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Everything posted by Carob

  1. Hello. I'm wondering if some can answer a quick question for me regarding the weather settings in FSUIPC and FS2004. I am thinking about purchasing this much talked about piece of software but would like to clarify something first. In the documentation it says... Smooth visibility changes works for all weather in FS2004. IIt introduces visibility changes gradually when selected. You can adjust the speed at which the visibility is allowed to change. (This of course does not affect sudden visibility changes caused by clouds). This option is defaulted off, and does not occur at all for FS2000/FS2002’s local weather (including downloaded ‘real weather’). Where it says "does not affect sudden visibility changes caused by clouds... What exactly does this mean? Does that just mean that when flying through a cloud you aren't going to see much for that second or two? It also says... On FS2004, the upper altitude of restricted visibility can be set by FSUIPC, for global and local weather injected by external programs. Is the built-in real world weather considered an external program? If not, does that mean that if I'm using FS2004's built-in real world weather that I will not get things such as... "when you climb out of it you get blue skies (or fancy clouds) above and around you, but still see the mist below." Any help would be apprecaited here. Thanks!
  2. That's what I was hoping. Thank you for the quick reply!
  3. Hello. I'm hoping someone will answer a quick question for me regarding FSUIPC. I haven't yet purchased the new version (I plan it) and am wondering if what I'm seeing is related to that. Here's my question... When having the new version installed into FS2004 I do not see the tabs across the top once the module is opened. All I see is logs and another one (can't remember). Is this normal? Will I have the rest of the tabs one it is purchased or am I missing something else entirely? Thanks very much!!!
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