on a second P3D V5.4 installation. Works without problems there. I will do some further investigations on the other installation. Ruediger
  2. Same problem here. But the problem seems to be the export from LorbySceneryExport.exe, because the LorbyScenery.cfg has only one corrupt entry ([Area.001]. Will do some more investigations on my second development P3D 5.4 installation as time permits later today. Ruediger
  3. Many Thanks... Rüdiger
  4. Hi Paul, I am still in the process of migrating my applications to the new version of FSUIPCClient.dll. So far it works fine, except that I always get 'Nothing' back when reading the airlines assigned to a gate. In the g5.csv file these are contained. For example Gate 203, Payware LIME: LIME,,203,45.666995,9.697427,23.0,194.4,9,,RYR Basically my code is as follows: Dim MyGates As FsGate Dim db = FSUIPCConnection.AirportsDatabase Dim airport = db.Airports(ICAOOrigin) airport.LoadComponents(AirportComponents.Runways Or AirportComponents.Gates) For Each MyGates In airport.Gates For Each item In MyGates.Airlines If item = ICAO_Airline Then GateList.Add(s) End if Next Next I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't find the mistake. Ruediger
  5. Hi Paul, new version 3.3.4 works perfect for me. Thanks... Ruediger
  6. Hi Paul, many thanks. Very appreciated... Ruediger
  7. Hi Paul, I have several applications that use the Airport Database of your FSUIPC Client dll. For this I only want to rebuild the database at a central application and save the result on a network drive. All clients should then have access to this. Would this work or will there be access problems if multiple clients access the db at the same time? Kind regards, Ruediger
  8. Will WebSocket also be available for FSUIPC6? Ruediger
  9. First I did several tests without changing the configuration (FSUIPC 6.0.10 P3D V5 HF1 was installed). The problem did not occur. My .net application did catch all menus. Second I installed FSUIPC 6.0.13a) and enabled the debug mode. Again some tests. All fine. Finally I put in 'TimeToDelayTexts' and tested with different delays. All fine. Always plenty of time between the messages and the menus. No overwriting. Ruediger
  10. I did many test on a other P3D V5 installation yesterday. Unfortunately I could not catch the message overwriting. There are always plenty of time between the messages in question. The test execution was the same as last week, where the error occurred constantly. However, something must have been different. I do not know. Ruediger
  11. All my tests have been performed on the same PC as P3D V5 runs. No WideFS involved. Also the tests tomorrow will be without WideFS. Ruediger
  12. Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to perform the tests on a other P3D V5 installation. I will let you now the results. Ruediger
  13. Hi Pete, I did many tests. Started with 100ms, down to 20ms in 10ms steps. Finally with 0ms. Restarted P3D for each test. The problem did not occur again. Then installed an older FSUIPC version (6.0.10), just to make sure that it is independend of the FSUIPC version. The problem did not occur anymore. I do not know the reason, it's a kind of magic because last week I had the problem almost with each run of a test. I am rather at a loss, because no change to the system have been made since last week. Stable configuration, no GSX update, tests performed always at the same airport and gate. Ruediger
  14. Hi Pete, I did many tests over the weekend. I can not reproduce the error anymore. I did not do any modifications on my system. Same configuration as with the failed tests 3 days before. I can not explain that. No overwrite of messages vissible anymore. No [MessageFilters] used. Plain FSUIPC.ini + the debug features. [GSX] Departure clearance requested 1317421 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 1 broadcast 1317421 LUA.1: text and menu function type 1 messages 1 1317828 ### TEXT: 512 (Menu) From SimC, Duration 10.00, Flags 00000000, Len=183 1317828 Select operator at Gate 345 1317828 Select handling operator 1317828 Condor 1317828 Lufthansa [GSX default choice] 1317828 Aerogate 1317828 EFM - Gesellschaft fur Enteisen & Flugzeugschleppen Munchen 1317828 LOSCH Airport Service 1317828 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 2 broadcast 1317828 LUA.1: text and menu function type 2 messages 7 1318953 ### TEXT_DESTROY: 512 (Menu) Result: 4, Flags 00000000 1318953 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 2 clear broadcast 1319640 ### TEXT: 512 (Menu) From SimC, Duration 30.00, Flags 00000000, Len=63 1319640 GSX - Pushback Service 1319640 Do you want to request Pushback? 1319640 Yes 1319640 No 1319640 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 2 broadcast 1319640 LUA.1: text and menu function type 2 messages 4 1323406 ### TEXT: 257 (Static) From SimC, Duration 6.00, Flags 00000000, Len=40 1323406 [GSX] Handling by LOSCH Airport Service 1323406 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 1 broadcast 1323421 LUA.1: text and menu function type 1 messages 1 1329437 ### TEXT_DESTROY: 257 (Static) Result: 65540, Flags 00000000 1329437 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 1 clear broadcast 1349656 ### TEXT_DESTROY: 512 (Menu) Result: 65540, Flags 00000000 1349656 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 2 clear broadcast 1349890 ### TEXT: 257 (Static) From SimC, Duration 6.00, Flags 00000000, Len=23 1349890 [GSX] Have a good trip 1349890 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 1 broadcast 1349890 LUA.1: text and menu function type 1 messages 1 1355953 ### TEXT_DESTROY: 257 (Static) Result: 65540, Flags 00000000 1355953 ***DISP*** Text/menu type 1 clear broadcast I will of coures keep an eye on that. Pretty sure the problem will occur again. Ruediger
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