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Everything posted by Carob

  1. The GFDev.dll file is in the location mentioned because that is where the GF software puts it. That is the software that has been used to program the hardware previously. I have not yet done anything regarding FSUIPC and GoFlight. That's why I came here. To hopefully get more information and assistance with doing that. I can't attempt to do anything until I know what to do with it and how it works. That's just some of what I'm trying to find out. --------------------------------- FSUIPC is not currently registered because it has never needed to be. I do (now) see the key information on the site. Missed that before. Sorry. However, I still need to understand what to do after that. ---------------------------- Correct, as mentioned, I have not yet done anything with FSUIPC and GF because I need to understand how it works first. Once I know that, I can proceed. ---------------------- I am actually reading everything you are saying. The issue is that I need to walk before I can run. Programming these GF modules using FSUIPC appears to be not at all like using a GUI to do that and requires some programming knowledge. Of which I, nor the person who is actually using this system, actually have. --------------------------- While it might be great to get direct assistance from yourself, that wasn't a necessity. My initial post was a generic one for anyone who was using the same products to possibly help because I was stuck. I think the frustration you have is because perhaps you don't understand what I'm trying to accomplish before actually jumping in to start installing things and pushing buttons as it were. Perhaps I'm just not seeing it, but I don't see anything in the FSUIPC documentation about how to actually configure the GF devices. Once of course the product is registered, the .dll is where FSUIPC needs it to be, etc.
  2. No issues in terms of the the sim itself running in Win 11. I have that going. I am aware FS9 and 2004 are the same thing. Thought we were on the same page there. Sorry about that. The GFDev.dll file is currently in the GF software folder as that's where it puts it. The GF software itself works fine. It can be used to program the units without issues. The problem is FS9 does not see them and they just sit there mocking the person wanting to use them. 🙂 Some of the GF modules being used do have displays. I've read the manual for GFDisplay. I don't understand it. Again, masters degree in programming required. I don't understand either. I am certainly not the only one who has run into this. There are tons of topics across multiple sources with people having these issues. The GF modules were not designed to run on modern operating systems nobody has re-written the code for them to work. With FS9 at least. There is software from a company in England that half-way took over the stuff, but the software they have does not work with FS9. Only FSX and above. FSUIPC is already installed, but not registered. Has been for many years. You said the version for FS9 does not require payment for registration anymore? How do I go about getting a key to enter? Long story about sticking with FS9. I am also certainly not the only one in that regard either. My hope was to find one of those people who are also (somehow) successfully using it along with GF modules who would be willing to help. Because I, and from what I've found MANY others, are having one hell of a time. That aside, I was also hoping for help from the people who run this forum (who I thought you were one but perhaps I'm mistaken) for assistance with the FSUIPC side of the house and how to program the GF devices. As stated, I have read all of the required info and still haven't a clue on how to proceed. Especially since some of the modules have displays and some are just the push buttons or switches. Going back and forth via e-mail (post) is not going to help me here. Obviously. Was hoping someone would be willing to to join a remote session possibly to assist. I understand that might be pushing it, but it's kind of my only hope now.
  3. Hello, John. Thank you for the information posted. Yes, I am referring to 9.1. No issues there. However, I'm confused by the rest of what you wrote. To make the conversation easier at this point, if we just stick to talking about FS2004, I'm not sure where I need to go next. The GF driver on your site is actually older than the one currently installed with the GF software. Maybe that's important, maybe it's not. But, if I take either and drop it in the FSUIPC install folder, there is still more that needs to be done, correct? I'm assuming this is where the document comes in for the GFDisplay 1.30 software that I don't understand. If so, I guess that's what I was hoping for help from someone on. I can't make heads or tails of what's supposed to be done there. (Hence my statement about a masters degree. 🙂 ) I also don't have any idea what you are referring to for lua. You say the GF devices that have displays on them (a couple of those are involved) require this. But I don't know what that is or what is required for it. After weeks of trying to get things to work, and failing, my brain hurts and am hoping someone might be wiling to have an actual conversation about all of this to help me figure out what I need and what I don't. And once I have that info, I'll need to know how to go about attempting to configure things to see if it actually solves the problem or not.
