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Everything posted by toby23

  1. I mainly fly the VRS Superbug and it would be great if I could click the buttons in the cockpit without removing my hand from the controls. I've read through various posts here as well as the documentation but can't find a way to assign a left mouse click to a joystick button. I use the Logitech G940 and have managed to get the coolie hat working as a mouse axis (using GlovePIE) but no luck with mouse clicks. I know FSUIPC doesn't monitor the mouse but how can I assign a left click to a joystick button?
  2. Andy, this also happens with REX weather. It's not an ASE specific problem. Apparently it's linked to FSUIPC. See my link above, Thanks, Toby
  3. I have only recently noticed the 'flashing sky during weather updates' as I only recently started to use FSUIPC to control the weather. Apparently this problem has been around since 2005/ 2006 (See Note 4) (LINK) I would like to know if there is a solution for this problem? If there isn't, what do I have to disable in FSUIPC's settings to stop this happening and what price do I pay for doing that? Thanks for your help, Toby
  4. Thanks for your help Pete, I'll give it a try. Toby
  5. Well, I couldn't be more wrong could I? :) I have read the manual several times but obviously missed the point completely. All I want are settings for Stick Aircraft, Yoke Aircraft or Helicopters and custom buttons for certain aircraft, that's it. So far, I haven't been able to get that working. Thank you for your help, Toby
  6. Re: Buttons, Axes, Keys, JoystickCalibration If I understood you correctly, I can create unique sets for each of these four 'facilities' for a single aircraft? Example [buttons.Custom Set 1] [Axes.Custom Set 2] [Keys.Custom Set 3] [JoystickCalibration.Custom Set 4] These aren't linked by name in the .ini to a specific aircraft profile e.g. [Profile.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP], they only become 'attached' to a certain aircraft when selected in 'Profile Specific?' in FSUIPC? ----------------------------------------------------- Re: Solution To solve my problem and to be able to have: 1. Unique Profiles for Stick Aircraft, Yoke Aircraft and Helicopters I need to create 3 separate [Profile.xxx] entries and manually assign aircraft to it using their livery names. 2. Unique Joystick Calibration for Stick Aircraft, Yoke Aircraft and Helicopters I need to create 3 separate [JoystickCalibration.xxx] entries and use FSUIPC to assign aircraft to them using the 'Profile Specific?' option. 3. Custom Button Sets for any aircraft I need to create separate [button.xxx] entries and use FSUIPC to assign aircraft to them using the 'Profile Specific?' option. Sorry for being so longwinded but I really want to understand how this works. What confused me is that I thought that FSUIPC stored the information about which aircraft uses which 'facility' in the .ini file, and if I'm right, it doesn't? ----------------------------------------------------- Re: [JoyNames] I am not able to always keep my controllers plugged in. However, I always use the same ports when I do plug them in. In the .ini file, the [JoyNames] entry changes depending on what is plugged in. Sometimes I use the CH Yoke, sometimes the X52 and I always use the CH Pedals. Are the Numbers in [JoyNames] referenced anywhere else in the .ini? Can I manually add the Controller that is missing in [JoyNames] and will the entry stay in the .ini? I have the feeling that switching controllers is causing confusion somewhere in the sim, perhaps because two different controllers are being given the same number because I change them depending on what I fly. That's why I wanted to ask if the Number (not the GUID) is referenced anywhere else and if I have to link a 'facility' to it or not. Many thanks for your patience and your help Pete, I really appreciate it while I am getting to grips with FSUIPC. FSUIPC is really a dream come true for control freaks like me! Thanks, Toby
  7. Thanks Guensli for these LUA commands! Very useful... Toby
  8. I thought so... It would be great if FSUIPC could hijack the realism settings. Guess I'll have to stick to my batch commands :) Thanks Jim, Toby
  9. Hi Jim. In the past, I have saved various fsx.cfg files with aircraft specific realism settings and used batch commands to activate each one depending on what I want to fly. If I understand your post, I can use FSX to save a certain Realism Setting for every plane that will automatically activate when I select the plane? How do I do that? I would prefer to use FSUIPC's .ini file to do this if possible, then I can link the realism settings to each aircraft or set's profile. Thanks, Toby
  10. I know that the realism settings are stored in the fsx.cfg file but can I somehow use FSUIPC to set Aircraft Specific Realism Settings? Not all Producers recommend Full Right Sliders and it would be great if I could use FSUIPC to set this instead of batch files. Thanks, Toby
  11. In FSX, I have set up custom button profiles for different aircraft for certain panels i.e. GPS, FSMap, GNS430 etc e.g. [buttons.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP] 0=P2,8,K51,9 1=P2,9,K57,9 ----------- I can have a custom button profile which is linked, by name, to a custom calibration profile e.g. [buttons.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP] is linked to [JoystickCalibration.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP] OR I can have a general calibration profile e.g. Stick Aircraft or Yoke Aircraft. e.g. [JoystickCalibration.Stick Aircraft] ----------- BUT I can't figure out how to link a custom button profile to a custom calibration profile that has a different name. e.g. [buttons.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP] and [Profile.FSX Cessna Skyhawk 172SP] are both linked to [JoystickCalibration.Stick Aircraft] Is this possible? Thanks for your help, Toby PS Thank you for FSUIPC, it's incredibly useful!
  12. Thanks for your reply Pete. What about supressing the open/close door and FSX ATIS messages? Thansk, Toby
  13. Hi Pete, I just bought FSUIPC but I'm having problems hiding the green 1 line messages in FSX. Even though this option is checked in the FSUIPC menu, the 1 line messages crop up now and again. For example I sometimes see ATIS weather notifications, REX or ASE notifications as well as the open/ close door notification. I use ASE or REX for weather and always use Radar Contact for my flights. What do I have to do to completely get rid of these 1 line notifications? Thanks, Toby Sim Market Order 646634
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