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Everything posted by VOZzer

  1. Hi Pete, I re-red you last post and understood things better. To get the weather readings "filled-in", an application must have a specific signature. If this signature is accepted by FSUIPC, then FSUIPC fills the weather in and it is red. Correct? Question is though, how can I get SIOC to receive these readings if you said it is not a compatible program of which FSUIPC Weather Signature works with.
  2. Hi Pete, I said in my last post I'd like the Cloud Layer Datas for the nearest weather station.
  3. Hi Pete, I think I'm finally starting to understand what you're saying, and I think you're starting to understand what I'm saying. :D I *think* you're trying to say that Offsets like CE8D only give such a reading if a LOCATION is specified. Is this correct? All I want to happen (now that you mention weather stations) is for SIOC to receive: - Precipitation reports for cloud levels one to five at the NEAREST weather station - Turbulence reports for cloud levels one to five at the NEAREST weather station Is this possible, without using any fancy programs, just writing a SIOC Script that reads FSUIPC Offsets? All I want are Precipitation/Turbulence Reports for Cloud Layers 1-5 at the nearest weather station.
  4. Hi Pete, Isn't the "add-on requesting the weather" going to be SIOC? If I use a FSUIPC_IN Link it usually reads the offset and gives a necessary output. Which particular documentation are we referring to? I've read the new_weather.txt file in the SDK (both of them). I think I'm not understanding the physical purpose of Offset $CE8D. I thought it gave the precipitation level (0-5) for Cloud Layer 1. If SIOC reads this, and gives an output, what is the problem?
  5. Hi Pete, When you say "NWI Command", what are you referring to? Also, I do NOT want weathe reports at the ircraft, or the weather station. My system also does not work like a conventional radar, it just takes weather and illuminates if there's a certain condition. Nothing fancy. I was under the impression, for example, if CE8D is more than 3 SIOC will read this and give an output as necessary? If there something I keep missing in what you or the documentation says? :?
  6. So will it work? I'm dying to know! :P :P :P
  7. Hi Pete, I will go more in-depth at what I'm trying to do, as your above post's question can easily be answered. On my weather radar panel, I have two rotary Knobs. One is for turning the radar ON (not applicable in this discussion), and the other is for selecting the cloud LEVEL scanned (the knob runs from 0-5). For example, if the radar is ON, and the rotary knob is set to 4, it will use the Offsets $CEBD (Precipitation) and $CEB8 (Turbulence), as they ONLY apply to cloud level four. If Offset CEBD/CEB8 is above 3, an LED will light up. So, in short, the rotary knob numbers give the signal of which Offset to use (ie if in position 1, only Offsets for cloud level 1 are given). This is all controlled through the SIOC Scripting. Jack :D
  8. Hi Pete, When you say they won't work how I want... Don't they just show a simple value from 0-5 regarding precipitation? I'm not exactly sure what the problem is with the NWI, 0-5 sounds like a simple reading to me, and if it is Length 1 Byte, that is all I need to know. Each Offset named represents a cloud layer (correct?). I did find the txt file you posted - I read it wrong. This is exactly what I want it to do (please tell me if this WON'T work): - If Turbulence/Precipitation is MORE than "3", then an LED Lights up (ie Offset read)
  9. Right Pete, I'm using the Offsets such as CE8D which fall into the latter, FSX "New Weather" range. Especially handy for me because I'm using FSX. So I'll just stick with those. The Offset I'm using are the Cloud Precipitation Rate layers, numbered ones, which as you said refrence to cloud LAYERS. I do very much apologise if the next question's answer can be derived from documentation. It's just that I personally haven't found it yet in the Manual(s). SIOC Programming requires knowledge of the "Length" of the Offset in Bytes. Where can I find this in regards to Offsets such as CE8D? It isn't in the FSUIPC Offsets status manual. Thanks, Jack :D EDIT: Had another peek. Is it, by any chance, 16 Bytes?
  10. Hi Pete, This screenshot may help: As you can see, there are two types of Precipitation Offset.
  11. Hi Pete, Thanks alot. That really hellps because I can now use a rotary knob labelled 1-10, and when it is turned to a certain number, it shows data for that layer (eg rotary position 3 = cloud layer 3). Another question though: What is the difference between Cloud precipitation rate and precipitation rate? Is Cloud Precipitation Rate also "numbered" 0-5, only difference being that it applies to one cloud and not a "generic" figure which I think precipitation rate is?
  12. Right, I'm talking about using FSInterragator. If i setup the fields in the FSInterragator interface so that only FSX Compatible and "Weather" Offsets appear in the table, then I get Offsets such as CAB8. However, CAB8 is just a number of FSUIPC Offsets that apply to "Written Cloud Turbulence". This is detailed in the following picture: As a summary of what I'd like to know: - What do those numbers in brackets mean after all the FSUIPC Offsets?
  13. Hello everyone, Now, as some of you may know, the Level-D 767 does not come with a weather radar. as such, I am planning on making my own weather radar system in which LEDs ligh up (in real life) if certain Offsets (such as precipitation Offsets) are above a certain level. This will provide a simple yet very reliable system (I hope). For example: "If Offset X is more than Y, then LED Z lights up"... If you're wondering how I get them to light up it is with Opencockpits Hardware (Mastercard). However, before I start the scripting, I have a few questions about certain relavent offsets... - Offset 04CB, Precipitation Rate. In the manual it says that this value is represented by 0-5. I take it this is the default FSX values of "Light", "Very Light", "Heavy", etc? - CAB8, Written Cloud Turbulence (4). First of all, what do the numbers in brackets mean? This also applies to other Offsets such as Cloud Precipitation Rate, etc. Secondly, does this Offset have any adjustments tagged to it (ie is it doubled, divided, etc)? - What is the difference between Precipitation Rate Offset, and Cloud Precipitation Rate Offset? Thanks, I will probably have more questions as the thread progresses, VOZzer (Jack) :D
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