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Everything posted by flypfc

  1. Closet-Rambo what equiptment do you have ????? the only USB hardware that uses the PFC.dll is our MFD and JET cockpit and they create a com port so you still need to sellect the com port that they created if you just have a yoke or rudders that plug in USB they are seen in the gaming options
  2. our top end equipment has a USB to serial interface built into it which makes our hardware look like a virtual com port allowing software think our hardware is plugged into a com port
  3. Brian when you say that some information disappears is there an error message on the screen (a small square with ATD or something of the sort in it) if so this is a funtion of PM where the FMS needs to have the preflight performed
  4. The console you have is an analogue only console which was designed to work with Elite and it only has one protocol so it is not compatible with anything but Elite it would require a total electronics upgrade and rewire to be compatible with anything else
  5. Kenny are you trying to build a full cockpit those switches can be hard to come by I have to have them custom made for my app which can be costly but if you e-mail me privately I can help you maybe :!: Regards Eric
  6. jjjanezic there is no way in MSFS to have 1 notch do to different flap settings but you can define the different flaps and slat detent like they are in and aircraft so that the proper flap or slat is moved when you set the detent type 1 = trailing edge, 2 = leading edge. [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.690 extending-time=35.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=260.000 blowout-speed=280.000 lift_scalar=1.000 drag_scalar=1.000 pitch_scalar=1.000 flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000 flaps-position.1= 5.013, 0.000 flaps-position.2= 10.027, 0.000 flaps-position.3= 15.040, 0.000 flaps-position.4= 20.054, 0.000 flaps-position.5= 25.067, 0.000 flaps-position.6= 30.080, 0.000 flaps-position.7= 35.094, 0.000 flaps-position.8= 40.107, 0.000 [Flaps.1] type=1 span-outboard=0.950 extending-time=35.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=250.000 blowout-speed=270.000 lift_scalar=1.000 drag_scalar=1.000 pitch_scalar=4.0 flaps-position.0=0.000 flaps-position.1=3.100 flaps-position.2=4.000 flaps-position.3=5.700 flaps-position.4=4.000 flaps-position.5=3.200 flaps-position.6=0.000 flaps-position.7=0.000 flaps-position.8=0.000 [Flaps.2] type=1 span-outboard=0.950 extending-time=35.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=190.000 blowout-speed=210.000 lift_scalar=-1.000 drag_scalar=-2.550 pitch_scalar=4.750 flaps-position.0=0.000 flaps-position.1=0.000 flaps-position.2=0.000 flaps-position.3=0.000 flaps-position.4=0.000 flaps-position.5=0.500 flaps-position.6=3.500 flaps-position.7=6.700 flaps-position.8=8.000 [Flaps.3] type=2 span-outboard=0.001 extending-time=3.5 system_type=1 damaging-speed=250.000 blowout-speed=270.000 lift_scalar=0.000 drag_scalar=0.000 pitch_scalar=0.000 flaps-position.0=0.0 flaps-position.1=40.0 flaps-position.2=40.0 flaps-position.3=40.0 flaps-position.4=40.0 flaps-position.5=40.0 flaps-position.6=40.0 flaps-position.7=40.0 flaps-position.8=40.0
  7. Sergio the Jeppesen console was made by PFC but only the case and throttle the hardware controller (which interprets the hardware and sends out the appropriate code to the PC) was made by Jeppesen and only has there protocol which only works with there software
  8. Busdriver in the aircraft.CFG you will want to edit these lines they change how the spoilers affect the aircraft with respect to the ailerons spoilerons_available=1 //Spoilerons Available? aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3 //Aileron to spoileron gain min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=10 //Degrees min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0 //Minimum flap handle position when spoilerons activate
  9. you need to use the 737 MCP or the heading button will be heading hold it is only heading select on the 737 MCP
  10. the problem is the throttle quadrant that works with ONTOP is analogue and does not work with MSFS and the digital throttle quad does not work with ONTOP as of yet (the programmers for ONTOP are working on making the digital hardware work)
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