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  1. Thank you very much for helping and the informations, I will check the mod and see..
  2. Yes, I mean that the assignments to the buttons (not keys:) 162-179 are not working, i do not want to assign anything from this device directly in the flight simulator. Here is the log and ini file, I pressed the MCDU buttons A (138), B (147), C (156), D (165) and E (174). At least that's how they are assigned in fsuipc. FSUIPC7.3.log FSUIPC7.ini
  3. Hello, My A320 MCDU PCB has 74 buttons and is connected via USB. FSUIPC_7.1.0f recognizes all keys, they have numbering from 0 to 179 and all can be assigned to the corresponding functions in the menu "Button and switches". However, in the simulator only the inputs of the keys 0 to 161 are recognized, not those from 162 to 179. Is there anything I can do? Regards Günter
  4. jay960 - thank you for sharing, works fine!!
  5. Hello, this is a long awaited update from me, because I own a HID device MCDU with 74 buttons. Just tested, seems to work properly on all buttons. Thank you very much! Best regards Günter
  6. Hello, Now I found out, that one of the Arcazes seems to not functioning correctly (continual USB -registering and unregistering) and I replaced it with another one. Since then I have no more changes of board-numbers. And I hope that will remain..  Finally it looks like a hardware-problem, thank you for helping! Best regards Gunter
  7. Hi Reinhard, did n't know, thank you! Best regards Gunter
  8. Okay, thank you. I have 12 Arcaze USB-Interfaces connected and the first one is named "FLOOD". Will try to find out more about the ongoing registration changes! Gunter --------------------------------------- Chas: DEAD DRUNK ? Keep away from my posts with your objectiv absurd comments!
  9. Hello, without changing the hardware it happened permanently that the devices were changing the number. So i Set AutoAssignLetters to YES. But it does not help. The INI file section looks like: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes 0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 0.GUID={6EC84600-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} 1=Logitech Attack 3 1.GUID={D6D9F770-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} 2=DTA Rotary Encoder 2.GUID={EA683F60-CAB5-11E5-8001-444553540000} 3=Digital Switch 2040 3.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 4=FLOOD 4.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8004-444553540000} 5=FLOOD 5.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8001-444553540000} 6=FLOOD 6.GUID={C00D8130-B24B-11E5-8001-444553540000} 7=FLOOD 7.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8002-444553540000} 8=FLOOD 8.GUID={27312360-B460-11E5-8006-444553540000} 9=FLOOD 9.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8004-444553540000} 10=FLOOD 10.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8003-444553540000} 11=FLOOD 11.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8003-444553540000} 12=FLOOD 12.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8001-444553540000} 13=FLOOD 13.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8002-444553540000} 14=FLOOD 14.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8003-444553540000} 15=FLOOD 15.GUID={C00E1D70-B24B-11E5-8002-444553540000} A=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals B=Logitech Attack 3 C=DTA Rotary Encoder D=Digital Switch 2040 E=FLOOD F=FLOOD G=FLOOD H=FLOOD J=FLOOD K=FLOOD L=FLOOD M=FLOOD N=FLOOD P=FLOOD Q=FLOOD R=FLOOD The devices had now a Letter but now the letter is changing, so I changed the numbers manually to letters, after the next restart it looked like: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes A=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals A.GUID={6EC84600-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} B=Logitech Attack 3 B.GUID={D6D9F770-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} C=DTA Rotary Encoder C.GUID={EA683F60-CAB5-11E5-8001-444553540000} D=Digital Switch 2040 D.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8004-444553540000} E=FLOOD E.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8004-444553540000} F=FLOOD F.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8001-444553540000} G=FLOOD G.GUID={C00D8130-B24B-11E5-8001-444553540000} H=FLOOD H.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8002-444553540000} J=FLOOD J.GUID={27312360-B460-11E5-8006-444553540000} K=FLOOD K.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8004-444553540000} L=FLOOD L.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8003-444553540000} M=FLOOD M.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8003-444553540000} N=FLOOD N.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8001-444553540000} P=FLOOD P.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8002-444553540000} Q=FLOOD Q.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8003-444553540000} R=FLOOD R.GUID={C00E1D70-B24B-11E5-8002-444553540000} 0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 0.GUID={6EC84600-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} 1=Logitech Attack 3 1.GUID={D6D9F770-B243-11E5-8001-444553540000} 2=DTA Rotary Encoder 2.GUID={EA683F60-CAB5-11E5-8001-444553540000} 3=Digital Switch 2040 3.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 4=FLOOD 4.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8004-444553540000} 5=FLOOD 5.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8001-444553540000} 6=FLOOD 6.GUID={C00D8130-B24B-11E5-8001-444553540000} 7=FLOOD 7.GUID={27253C80-B460-11E5-8002-444553540000} 8=FLOOD 8.GUID={27312360-B460-11E5-8006-444553540000} 9=FLOOD 9.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8004-444553540000} 10=FLOOD 10.GUID={C00E92A0-B24B-11E5-8003-444553540000} 11=FLOOD 11.GUID={272B5700-B460-11E5-8003-444553540000} 12=FLOOD 12.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8001-444553540000} 13=FLOOD 13.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8002-444553540000} 14=FLOOD 14.GUID={60C43D40-B4B2-11E5-8003-444553540000} 15=FLOOD 15.GUID={C00E1D70-B24B-11E5-8002-44455354000 and again the Letters are changing ! The device N is the next time Q.............! Some help? Thank you Gunter
  10. Thank you for your answer, I understand that it is actually not possible to save ALL Gauges as mouse macro, depending on the structures in the gauge… it's a pity.. Unfortunately, I don’t have any know-how in creating/editing gauge-files, maybe a solution can be found in the future! Best regards Gunter
  11. Hello and good evening, first of all: thank you for the brilliant new feature "create mouse macro". I realized the update yesterday and today I programmed all my hardware (mostly GF-moduls) to work with my LVLD767. It works all fine! My question: is it poosible to create macros using cab or xml files. As I saw by now, all macros are basing on gau and dll. Or do I something wrong? Thank you for short info and best regards Gunter Vista 32 FSX SP2 FSUIPC 4.318
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