  4. Hello. I've come here for questions regarding the subject listed. I am working with my father after him getting a new computer that is running Windows 11. He is coming from Windows 7. He has several GoFlight modules and after much research have failed to get them working in both FS9 and FSX. My understanding is that the 2 main solutions for this issue is either using FSUIPC or the GoFlight Interface Tool from Pollypot. However, the Pollypot tool, according to them, does not work for FS9. I guess that leaves me with FSUIPC. That is of course FSUIPC still works for this purpose on Windows 11. Perhaps that's the first question someone can answer for me. Assuming the first is true, the second is a bit more involved. From what I've read, it seems to require a masters degree in programming to be able to accomplish getting all of this to work. I was hoping someone would be willing to walk me through, possibly even doing a remote session with me, to help out as I've started to read about this a few times and am lost almost from the beginning. If anyone can answer the first question, that would be a start. Again, assuming the answer to that is yes, I'd greatly appreciate some assistance with the second. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated. Gary
  5. Holy crap, dude. I was only asking for a little help. Sorry I don't measure up to your predetermined IQ qualifications.
  6. But one number is for using the Cntrl key, which I don't want to use, and another was for the actual key. With a comma between then. I found that line in a post someone else had done for helping in a similar situation. I don't understand it. Is the comma mandatory? Can just one number be used? Is the syntax different with just one number? I'm not a programmer so have no idea what it's supposed to look like.
  7. I did. But can't figure out what the line needs to be to do what I want.
  8. I had looked in that manual but still wasn't sure what to put. That's why I posted here.
  9. The paid version is needed for that, correct? I don't have that. I was told this is for Cntl + X AdvDisplayHotKey=88,10 so I tried it and it worked. I just don't want to use Cntl + X. I have a button on the yoke to invoke the "`" key for the default ATC but am looking to use that button for the AdvDisplay window for use with RadarContact.
  10. Hello. Can someone possibly tell me what the entry would be to put in the FSUIPC.ini file to use the "`" key (default ATC key in FS9) to show/hide the AdvDisplay window? Or, can someone tell me what the line would be to just configure Button 1 on the CH Yoke to do the same thing? I can't quite figure it out from the manuals, etc. Thanks!
  11. Well it doesn't seem to be the drivers and I don't know what DirectSound is. I think all we're looking for here is a solution. Which nobody, in multiple forums, seems to know.
  12. Are older version of FSUIPC available somewhere? I don't see them on Pete's site. I'd like to try a couple of older versions ofr FSX to see if something broke in that along the way somewhere.
  13. Hello. I wanted to jump in here and say that this same issue is happening with my father's new Jetline system he just got. When FsRaas is running it shows connected. When taxiing to a runway FsRaas says "Approaching" and that's all. Different airports, different runways, different aircraft... that's all that happens. No other sound is heard the entire time. If everything is quit and started again, the exact same thing happens. Only the very first word FsRaas is trying to play is heard and nothing more. FSUIPC 4.937 with FSX. Using FSUIPC 6.995 with FS9 and it works fine there. I too am searching for an answer to this but so far have come up empty.
  14. This could be a little difficult to work on now. I was doing some work on my father's computer as I was visiting for the holidays. Unfortunately I am back home now (another state) but I will see if I can get this information and get back to you. It might be a little while (if at all) but I will see what I can do. Thanks for your help so far!
  15. So am I looking for a file called "SimConnect"?
  16. I don't even know what SimConnect is. Is this something new with this version? I don't remember ever hearing the name before.
  17. To late for that. I just installed SP2 yesterday.
  18. Anything further?
  19. Yes, it is.
  20. After looking at this a little more I have found that this problem only happens with version 4.2. If I put version 4.06 back in the menu shows up fine. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  21. Hello. I'm hoping someone can answer this for me. I have installed v4.2 of FSUIPC into FSX but I am not seeing the Addons menu. Here is a copy of the log... ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.20 by Pete Dowson ********* User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX (SimConnect SP1 May07) Module base=61000000 DebugStatus=0 31 System time = 15:51:50 31 FLT UNC path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 31 FS UNC path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" 828 LogOptions=00000001 828 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 6188 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 447, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 6188 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 6297 Now running with SimConnect Original 6297 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 6297 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 447, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 6297 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 6406 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities 6406 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xFF100020 21453 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 21453 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 36516 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 36516 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 51531 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 51531 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 66563 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 66563 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 81641 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 81641 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 97438 **** Retrying SimConnect connection**** 97438 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0] 101235 System time = 15:53:32 101235 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** I read something about security software making this happen but none of this is installed. Even the Windows Firewall is turned off. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  22. I read yesterday that programs like Active Sky tell you to disable the weather options in FSUIPC because they have their own. Is this not true?
  23. It related to the initial question. I guess my question was if I don't have FSUIPC then I don't get to see "blue skies above and mist below". Is that right?
  24. That 3rd one came right out of the FSUIPC documentation. Right next to the other two.
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