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Everything posted by FabioMerlo

  1. Hi! Thank you for your support! I need check it because if use standard SDK there is no issue about but if it use a custom solution , it can be more hard to do .... stay tuned πŸ˜‰ Fabio
  2. Hi All! FlightControlReplay v4.5 is near end Alpha version. But before start Beta testing i want add another important feature that a lot of people asked me in this months ! And i want refine Rendering Video algorithm (that in my opinion will be a v2 of what FSRecorder made a lot of years ago! I want remember all that v4.5 will be FREE FOR ALL CUSTOMERS ! Stay tuned for info ! F
  3. Hi all! work on FlightControlReplay v4.5 continue ..... will be a great version !! In the meantime I ll start think about FlightControlReplay v5 ! New UI , New Way use replay , new interpolation algorithm and a new version for Advanced users ! Stay tuned
  4. Updated post with this sanapshot video ! - "New Video Rendering Mode" (COMPRESSED VIDEO CAPTURING) [See last Youtube Video with a snapshot of v4.5 FlightControlReplay v4.5 Video Rendering FrameByFrame and High Interpolation] We are near the end of dev !!! Time frame for release is spring / early summer 2019 FREE FOR ALL CUSTOMERS !!! With a lot of surprise πŸ‘πŸ‘ . Follow also my Instagram and Youtube channel FlightOnFly and my website flightcontrolreplay.wordpress.com
  5. Hi Dave! My algorithm for Play a recorded flight is changing .... Now i have a new method for render. In FCR v4.5 will be a new Video Rendering Engine ( High Frame Rate ) that it will render a video starting from FCR Flight recorded. Frame by frame rendering . This Video Rendering Engine use my new algorithm. This is a first step introduction before make it available also for Record and Play features. Fabio
  6. Hi ! Yes I received soon i ll let you know my analysis πŸ‘
  7. Hi Hal! Thank you for your kind words!!! Very strange behaviour do you have FCR files tio provide me via email? Thanks F
  8. Hi !!! Sorry but I should test Milviz ! I ll let you know about !! If you use p3d enhanced version you don’t see jitter if you fly in formation . Please remember that I advice fix FPS in p3d and also in FCR for avoid this issues. I ll let you know soon ! Thank you very much!!!
  9. Hi All , new update v4.0.1903.27 contains an important fix for people dont see Flaps And Gear replay for PMDG 737 777 747 . PMDG 737 747 777 MUST HAVE IN THE AIRCRAFT TITLE THE WORDS "PMDG" / "777" or "747" or "777" AS YOU HAVE WITH ORIGINAL PMDG LIVERY. IF YOU HAVE CUSTOM LIVERY PLEASE CHECK IN AIRCRAFT CFG!
  10. Hi Jim! thank you!!! I hope it will be always more a milestone in this world ! yes you can change camera ! In next version v4.5 will be also an automatic way change camera during replay πŸ˜‰ f
  11. Meanwhile FlightControlReplay v4.5 develop continue...... we are building an Alpha version for next major version. This alpha version use Tech that will be release in Windows 19H1 or 19H2. Thanks to Microsoft MixedReality developer program! F
  12. Hi!! thank you very Much ! I m curious about Milviz phantom! Next week I ll test it and i ll let you know πŸ‘ f
  13. In next update will be integrated into installer (vc redist and directx sdk redist ) .
  14. Please install Vc 2008 redist and direct x redist you see in read me file . Let me know
  15. Hi! you can use fixed FPS settings in FCR and also in prepar3d . Or use automatic or if you prefer use fixed FPS πŸ˜‰ . Speed can be adjusted using FCR FPS settings ! Automatic mode will be enhanced in next week free update for all customers πŸ‘ Cheers f
  16. Hello! Yes it depends on installation of .net framework. Please install framework and important thing is that your antivirus don’t block DLL. Thanks fa
  17. Please Uncheck also Voice reco in Enhanced version πŸ˜‰ Let me know!
  18. if you unchek Record Audio during flight recording it works also with Enhanced πŸ˜‰
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