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BillA last won the day on August 11 2020

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About BillA

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi tried to replay a landing with the Fenix A320 and again, spoilers are all over the place, the throttles are not correct, throttle 1 is in reverse position. I even reloaded the plane and same thing happens. Im on the latest V5.0.2405.29
  2. I see...so I have a bat file already launching my MSFS for my reshade. Can I add it too that one? The reshade bat file only has this: cd %UserProfile%\ReshadeInjectUWP inject64.exe "FlightSimulator.exe" | powershell Start-Process -filepath explorer.exe shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
  3. With all the past versions it would auto start with Microsoft flight simulator, however with this latest one it's not Auto starting even though it's set up to auto start with MSFS.
  4. For me it's the time it takes from aircraft/route selection in the World Map until the aircraft is loaded and ready-to-fly that's taking so long I have to close the sim. Was working fine, then updated FSUIPC. Loaded the sim and the issue started. Did a test. Disabled FSUIPC7, The 737s loaded up like normal. Re-enabled FSUIPC, with the latest version, and the problem came back Thanks Bill
  5. Glad I stopped here on this forum. I updated to the latest version of FSUIPC7 and now when loading my PMDG 737s it takes a very very long time to load, I'm talking about waiting like 10 minutes or even 15 minutes to load. And I know that when PMDG has updates it can take that long, however there are no updates this time and all my plans are updated. And when It did load one time it hung on the get ready screen and I had to Alt Cont Del and close flightsim. II don't have my older version of FSUIPC7
  6. Hi, will there be an update to fix the shaking that happens with playbacks? There is also a shaking that happens when recording enabled and being pushed back on the PMDG 737s which ruins the whole recording since its very shaky. Then when playing back a recording, it would shake in like a few seconds into the playback, then I would need to pause the playback rewind a little..play again and the shaking would be gone...but then comes back in like 10 seconds again. Shaking also happens with other planes like the Fenix A320
  7. Hi what would be the reason I would get about a 6 second pause in the sim whenever I start the recorder?
  8. Yes, hope it gets fixed, had the same issue where the spoilers would extend during departure during playback and also extend almost fully up like during landing during the decent.
  9. Sorry this was a post for Fabio Merlo Products Support Forum and flight control reply, can this be place there please
  10. Hi, I have followed the instructions of making sure to reload the Fenix A320 before replying a flight, however I have noticed that the spoilers will deploy at random times during the flight. During take off and climb once side of the spoilers will extended, and during the landing phase of the flight, again, once side will start deploying and even deploy all the way out like its landing on the ground. Anyway to fix this issue?
  11. Hi I have noticed that my playback recordings are not playing very smooth. When flying they were very smooth at 75mhz for the refresh rate on my monitor. Are there some settings I need to adjust for getting the proper smoothness on playing back recordings? I have auto set for sample rate or should I choose frames per second and set something like 74. On Video settings FPS can only be set to 60 and cant be changed.
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