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Everything posted by jetblst

  1. Darn it! Thanks so much for being candid, I appreciate the way you tried to get this feature to work in FSX! All the other features are very nice! I do like the endless ability FSUIPC give us in FSX/FS9! Great program Pete!
  2. Greetings Pete, Trying to keep the confusion down here. Say I want to adjust my upper panel of my airliner. In this case it would be the upper panel of my FT Ejet V2 E-175. Noted in the following shots. I am using FSX Gold, FSUIPC4, Win 7 64 Bit. Cockpit View of course. Upper Panel Default Size. Resized upper panel the way I would like it to stay. It does not take long before I find an edit I like or change something in some *.CFG or *.INI file before I am back to the default view (Screen Shot #2). I require this to simply load this size every time I load this aircraft. If I save my flight then this panel seems to stay "locked" but sooner or later it becomes unlocked. I used FSUIPC3 and I seem to remember in the MISC page there was an option to lock screens? I have not used 3 in a long time. Does FSUIPC4 have this feature? If not can you put it back in? If not how come? LOL :grin: As a pilot, it helps me to practice my "flows". I do not like the manner in which I have to "drag" the mouse over switches in the VC. I like the simple (+-) capability in standard Cockpit View. Sometimes the angle of the device/switch we are trying to manipulate in VC does not allow us to do this. The bad part about Cockpit View is that when I call up the default panels they are all running into or overlapping one another. :( :x :-x :evil: It would be nice if developers might take this into consideration. Not to worry because I have FSUIPC4... Right?? This was my main reason for registering version 4. It really was. IF FSUIPC4, is not able to accomplish this, then is there a way I can edit Aircraft.CFG)or another file to have the panels initially come up to the size I want? Without having to keep loading a saved flight? :roll: I did quite a lot of searching on this. I was probably using the wrong phrases, sorry if this is asked a lot. Thanks Pete!!
  3. I am using FSUIPC, FS9, Saitek X52 system, and Wilco/Feelthere PIC 737. I noticed that between the same 737 models (737-300) for example, that some of my asignments, calibrations, etc change, or are missing. First, could these changes be due to saved flights? My method for FS9 is to have 5 saved flights with 5 different airline liveries, like Delta, United, Southwest, etc. I have them all start with the same WX, Loads, Airport, etc. I then simply select the saved flight with the airline I want. I then load preplanned flight plans, change loading, change airports, etc and commence my flying from there. So could saved flights throw off my settings? Should I start with a CLEAN SLATE so to speak, set up my FSUIPC settings first, then make all of my saved flights? Somewhere here I am losing button assignments, joystick calibrations, slider cal., etc For example my rudder and tiller are BOTH assigned to the U axis per manual instructions, with the slope set to 15. That is a nice setup, BUT, I lose the lowered sensitivity between flights somehow. I then have to recalibrate things, and it is annoying. I understand between AIRCRAFT SPECIFIC, and GLOBAL SETTINGS, that is not the issue. I also have ALL of my axis' being sent to FSUIPC for calibration. (Which by the way is awesome when it works) WORTH the time to invest setting it all up. So hopefully I have been at least as clear as mud here. Anyone want to take a stab at it? :) Thanks! Jet
  4. Andy, Thanks so much for your reply. I did infact get some answers from the help forum for Wilco Feelthere PIC 737. Here is the help I recieved... http://forum.iemit.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=4335 Where Nathan was stating Ctrl+Shift+G, I think he was mistaken for the Shift+R keystroke. No big deal as all the rest of his post was dead on. I am amazed that everything worked. Even my keyboard did not work properly. For some reason Shif+R did not work. I was down to the mouse only. This fixed so many issues. It is nice to have found that the problem was not with FSUIPC, rather, the problem was simply my learning curve!! :lol: Now my problem is what to do with all of my new found joystick and throttle mapping possibilities!! A very good problem to have. THANKS! Jet
  5. I searched for these parameters and could not find an answer, so I am sorry if this repeats another post. I am using FS9, Saitek X52, and Wilco Feelthere 737. I am trying to map the Auto Throttle Arm Switch to my controller. I will take ANYWHERE on the controller at this point! LOL. The default key stroke is SHIFT R. I can asign many buttons from my X52 to the ATArm, however none of them work the switch on the simulator. I have tried to asigned the ATArm via FSUIPC (FS9) (One of the main reasons I purchased the key :( ) however, I am having no luck. I am seeing worth in FSUIPC in other ways I did not know about so that is very nice! But I want that ATArm to work from my X52! LOL. Even the SHIFT R doesn't work. :) So now what? Thanks for your help!! Jet
  6. I just tried this with my X52 (Using Wilco PIC 737) Followed instruction. It did not work. Hmmm. :?
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