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Everything posted by johanknol

  1. Ok, here is the reply from Ryan: When you say "every other load" do you mean loading the aircraft over itself without shutting the sim down and restarting it first? If so, that's a big no no with most complex addons - there's bugs in FSX that cause all the data to corrupt if you do that... That makes sense, so maybe we have to live with it. I can, with just another reload :). Regards, Johan
  2. Please don't kill the messenger :) I just did and will keep you informed. Regards Johan
  3. Thanks Pete, this will make live a lot easier! Your implementation however shows the same anomalies as my C# wrapper (no. 99 in this topic): the ngx seems dead. I tracked it down so far that every other time the plane gets loaded it does not send SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_CLIENT_DATA messages to the dispatch proc. E.g., using that nice fsuicp feature on the logging tab I have offset 6570 on screen, toggle the gear lever, the value changes with it. Reload the plane, nope. Reload the plane, yes! And that goes in the same pace as the lights on my mip with just the C# wrapper and a IOWarrior usb board. (Yes, I also tried without my C# wrapper running :). So I don't think it's fsuicp, I still hoped to find something on my side, but now I think pmdg needs a call about this. I "fixed" it by the way, by detecting a ngx load, disconnect and reconnect to simconnect. I know it's not only my machine since I had a couple of mails about this issue from other people. Hth and thanks again for the update, Johan Knol
  4. I had the same problem, and was a little bit confused by the values from MAIN_GearLever variable // 0: UP 1: OFF 2: DOWN the reply from a pmdg support ticket was: "He is right that the MAIN_GearLever variable has 3 possible values, 0=up, 1=off, 2=down.. This variable is converted from the actual gear lever animation step, which has much more intermediate positions. When he tries to set gear lever to a "direct" position like 0..1..2, nothing useful happens because this is interpreted as an animation step, not "up - off - down". He should try using mouse click simulation instead, i.e. pass MOUSE_FLAG_LEFTSINGLE or MOUSE_FLAG_RIGHTSINGLE instead of 0, 1, 2. This is described in the SDK docs. Send EVT_GEAR_LEVER with a left- or right-click parameter to move lever to UP or DOWN, and send EVT_GEAR_LEVER_OFF with a left-click parameter to move it to OFF." Works like a charm. HTH, Johan
  5. Hi roarkr! I was already looking for some sioc support for named variables like in: Var 0737, name flapsin, Link PMDGIN, Input MAIN_TEFlapsNeedle VAR 738, name flapsout, Link PMDGOUT, Output EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER But I read somewhere that opencockpits self is working on it, so I decided to wait what that brings first. If you intend to implement the whole set like above I would be more then glad to help you though. I need that for my next to buy overhead anyway. But I don't think you need my wrapper for this at all. Since you are already programming in c++ you need only a few line of my wrapper code. Which is nothing more really than also a small part of the sdk example code. But I can imagen that the simconnect stuff frightens you off a little. What you described about can be done easily, but maybe we should continue to discuss the details offline and come back here when there is news? regards, Johan Knol
  6. I've seen that a couple of times too, most often it's working again after reloading the ac, don't have a real grip on that yet. If i'll find a clue i'll post it, please do so as well. Johan
  7. Ok, I wrapped it up as a zipped vs2010 solution in https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2Rk9ossiH4Hc1NRSFZqYVdRZ1dUM1lMNldpRkxSZw It's the wrapper dll and a very basic C# example that simply dumps all the variables in a grid and toggles the taxi light switch once in a while. Have fun!
  8. I made a small dll wrapper with just 2 exported methods and an internal SimConnect_CallDispatch thread void *GetPmdgData() and int RaisePMDGEvent(EPmdgEvent event, int parameter) I use it to Marshal it into C# where I emacs-ed PMDG_NGX_SDK.h into C# structs and enums. If someone is interested I could post or upload some code here.
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