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Everything posted by flatdog

  1. Has anyone managed to work out how to operate the autopilot altitude setting knob (Bendix King KFC 225) on the Real Air Simulations SIAI Marchetti SF260? I have all the other buttons, switches and knobs sorted but this one defeats me. I have followed guenseli's post on finding macros and logging LVars without much success. I am trying to operate the knob using a dual concentric rotary encoder via Leo Bodnar's BU0836X board. The com and nav radios are working perfectly. As a quick side note; many thanks to guenseli for all the information he has made available and also of course to Pete for FSUIPC which gets better and better. Philip
  2. Dave, I am glad to have helped indirectly. I love the PMDG 747X particularly as I have a friend who is a BA 747 Cpt. He very kindly spends a couple of hours with me every now and then showing me how things are done for real. I have been following your other thread re. macros and will be interested to see how you get on. Regards, Philip
  3. Pete, Brilliant - works perfectly - many thanks. Philip
  4. Pete, Thankyou - I will give it a go tonight and see what happens. Philip
  5. I have read the previous posts about fuel control switches so hope that this is not going over old ground in a post I have missed. I am using the PMDG 747 in FSX with a registered copy of FSUIPC v4.50. As far as I am aware and having tried all the obvious options, the fuel control switches do not respond to any 'stock' commands. I have successfully assigned a mouse macro to the first switch and this works perfectly. I have recorded and saved macros for 2, 3 & 4 and even though the mouse operates the correct switch all the macros operate switch 1. I have confirmed this using the tab key to test the macro before saving. All other macros for A/T, Flight Director etc work perfectly. Is this an issue with the way the guage is programmed or am I missing something?
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