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Everything posted by sxa1376

  1. Hello Pete i am writing you because i have a problem with controling some functions of the pm airbus co-pilot effis. I have built a custom FCU and i have assign succesfull almost all buttons for the control of the fcu plus the effis of pilot and co-pilot except the landing switch of co-pilot. Can you please assist me of how i can assing a button for the co-pilot landing switch? Many thanks.
  2. Thanks Pete now i have programed the gear axis correct.
  3. Hello Pete i get your message and i am sending you the configuration i made in FSUIPC in two photos. Also i want to say that i have configure the three controllers i have ( CH throttle quadrant, Saitec cyborg evo and CH pro pedals) inside the FSUIPC and i have disable the controls inside FSX. Also i want to tell you that i use project magenta software because i am building the cockpit of A320 and i use the TCP-IP protocol through network. Can i change the Widefs to use IPX-SPX protocol instead of TCP-IP and how i can do this? I have install the IPX-SPX protocol in all my pc's.
  4. Hello Pete this is George Nikolou from Athens Greece. I have problem to set up the gear axis on FSX. I use CH throttle quadrant and i have set up two axis for throttles and two axis for spoilers and flaps which they are working perfectly but with the gear set up i have problem. I used the example that you have post in the FSUIPC 4.30 users guide exactly as was shown in page 40 but the axis is not working well. When i put the axis in gear down position it is working fine but when i put the axis in gear up position nothing happens. Please assist.
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