i am continuing to implement my maddogX. I managed to get also the IPC.lvar of the fuel quantity from the maddog team but I am noticing that the assignment of the output digits does not perfectly follow the output sent by fsuipc. The variable
it is assigned via offset lvar, but it seems to overlap values between them. Would anyone know how to help me?
I thank
- ################ FQTY
function md_ipc_fuelleft (varname, value) ipc.writeSTR (0x6950, value) end
function md_ipc_fuelright (varname, value) ipc.writeSTR (0x6954, value) end
function md_ipc_fuelcenter (varname, value) ipc.writeSTR (0x6958, value) end
function md_ipc_fueltotal (varname, value) ipc.writeSTR (0x696C, value) end
function md_ipc_weight (varname, value) ipc.writeSTR (0x6960, value) end
- ################ FQTY
event.Lvar ("md_ipc_fuelleft", lvps, "md_ipc_fuelleft") - (string) | substring with offset = 0x6950 | type = string | size = STR, 4 | substring 0 - 4
event.Lvar ("md_ipc_fuelright", lvps, "md_ipc_fuelright") - (string) | substring with offset = 0x6954 | type = string | size = STR, 4 | substring 0-4
event.Lvar ("md_ipc_fuelcenter", lvps, "md_ipc_fuelcenter") - (string) | offset = 0x6958 | type = string | size = STR, 4 | substring 0 - 4
event.Lvar ("md_ipc_fueltotal", lvps, "md_ipc_fueltotal") - (string) | offset = 0x696C | type = string | size = STR, 5 | substring 0 - 5
event.Lvar ("md_ipc_weight", lvps, "md_ipc_weight") - (string) | offset = 0x6960 | type = string | size = STR, 5 | substring 0 - 5