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Posts posted by Delphi

  1. Sorry, for beeing imprecise.


    I was thinking about the Runways.xml file. Tags <FSStartLat> and <FSStartLon>. I assume that those are the positions from the bgl file which characterize the position the aircraft to start from a certain runway. If so, then the aircraft heading would be nice to have, which might be different to the runway heading, if the related position is e.g. on the short hold of a taxiway.


    Best regards,



  2. FSSymphony V2.0 does not offer any native support for PMDG. If their are any PMDG offsets made available by FSUIPC you can assign them to Pokeys 56/57E via FSSymphony V2.0 expert mode. I can not give any support for PMDG issues because I do not have this add-on available for implementation and test purposes. FSSymphony is freeware and will be freeware in the future, adding PMDG support will make it necessary to buy this add-on and invest time to get it running. If I have left over money and time I might implement PMDG support. However,  I can not promise that and for the time beeing I publish as FSSymphony what I use in my own flight simulator environment.



  3. Hi Pete, Hi Paul,

    I found the problem and learned :-)


    The issue was that I called FSUIPCConnection.Process from 2 different forms. I could solve the problem and improved my code. Now I call FSUIPCConnection.Process only from the main form. All works well now. However, would it be possible to have a kind of 'isBusy' flag while FSUIPC.DLL is processing a request.



  4. Hello,

    suddenly I get the following error message some seconds after opening the FSUIPC connection:


    FSUIPC Error #15: FSUIPC_ERR_SIZE. The amount of data requested exceeded the maximum allowed in one Process()
    Actually I request only a handfull offsets from FSUIPC and did not have any problems in the past. I did not add any new offset or data request.
    Would be very helpful for further troublesshooting to know under which circumstances FSUIPC.dll generates the message.
    Thanks for your help!
    Best regards
  5. I'm trying to read the nearby IVAO multiplayer traffic on ground from 0xE000 to 0xEFFF. Unfortunately I can not find any data regarding the IVAO ground traffic in this area. For the aiborne traffic the table from 0xF000 is filled with the IVAO online data of aiborne aircrafts and works well for me. TrafficLook.exe shows also only the airborne traffic. Does anyone know where the offset aera of the IVAO aicrafts on ground is located?


    Thanks in advance!



  6. Hi Paul,

    thanks for your swift reply. I checked it as proposed with the TrafficLook.exe. Same issues as with the DLL. The magic think is, that the IVAO online traffic is shown in the FS itself. I thought all IVAO traffic is handeled as AI traffic in the usual way. But somtimes things are more complicated than they seem at the first sight.



  7. Hi all,

    I'm trying to read the surrounding IVAO online traffic as AI traffic. Works fine for airborne airplanes (AITrafficServices.AirbourneTraffic). Can't get the ground traffic, neither with AITrafficInformation.GroundTraffic nor with AITrafficInformation.AllTraffic.


    Any help would be very appreciated.



  8. Hi Paul,
    for version 2.0 of FSSymphony I will let the user assign in/outputs of the interface hardware to FSUIPC offset bits or setting values.

    The definitions will be stored in a array and have to be defined in .net during run time.

    In a first beta implementation I do the like the following sketch:


    Loop through the array.....

    UserOffsetAddress = Integer.Parse(OffsetAddress, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)

    Dim User_Offset As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)(UserOffsetAddress)


    .....process data




    This works fine for a small amount of user definitions. But because this code snipped might have to be executed for 100 or even

    more user definitions, several times per second, I have some doubt that this is the way I should go. Even after some "brain

    storming" I could not find a better solution. Perhaps you can help me to break through the mental block, with an idea for a

    better solution.

    Thanks in advance!


  9. Paul,

    need your advice for a (small) problem. The following example declarion works fine in VB.net 2010:

    Dim Newoffset="&H" & textbox1.text

    Dim readoffset As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)(Newoffset)

    With overloading by a GroupName VB2010 gives me an error, example:

    Dim Newoffset="&H" & textbox1.text

    Dim readoffset As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)("TestGroup", Newoffset)

    The following example works:

    Dim readoffset As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)("TestGroup", &H57A6)

    Thanks for your help!


    visit: http://www.flying-the-winglets.de

  10. :-). Thanks for offering more bytes than requested. Probably I was too shy asking for a larger offset range ;-). For the current development schedule a range of 32 bytes would be sufficient. However as FSSymphony is getting more advanced in future version a larger range might be required. Would be great to have 64 bytes, that should cover the need for the future.


    Best regards


  11. Hallo Pete,

    I'm the developer of FSSymphony. FSSymphony acts as Interface between PoKeys56E interface devices and MS flight simulator. Based on user demands FSSymphony developed to much more than pure interfacing of signals to the flight simulator and vice versa. Internal logic is providing gate signals and preprocessed values for user convenience. In order to make gate signals and values availbale I need a reserved range of FSUIPC offsets. For the time being a range of 32 offsets should be sufficient. Would be great if you could reserve such a range of offsets for FSSymphony.

    Thanks in advance!


    contact. ruediger.ebert@flying-the winglets.de

    visit: http://www.flying-the-winglets.de

  12. Hi all,

    does someone has expierence with the Button Screen Facilities on the FS PC?

    It seems that this feature can only be used on PCs with WideFS client runing on, not for the FS PC with WidesFS server. I would like to have the Button Screen on a second monitor attached to the FS PC. As a work around I tried to run a WideFS client in addition to the WideFS server on the same PC. Did not work, got a failure message. Does someone has a solution or some advices how I could manage the problem?

    Best regards


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