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  1. Hi John, Trying to track down where these events are coming from that are appearing in the FSUIPC Event Log. I am seeing stutters in my VR headset that I don't see in the Headset mirror on my 2d screen and they happen in the same rhythm as these events appear in the log. I might be going crazy but I might not. I am currently at the Sim main menu and these events are still happening. I have unplugged all devices except the Reverb G2 headset and they are still running. Any help much appreciated! Toby
  2. I figured this out. I needed to tick 'REV' in the calibration options.
  3. I would like to assign Left and Right brake to a single axis on my Virpil Mongoos T-50 CM2Joystick so that I can brake correctly in the Spitfire. The assignment works but the axis are reversed so holding the brake lever releases them, instead of the other way round. Q. How can I reverse the axis in FSUIPC? NB If I assign this axis in MSFS, it is not recognised correctly and acts as a button even though it is shown as an axis. Thank you, Toby
  4. The problem was that I couldn't figure out first how to use custom HVars, as the commands I needed were missing from the events.txt file, maintained at Mobiflight at the link you mentioned above. Once I had learnt how to use Hvars in FSUIPC and followed your advice about creating a custom myevents.txt file in the main FSUIPC folder, with the custom HVars that I wanted to use (found in the \Community\hpg-airbus-h145\html_ui\HPGH145-System\H145_Keys.txt file), I was able to assign these commands to keybinds in FSUIPC, with MSFS active and the H145 loaded. My mistake was to try and use a trim release command in a helicopter with an advanced AFCS (auto-flight control system) that I didn't completely understand. Once I had assigned the commands correctly on press and release, and was in the air with AFCS engaged, I was able to correctly release the cyclic trim, to allow for precise control when needed. Thank you for your help John.
  5. I managed to get it all working now, thanks for your help..
  6. Should the myevents.txt go in the main FSUIPC7 folder? I checked the manuals but couldn't find any answer to this question. Thanks, Toby
  7. Thanks for the cryptic advice John... 🧐 You mean 'download Mobiflight and install it and then locate the events.txt file in one of Mobiflights nested folders'.... I had not heard of Mobiflight before you mentioned it, so it took some searching. I was able to get the latest events.txt but it hasn't been updated. I will figure this out and use the myevents.txt file. WASM is enabled and the other commands work fine. I think this is user error as the H145 is not as straight forward as I thought. The AFCS needs to be engaged, and the aircraft needs to be in flight, for this button press to do anything, and, without going through a manual startup from cold and dark every time, the AFCS will not be automatically engaged... Thanks for your help, as always, much appreciated. Toby
  8. I am trying to activate a cyclic trim button in the HPG Airbus 145. The HVar created by HPG, who make the H145 helicopter, is missing, along with a few others, from the stock events.txt file included with FSUIPC7. I have manually added the following section to the events.txt document: //Hype Performance Group/H145/Trim H145_SDK_CYCLIC_TRIM_LATCH_PUSH#(>H:H145_SDK_CYCLIC_TRIM_RELEASE_LATCH_PUSH) H145_SDK_CYCLIC_TRIM_LATCH_RELEASE#(>H:H145_SDK_CYCLIC_TRIM_RELEASE_LATCH_RELEASE) This shows up in FSUIPC's drop down window (which needs to be wider!) and, I can assign these actions to my HOTAS, but they don't do anything in the sim. Can anyone tell me why? I have attached the complete list of H:variables included with the latest release of the HPG H145 where I took the above two actions from. Thanks for any advice and help, Toby H145_Keys.txt
  9. I didn't mean to confuse you, apologies. I haven't added or edited the Rotaries.lua file yet, I wanted to understand how it works first and was waiting for your reply. I have created a separate lua file to control a button press to assign heading bug to current heading, that is called currheading.lua and is in the main FSUIPC folder and is assigned to a button on my throttle and works correctly. Why do I need an [Auto] section if FSUIPC scans for lua files and adds them to the [LuaFiles] section?
  10. Thank you John, enabling WASM in FSUIPC Options has worked. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for your advice, will try today. I added [LuaFiles] 1=currheading for the script that I use to the FSUIPC7.ini file and it works. I do not have an [Auto] section. ini attached. FSUIPC7.ini
  12. I am using FSUIPC and MSFS and the HPG Airbus H145. I have assigned events to switches on my Virpil CM3 throttle as per attached screenshot e.g.: Preset:H145 SDK ECP MAIN 1 FLIGHT and MAIN 1 FLIGHT IDLE I understand basic use of FSUIPC and have assigned other functions that work, such as a lua script to align heading bug to my direction etc, so I know it works. The thing is, none of the assignments for the HPG Airbus H145 work and I don't know why. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Toby
  13. Hi John, Thanks for your advice. I found the Rotaries.lua which is the one I think you mean? I'm afraid programming that is beyond my skill level at the moment. Can I just put it in the lua folder and use it or will that not work? How would I assign the correct button or action to each switch? Thanks, Toby
  14. Hi Pete, Would it be possible to simulate the acceleration of turning a dial in SU9 as setting the heading bug with a rotary switch is currently taking all day! Thank you, Toby EDIT - I just found the preset commands 'Heading Bug Inc/Dec Fast' in FSUIPC but they jump 10° at a time. I would like 1° when I dial slowly and 10° when I'm spinning faster to get to where I want to be, if that's possible?
  15. I was using UT2 before too, after installing with the Estonia Migration Tool but I also had problems with some files getting corrupted and had to reinstall as the sim would not start correctly any more. P3D v2.5 apparently has more changes under the hood that most people seem to imagine. I have never had problems with P3D before v2.5. This time round, I promised myself to only use add-ons made for P3D but the temptation was too big, as you can see. I have learnt my lesson.
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