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  1. Thank you, Down. It's a pitty! No one is willing to take the source of MakeRwys and update it for MSFS2024? Thanks!
  2. Hello.. Any news about a version of MakeRwys for MSFS2024? Thanks! Regards.
  3. Hello... I have the same problem with one of my app. But, how to report the problem to Torsten Spiering (the author)? I can't find a way to contact him. Do you know a way? Thanks. Regards.
  4. Hello Pete. Thank you very much. In our virtual airline (AirHispania) we are looking forward to seeing a new version of MakeRwys. Without MakeRwys we won't be able to assess our flights and record them in our database. We hope you can find some time to make MakeRwys compatible with MSFS. Again, thank you and best regards. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD
  5. Hello... Same happening here. Here you are my FSUIPC4.log: ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.939 by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "E:\Prepar3D v2\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside Prepar3D Module base=1A4C0000 User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 31 System time = 11/02/2015 22:18:33 31 FLT path = "C:\Users\Luis Fernandez\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\" 31 Trying E:\Prepar3D v2\Modules\SimConnectP3D.dll 62 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 62 FS path = "E:\Prepar3D v2\" 202 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 202 ### Failed to obtain SIM1 Frictions access: no frictions facilities available! 202 Reason 6: SIM1 base=00C70000 202 FrictionAddr=00CA0108 contains 11E85750 202 BrakingAddr=00CA13C8 contains CC45DC00 202 Hook Error: can't find .37 in SIM1.dll 202 Hook Error: can't find .37 in VISUALFX.dll Thank you!
  6. Yes, that was the trick !! It works! It doesn't work in a DOS window :blink: Thank you very much for the new version... and for your patience. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  7. Still no luck :sad: I attach a screenshot of r4.csv It's not only LE88, there are several aerodromes in the same situation. I run makerwys from the command prompt: E:\FS9>makerwys.exe/>0 Is that correct?? Thank you and I am sorry to disturb you, Pete. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  8. I am sorry Pete but the problem is still there. And I think the length is in feet because LE38 and LE88 runways are quite short, just for small airplanes. I am sure LE38 is not 1739m long There must be something odd in the bgls. Why don't you copy both bgls in your FS and try? Thank you for your time. Regards. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  9. Sorry... I didn't explain it well. I mean... It is shorter than 1500 m and MakeRunways has taken it in account ! So, the length is not the problem. Thank you. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  10. Thanks Pete. I tried with version 4.43 and I got the same. Apparently, the length is not the problem because I found LE38 which length is 1739 ft 1) in runways.txt: ============================================================================= Addon Scenery\AirHispania SC\scenery\Torremocha de Jiloca_LE38_AF2.BGL ============================================================================= Airport LE38 :N40:36:11.8059 W001:15:54.4421 3332ft City Name="Torremocha" Airport Name="Torremocha de Jiloca" in file: Addon Scenery\AirHispania SC\scenery\Torremocha de Jiloca_LE38_AF2.BGL Runway 15 /33 centre: N40:36:11.8059 W001:15:54.4421 3332ft Start 15 : N40:36:18.3172 W001:15:58.8772 3332ft Hdg: 152.4 true Computed start 15 : Lat 40.605392 Long -1.266578 Offset Threshold primary: 131 feet Start 33 : N40:36:06.8172 W001:15:50.9867 3332ft Hdg: 332.4 true Computed start 33 : Lat 40.601166 Long -1.263667 Offset Threshold secondary: 295 feet Hdg: 152.400 true (MagVar -2.000), Asphalt, 1739 x 79 ft *** Runway *** LE380150 Lat 40.605392 Long -1.266578 Alt 3332 Hdg 154 Len 1739 Wid 79 *** Runway *** LE380330 Lat 40.601166 Long -1.263667 Alt 3332 Hdg 334 Len 1739 Wid 79 COM: Type=7 (CLEARANCE), Freq=130.12, Name="Jefe de vuelos" Taxipoint #0, type 1 (normal): N40:36:16.0820 W001:15:58.5893 -- Forward Taxipoint #1, type 1 (normal): N40:36:06.0073 W001:15:51.7317 -- Forward 2) in runways.xml: <ICAO id="LE38"> <ICAOName>Torremocha de Jiloca</ICAOName> <City>Torremocha</City> <Longitude>-1.265123</Longitude> <Latitude>40.603283</Latitude> <Altitude>3332</Altitude> <MagVar>-2.000</MagVar> <Runway id="15"> <Len>1739</Len> <Hdg>154.400</Hdg> <Def>Asphalt</Def> <ILSFreq></ILSFreq> <Lat>40.605392</Lat> <Lon>-1.266578</Lon> </Runway> <Runway id="33"> <Len>1739</Len> <Hdg>334.400</Hdg> <Def>Asphalt</Def> <ILSFreq></ILSFreq> <Lat>40.601166</Lat> <Lon>-1.263667</Lon> </Runway> </ICAO> Thank you. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  11. Hello Pete. Yes, I have found several aerodromes with the same problem. In our virtual airline we have a tool to evaluate the quality of our flights. This tool checks (among other parameters) if we have landed right on the runway. That's why I need to know the runway coordinates. If MakeRunways omits runways shorter than 1500 m then it would be a pity. By the way.. what do you mean by "Maybe you need some sort of run-time override?" I am using MakeRunways 4.41. I will try with 4.43 and I will let you know. Thank you very much for your help. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
  12. Hello... I am using MakeRunways and, apparently, it can not get information from some airports. There might be something wrong in the .bgls...¿? For example, I paste info about LE88... 1) ...from runways.txt: ============================================================================= Addon Scenery\AirHispania SC\scenery\Arcones_LE88_AF.BGL ============================================================================= Airport LE88 :N41:06:52.9701 W003:44:03.5381 3828ft City Name="Arcones" Airport Name="Arcones" in file: Addon Scenery\AirHispania SC\scenery\Arcones_LE88_AF.BGL Runway 26 /8 centre: N41:06:52.6138 W003:44:01.3154 3828ft Start 26 : N41:06:53.7152 W003:43:55.6941 3828ft Hdg: 255.6 true Start 8 : N41:06:51.5448 W003:44:06.9370 3828ft Hdg: 75.6 true Hdg: 255.568 true (MagVar -3.100), ASPHALT, 984 x 66 ft Taxipoint #0, type 1 (normal): N41:06:50.6377 W003:44:04.8205 -- Forward Taxipoint #1, type 1 (normal): N41:06:50.8321 W003:44:03.4961 -- Forward etc etc.... 2) ...from runways.xml: <ICAO id="LE88"> <ICAOName>Arcones</ICAOName> <City>Arcones</City> <Longitude>-3.734316</Longitude> <Latitude>41.114723</Latitude> <Altitude>3828</Altitude> <MagVar>-3.100</MagVar> </ICAO> As you can see, in runways.xml there is no information about runways and, therefore, LE88 doesn't appear in R4.csv Dou you have any clue? Thank you very much. AHS8553 Luis Fernández LEVD www.airhispania.com
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