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Dirk98 last won the day on June 22 2019

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About Dirk98

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Patrick, it is a known fact that GF doesn't work well with USB3. That's why before building my new system I researched the latest mobos for enough internal USB2.0 connectors. ASRock mobos usually still have 3 of them (internal connector can accommodate x2 USB ext.). So I added 3 external usb2.0 boards and used them for connecting hubs with my GF gear. Dirk.
  2. Pete, which file exactly do you want me post? Which is p3d crash log file? Where is it? Thanks, Dirk.
  3. Now, this is how I've fixed this crash at first P3D launch: 1. I ran SimConnect.msi installers from the redist folder 2. I removed SimConnectP3D3.dll folder (ver. from FSUIPC4.95 install) 3. I deleted *.wx files from Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\ folder 4. I switched off wxstationlist.bin file in Weather folder Only after that P3D launches seamless on the the first run after pc reboot. Do I still need SimConnectP3D3.dll and wxstationlist.binfiles? Thanks, Dirk.
  4. Sorry Pete, I think I misinterpeted your post, you rather pointed to the old version of Prepar3D.exe that you found in Beavis's log, didn't you? Dirk.
  5. If I run all SimConnect.msi files in redist folder, do I need SimconnectP3D3.dll in Modules folder at all? Thanks,
  6. Luke, I renamed wxstationlist.bin to wxstationlist.bin.off and removed all *.wx files in Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files folder. Rebooted my PC and launched P3D - still the same problem. My FSUIPC version is 4.95 and Prepar3D.exe is: Prepar3D.exe version = Thanks, Dirk. PS: Don't I need wxstationlist.bin at all? Does it ever get regenerated?
  7. I'm having a similar problem on the first launch of P3D with the freshly installed FSUIPC after each reboot of my PC as posted in this thread: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/81463-fsuipc495-crashes-p3dv32/ Pete, please note the latest version of Prepar3D.exe version = not "Prepar3D.exe version =" And it's been there since 16-03-07. Can that be the key to my problem posted in my thread? Thanks, Dirk.
  8. I'm having a weird problem with FSUIPC4.95 installation crashing my vanilla P3Dv3.2 in Win10 x64 on each first launch of P3D. It took me 4 days of research, multiple uninstalls and Acronis recover to pin this problem down to FSUIPC4.95 install. I would never imagine FSUIPC could to that to me. )) So, each time when I reboot my pc and launch P3D first time I hear some Win10 system chimes followed by Errpr: "Prepar3D exe has stopped working". I close the program and launch P3D again. Second launch produces only the chimes but no Errors and all seems to work OK after that, no matter how many launches I make. Soon as I reboot - the story repeats the same. Very weird. If I edit FSUIPC entry in DLL.XML to Disabled>True< the problem is gone, no chimes no messages. Please help. Thanks, Dirk.
  9. I'll try to answer myself by quoting this from GIT User Guide:
  10. Alas, I fail to understand the difference yet. See, If I can use mouse click macros facility in FSUIPC to control most of the functions in iFly why do I necesserily need iFly2fsuipc.exe running in the background to be able to manipulate the same controls via FSUIPC? Any exe running in the background is such a nuisance, and there's nobody who's come up with a direct solution but iFly2fsuipc... Thanks, Dirk.
  11. Thank you very much, Pete. Dirk.
  12. Are those "additional FS controls" by PMDG that you mentioned are the same "The SDK lists all the extra (non-FS) controls added to the normal FS range" in context? Thanks, Dirk. PS: In PMDG I use those controls with FSUIPC actually, just trying to get a general notion, thanks!
  13. Pete, in case with iFly's 737ng, why does it need some iflytofsuipc.exe to talk to FSUIPC, whereas PMDG's 737ngx understands controls sent from FSUIPC directly? And the both use L:vars in their programming if I articulate it right (at all). Does this mean PMDG had coded their lvars so that they could be handled by FSUIPC directly and iFly had not? Sorry, if I'm having trouble even with the terminology. Thanks, Dirk.
  14. All is clear, thanks. Dirk.
  15. Paul, this is what I expected starting the thread. What exactly is "...or words to that effect". Thanks, Dirk.
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